sandalle / minecraft_bigreactor_control

Minecraft BigReactor Computercraft Control Program
MIT License
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Reactor/Turbine status not displaying on monitor #15

Closed knapp636 closed 10 years ago

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

Forgive me in advance as im very new to coding and im not sure if this is somthing I did or an actual problem with the program. I just hooked up V 0.3.9 to my 4 turbine system and so far it works wonderfully except for the monitor displays.

The only screen I have is the summary one (and a debug if I enable that), This screen here -

Additionally I get this in the computer terminal

Both big reactors and computercraft are updated and im not getting an error (the program is running perfectly just not the displays).

Any help would be appreciated

Edit: I did use V 0.3.8 which I found on pastebin (and is the one listed in the readme). It's displays worked perfectly but did not control the turbine or reactor. Fresh computer was used for the most recent update and the networking was unchanged.

sandalle commented 10 years ago

How many displays do you have? If you only have one 3x2 (or larger) monitor connected, then you will get the summary page that you see there. If you want to use more monitors, you should have a 3x2 monitor for each reactor (passively or actively cooled) and each turbine, plus one for the summary. If you enable debug, then that's yet another 3x2 monitor to connect.

As for the console output, I added that in 0.3.9 so that people know it's running and found the devices, but if it's confusing I'll remove it before the next release.

0.3.9 is quit yet official, when it is I'll post a release (see and update the pastebin ( which the startup script ( auto-downloads every boot. :)

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the timely response! I currently have 6 monitors setup . I have used that same startup script prior and like I mentioned the displays work fine but the reactor control + turbine controls do not seem to work properly. It just sets the control rods at 99% essentially shutting off steam production. I almost feel like the program is trying to move the rods in the wrong direction but i read your post about working fine for you so im not sure what I did wrong.

essentially 0.3.8 displays work but not the auto-adjust. On the same setup 0.3.9 works for controls but not displays. (Again same setup, no cables or monitors removed). I can provide any information to make this easier.

Again thank you for your time

sandalle commented 10 years ago

If possible, could I get a copy of your save to check it out? On my test bed I have one passively cooled reactor, two actively cooled reactors, and three turbines all working fine being controlled by one computer with seven monitors (3xreactor + 3xturbine + summary).

The program uses the control rods to control the temperature, so if your reactor is designed to run hot the control rods will be throttled to 99%, even if your buffer is not full.

From the documentation (in the program and on this site):

Rod Control: 90% (Let's start off safe and then power up as we can)
Minimum Energy Buffer: 15% (will power on below this value)
Maximum Energy Buffer: 85% (will power off above this value)
Minimum Temperature: 850^C (will raise control rods below this value)
Maximum Temperature: 950^C (will lower control rods above this value)
Minimum Active Cooling Temperature: 300^C (will raise the control rods below this value)
Maximum Active Cooling Temperature: 420^C (will lower control rods above this value)
Optimal Turbine RPM: 900, 1,800, or 2,700 (divisible by 900)
New user-controlled option for target speed of turbines, defaults to 2726RPM, which is high-optimal.

mechaet is working on improving the algorithms and will likely expand the temperature range allowed, as my current values are based on the mod author's documentation, not in-game experimentation. :)

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

After testing it a bit more it does seem like EZ-NUKE is attempting to regulate my turbine but thinks that its optimal RPM is 2000+. I looked and I did not see a line for it in the ReactorOptions file but did see 2726 as the default in the code (line 840 seems to want to set 2726 as the default if its not found in the config but I only have a week of lua exp so I really don't know what im talking about :P )

I feel like the reactor should be working fine. Its an activly cooled reactor but the program sets the control rods to 99%. Reactor temp is 107c and yet rods are still at 99%.

As for the world save I can certainly do that although the guy who runs the server has no idea how to only send the chunks needed so I had to have him grab the whole file.

Link to the world download

Screencap of the reacor location

If needed I can recreate the setup on a fresh creative world and send that over (reducing the size considerably). The mod pack we use is The Crack Pack (

sandalle commented 10 years ago

Could you try the latest 0.3.9 code just submitted? mechaet did some algorithm improvements. :) I have the test code pasted to if you prefer (can just modify your startup to download that version). I'm on capped Internet and that world file is a bit large, we'll see if we can't fix it. :) My local tests are at 0% rod control and ~1,740^C actively cooled, 19% rod control and ~2,323^C actively cooled, and the passively cooled one is at 36% rod control and ~1,329^C. They are various sized turbines and reactors to give me a variety of test results, but I could be missing a setup. :)

You could also try removing your ReactorOptions file after the code update to see if that helps kickstart the algorithm again.

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

The test code uploaded is working fine with managing reactors and turbines. (Balancing the temperature beautifully I might add). Although I only have the main status screen with the other 5 blank. (on the prior versions all screens worked. 1 reactor, 4 turbines, 1 status and a debug if enabled)

I feel like either I am missing something silly or the program just doesn't like me. (Yes I have checked to make sure the network cabled are actually plugged in and the modem is enable :P )

sandalle commented 10 years ago

I've had bug reports before where they didn't enable the modem. :)

mechaet is mentioning the same problem, though on my tests it's working fine, so I don't think that you're crazy.

You should either have one monitor connected for any number of turbines + reactors (only get a summary) or #turbines + #reactors + 1 monitors connected, no more, no less. With debug enabled, add an additional monitor. From what it sounds like, you have the correct number of monitors (six monitors for 1 reactor + 4 turbines (=5) + a summary (=6)), but only the summary one is highlighting). Perhaps there's a bug in my display code for when there is only one reactor.

I'll do some testing.

sandalle commented 10 years ago

Just disconnected all but one reactor and three turbines and I see your issue, only the summary screen is loading, the rest are not. I'll take a look, thanks!

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

Ive also come across another small issue with the turbine management. It seems to get stuck sometimes at 2000 mB/t flow rate and wont budge until you manually knock it down a few. My ideal RPM is set to 1800 which should require 1302 mB/t to maintain. I have a feeling this is an issue caused by something around line 1330 but again... just started looking at lua. After you tell it to not supply 2000 input its like "ah ok so I need to go down". I hope this is helpful at all! I have been able to recreate this multiple times on a few different turbine configs requiring an optimal RPM of 1800.

Edit: The criteria for recreating this seems to be:

  1. Rotor RPM above set in the config
  2. Steam Input at 2000mB/t when it passes the mark
sandalle commented 10 years ago

I've fixed the original reported display issue (and updated the linked pastebin), will release a 0.3.9 soon. The turbine algorithm will have a pass done on it soon, but for now you can manually set the flow rate (in the config as you did and/or via the GUI) and then disable auto-adjust, and that should help. Unless I'm misunderstanding your question. :)

knapp636 commented 10 years ago

Awesome and thank you. As for the turbine it just gets hung up when your above the RPM mark and supplying 2000mB/t. When it should be reducing the value it just keeps feeding the turbine. Ill keep an eye on it though in case it persists through the next pass. Ill try not to break the program anymore :P