sangaram / wav2vec2

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Implementation of wav2vec 2.0


wav2vec 2.0

Environment setup

Create a python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv <env-name>

Activate the environment:

source <env-name>/bin/activate

Go to the project directory:

cd <project-directory>

Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the project package inside the virtual environment:

pip install .

Note :

You may eventually want to modify something in the project. In that case in order to have every working, you need either to re-install the package after modifications with the aforementioned command or directly install the package with the -e option so that every change will automaticaly be taken into account.

Verify if the package have successfully been installed by executing pip list and checking if wav2vec2 is part of the package list.


In order to pre-train the wav2vec 2.0 model, one needs to go inside the directory of and exectute it.

For non-distributed training:

python3 \
--distributed=0 \
--config=<config-path> \
--device=<device> \
--data=<librispeech-data-root-path> \
--batch_size=<batch-size> \
--epochs=<epochs> \
--save_path=<save-path> \
--save_every=<save-every> \

config: the configuration file containing the parameters information of the model to pre-train. It is a path to JSON file. See base.json for an example.\ device: either "cpu" or "gpu"\ data: the root directory containing a folder named LibriSpeech containing the LibriSpeech dataset used to pre-train the model in the original paper. If the given path doesn't exist, the LibriSpeech dataset is downloaded in the current directory by default.\ batch_size: the batch size.\ epochs: the number of pre-training epoch.\ save_path: file path to save the model checkpoints.\ save_every: the saving frequency.\ max_sample_size: the maximum wave form length for the batches.

For distributed training:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=<device> \
--distributed=1 \
--config=<config-path> \
--device=<device> \
--data=<librispeech-data-root-path> \
--batch_size=<batch-size> \
--epochs=<epochs> \
--save_path=<save-path> \
--save_every=<save-every> \