sander-wood / autoharmonizer

Generating Chords from Melody with Flexible Harmonic Rhythm and Controllable Harmonic Density [EURASIP JASMP]
MIT License
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Generating Chords from Melody with Flexible Harmonic Rhythm and Controllable Harmonic Density

This is the source code of AutoHarmonizer, a harmonic density-controllable melody harmonization system with flexible harmonic rhythm, trained/validated on's lead sheet dataset.

The input melodies and harmonized samples are in the inputs and outputs folders respectively.

The musical discrimination test is available at

For more information, see our paper: arXiv paper.

Install Dependencies

Python: 3.7.9
Keras: 2.3.0
keras-metrics: 1.1.0
tensorflow-gpu: 2.2.0
music21: 6.7.1
tqdm: 4.62.3
samplings: 0.1.7

PS: Third party libraries can be installed using the pip install command.

Melody Harmonization

1. Put the melodies (could be parsed by music21) in the inputs folder;
2. Simply run;
3. Wait a while and the harmonized melodies will be saved in the outputs folder.

You can set the parameter RHYTHM_DENSITY∈[0, 1] in to adjust the density of the generated chord progression. The higher the value of RHYTHM_DENSITY, the more chords will be generated, and vice versa.

Use Your Own Dataset

1. Store all the lead sheets (MusicXML) in the dataset folder;
2. Run, which will generate data_corpus.bin;
3. Run, which will generate weights.hdf5.

After that, you can use to harmonize music with chord progressions that fit the musical style of the new dataset.

If you need to finetune the parameters, you can do so in It is not recommended to change the parameters in other files.