A Rails engine providing an administrative interface to a Fedora Commons repository built on the Hydra project framework.
This project should be considered experimental. Versions earlier than 1.0 may change API and/or UI without notice or regard for backward compatibility.
fcrepo_admin is designed for installation on hydra-head 6.0 or higher (requires active-fedora 6.1 or higher). See https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head/wiki/Installation-Prerequisites.
An existing Hydra head. If you are starting from scratch, see https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head for instructions on creating a new Hydra head.
Add to Gemfile
gem 'fcrepo_admin'
Then bundle install
Mount the engine
In config/routes.rb
add this line:
mount FcrepoAdmin::Engine => '/', :as=> 'fcrepo_admin'
You may use any mount point. All routes include objects
as a subpath.
Add CanCan action aliases (fcrepo_admin >= 0.4.0)
In your Ability class (app/models/ability.rb
) include the FcrepoAdmin::Ability
module, for example:
class Ability
include Hydra::Ability
include Hydra::PolicyAwareAbility
include FcrepoAdmin::Ability
defines action aliases for permissions which are enforced on ActiveFedora::Base
If your application defines action aliases, please check FcrepoAdmin::Ability
for conflicts as aliases are global.
Customize catalog search results (optional)
If you would like catalog search results items to link to the fcrepo_admin object show view
instead of the catalog show view, create app/helpers/blacklight_helper.rb
with this content:
module BlacklightHelper
include Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior # Default Blacklight behaviors
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::BlacklightHelperBehavior # fcrepo_admin overrides
If you have an existing custom blacklight helper module, simply include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::BlacklightHelperBehavior
after Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior
Add audit trail support (optional)
To enable access to the Fedora audit trail data through the fcrepo_admin UI, include the
mixin in your ActiveFedora models:
include ActiveFedora::Auditable
To override default configurable settings for fcrepo_admin, create an initializer at config/initializers/fcrepo_admin.rb
You should start with this content:
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.before_initialize do
# Customized settings will go here
Refer to the default configuration settings at https://github.com/projecthydra/fcrepo-admin/blob/master/lib/fcrepo_admin/configurable.rb.
All configuration options are set by module methods prefixed by FcrepoAdmin
, for example:
FcrepoAdmin.read_only = true
Override objects helpers by creating app/helpers/fcrepo_admin/objects_helper.rb
with this content:
module FcrepoAdmin::ObjectsHelper
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::ObjectsHelperBehavior
# override methods here
In particular you may want to override object_title
Override datastreams helpers by creating app/helpers/fcrepo_admin/datastreams_helper.rb
with this content:
module FcrepoAdmin::DatastreamsHelper
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::DatastreamsHelperBehavior
# override methods here
The configuration settings that control the items on the context menus are:
FcrepoAdmin.object_nav_items = [:pid, :summary, :datastreams, :permissions, :associations, :audit_trail, :object_xml]
FcrepoAdmin.datastream_nav_items = [:dsid, :version, :current_version, :summary, :content, :download,
:edit, :upload, :history]
Each setting takes an array of symbols representing the items. You can start by copying the default values shown above. If you simply want to rearrange or remove items, then just modify the default arrays.
To add a custom navigation item, start by adding your own symbol to the approriate array setting. Then override the
appropriate helper method (see section above on overriding fcrepo_admin helpers) -- for object context nav, override
in ObjectsHelper
; for datastream context nav, override custom_datastream_nav_item
in DatastreamsHelper
Each method takes a single symbol argument and should return either nil (meaning no menu item is to be added) or the
content of a menu item. Do not include the <li></li>
wrapper. You may want to use link_to_unless_current
and/or put a condition on the menu item (i.e., so that nil
is returned if the condition is not met).
The contents of the object context navigation menu can be customized by overriding the object_context_nav_items
helper method, or by copying and modifying the partial fcrepo_admin/objects/context_nav_items
The contents of the datastream context navigation menu can be customized by overriding the
helper method, or by copying and modifying the partial
To override or extend controller behaviors, please consult Rails engine documentation and guides, such as http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html.
IMPORTANT: If you add a non-RESTful action to a controller, you will probably have to add a CanCan action alias
to your Ability class. For this, you can use Hydra's custom_permissions
class Ability
include Hydra::Ability
include Hydra::PolicyAwareAbility
include FcrepoAdmin::Ability
def custom_permissions
alias_action :my_method, :to => :read
Due to the way Rails resolves relative paths to partials, in order to use Blacklight's default document index view behavior
on the associations show page and avoid missing template errors, fcrepo_admin provides a custom document partial at
that renders the partial at catalog/document
, for which Blacklight provides a default.
If you have a custom document partial at a different path that you want to use for the document list on the associations
show page, you may be able to simply copy it to app/views/fcrepo_admin/catalog/document
, or you might try putting
this content in that file:
<%= render :partial => 'path/to/my/document', :locals => { :document => document, :document_counter => document_counter } %>
replacing the partial path as appropriate. If anyone has a better solution or knows of a way to avoid providing the document partial in fcrepo_admin admin, please submit a pull request.
Blacklight's default show page for a document (i.e., Solr document for, in this case, an ActiveFedora object) includes a menu
of actions, including a bookmark function. In order to provide the most flexible interface with a focus on repository "administrative"
functions, we have not included this content in the default fcrepo_admin views. However, since the fcrepo_admin object show view
includes the Solr document in its context, you could re-add this functionality by overriding the default template at
or by overriding the catalog show partial which that views renders.
To suppress mutating behaviors (i.e, routes, nav items, etc.) regardless of user permissions, add this configuration setting:
FcrepoAdmin.read_only = true
An effort has been made to support i18n on headings, menus, etc. See https://github.com/projecthydra/fcrepo-admin/blob/master/config/locales/fcrepo_admin.en.yml for the keys and consult the Rails documentation on how to provide your own translations or alternate text values.
Kaminari as of version 0.14.1 does not support namespace-prefixed routes, which causes a routing error in Blacklight's
helper when called from within fcrepo_admin. In place of paginate_rsolr_response
use its own helper safe_paginate_rsolr_response
which provides a basic set of pagination links without using Kaminari.
There is (as of 2013-05-24) an outstanding Kaminari pull request which resolves the routing issue (https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari/pull/322). You can implement this solution by adding to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'kaminari', github: 'harai/kaminari', branch: 'route_prefix_prototype'
and then override the safe_paginate_rsolr_response
helper with something like:
def safe_paginate_rsolr_response(response)
paginate_rsolr_response response, :outer_window => 2, :theme => 'blacklight', :route_set => fcrepo_admin
the key part being the :route_set
option -- note that the value is not a string -- with gets passed through to Kaminari.
If Kaminari is suitably patched in the future, we will likely remove safe_paginate_rsolr_response
in favor of
in the root of the project.
file in the root directory of the project for copyright and license information.
Licenses for code copied from other projects will be included in source files as required.