sandhje / vscode-phpmd

VSCode PHP Mess Detector extension
MIT License
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VSCode PHP Mess Detector

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To install the extension: Press F1, type ext install vscode-phpmd

Using the built-in PHPMD PHAR

To use the built-in PHP mess detector you need to have PHP in your PATH. To test, open a shell or command window and type php -v, this should return "PHP x.x.x ...". If PHP is in your PATH you can directly use this extension, no further setup is required.

Using a custom PHPMD PHAR or executable

If you want to customize the default PHP mess detector command, e.g. you have PHP mess detector globally installed through composer or have PHP available on a different location, you can customize the command with the command setting.


The following configuration options are available:


Customize the PHP mess detector command. If left empty the built-in PHPMD PHAR archive will be executed and PHP needs to be available on your PATH. If you want to use a different PHPMD PHAR you can customize the command here.


To use PHPMD installed globally with composer on a windows machine set this setting to:

"phpmd.command": "C:/Users/{USER}/AppData/Roaming/Composer/vendor/bin/phpmd.bat"

Or to use your own PHPMD PHAR on a custom location:

"phpmd.command": "php C:/path/to/phpmd.phar"`

Security fix in version 1.3.0: Before version 1.3.0 it was possible to set phpmd.command through workspace settings. This unfortunately opened possibilities for a remote code execution attack. As such, since version 1.3.0, this setting is disabled at workspace level to address this issue. I do understand though that some users used this workspace setting in their day to day work therefore it is still possible to override the phpmd.command setting through workspace settings via the phpmd.unsafeCommand setting. This setting is disabled by default, use at your own risk, see the explanation at the phpmd.unsafeCommandEnabled setting.


Customize the PHP mess detector command from workspace settings. This setting is ignored by default if phpmd.unsafeCommandEnabled is not set to true.

Warning: Please be aware that using this setting opens a possibility for a remote code execution attack. See the explanation at the phpmd.unsafeCommandEnabled setting.


Enable customizing the PHP mess detector command from workspace settings. Default is false. This setting can't be set in workspace settings.

Warning: Please be aware that enabling this setting opens a possibility for a remote code execution attack. When opening a folder from an untrusted source, the opened folder could have a .vscode folder with a settings.json file defining the phpmd.unsafeCommand setting. The command configured there will be executed as soon as a php file is opened in the workspace. The author of the untrusted code could execute any command on your system through this setting, resulting in your system possibly being compromised. Use at your own risk.


Customize the PHPMD ruleset files used. This option can also take the path to a custom PHPMD ruleset file. Use VS Code's workspace settings to control the rules or ruleset files per workspace. When setting a path to a ruleset file, and the path starts with "~/" this will be replaced with the OS homedir. The string "${workspaceFolder}" in a path to a ruleset file will be replaced with an absolute path to the folder in the workspace which relates to the file that is being validated. Refer to PHPMD's documentation for more information on the ruleset parameter.


To use only the cleancode ruleset and skip all the others:

"phpmd.rules": "cleancode"

Pass a comma seperated list of rulesets:

"phpmd.rules": "cleancode,codesize"

Pass the path to a ruleset file:

"phpmd.rules": "C:/path/to/phpmd_config.xml"

Pass the path to a ruleset file located in the home directory:

"phpmd.rules": "~/phpmd_config.xml"

Pass the path to a ruleset file located in the workspace folder:

"phpmd.rules": "${workspaceFolder}/phpmd_config.xml"


Turn verbose logging on or off. All log entries can be viewed VS Code's output panel. Generally this can be turned off (default) unless you need to troubleshoot problems.


To enable verbose logging:

"phpmd.verbose": true

System requirements



If you found a bug or can help with adding a new feature to this extension you can submit any code through a pull request. The requirements for a pull request to be accepted are:

Before contributing also make sure you are familiar with VSCode's language server development

Install all dependencies with yarn


See client/
