samvera-labs / nurax-pre2023

Vanilla-plus Hyrax app for testing and tire-kicking
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This is an application used for testing the state of Hyrax. The main branch is pinned to Hyrax main, and is automatically deployed to once per day. The nurax-stable branch is pinned to the latest stable release of Hyrax, and is deployed much less often, only when there has been a new release, to

Running with Docker

See the docker notes to learn about running Nurax in Docker.


The nurax servers are built using the ansible-samvera ansible roles. These servers are maintained by Data Curation Experts as a service to the Samvera Community.

Auto-deploy process

There is a cron-job on nurax-dev running this script once per day:


# Get the latest nurax main
# Make a branch with today's date and update hyrax
# Push and deploy that branch
# Delete the branch

today ='%Y-%m-%e-%H-%M')
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; git checkout main; git pull; git checkout -b "#{today}"`
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; bundle update hyrax`
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; git commit -a -m 'Daily update for "#{today}"'; git push --set-upstream origin #{today}`
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; BRANCH_NAME="#{today}" cap nurax-dev deploy`
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; git checkout main; git push origin --delete "#{today}"`
`cd /home/ubuntu/nurax; git checkout main; git branch -D "#{today}"`


Please direct questions about this code or the servers where it runs to the #nurax channel on Samvera slack.