sanger / labwhere

A tool for tracking uniquely barcoded labware
MIT License
3 stars 10 forks source link


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A tool for tracking uniquely barcoded labware

Getting Started

  1. Get the right Ruby version Make sure you have the correct ruby version (in .ruby-version file) installed. e.g. rvm install ruby-3.2.0.

  2. Create a new gemset and install bundler (if necessary)

    rvm use ruby-3.2.0@rails526 --create
    gem install bundler
  3. Install dependencies:

    bundle install
    npm install
  4. Remove the .example suffix from two files - database.yml.example and bunny.yml.example

  5. Set up the local database The local database uses mysql.

    bundle exec rails db:create
    bundle exec rails db:environment:set
    bundle exec rails db:schema:load

Running The Specs

bundle exec rspec

Running The Server

bundle exec rails server

Generating the API Documentation

bundle exec rails docs:api

The documentation is written in API Blueprint and converted to HTML using the Apiary CLI client gem.

The documentation will be available at /api.

Creating some dummy data

bundle exec rails db:reload

This will create a user, location types and locations in a nested structure similar to the live setup.

Generate the correct restrictions

bundle exec rails restrictions:create

This will limit certain location parentage when creating locations and other restrictions seen in app/data/restrictions

Removing all of the data

bundle exec rails db:clear

This will remove all of the existing data without resetting the database.

Creating some dummy labwares

bundle exec rails labwares:generate_barcodes[num]

num = number of labwares that will be created.

This will create a number of labware barcodes that can then be scanned into the scan page.




Update .release-version with major/minor/patch. On merging a pull request into develop, a release will be created with the release version as the tag/name + -develop


Merging develop into master will create a release with the same name as the latest develop release but without the -develop suffix. You do NOT need to update .release-version


An ERD was created using the rails-erd gem by executing: bundle exec erd