sanger / traction-ui

MIT License
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logo Traction UI

A Vue front-end app to interact with the Traction API.

Requirements for Development

The following tools are required for development:

nvm is very helpful when managing multiple versions of node.

Getting Started

Configuring Environment

This project uses dotenv library for environmental config. To specify the required config, use .env files by creating a .env.<environment>.local file and add the config to it. The essential config required:


Setup Steps

Install the require dependencies:

npm install --include=dev

NB npm 7+ installs peer dependencies by default. In our case swrv will cause resolution failures so you will need to install with the --legacy-peer-deps flag:

npm install --include-dev --legacy-peer-deps

Node versions

You will need to use the node version in the .nvmrc file

If you are using npm you can do:

nvm use

If you are seeing fatal errors when running the tests this is likely caused by Node. v16.15.1 has a bug. Steps to fix this:


In the project directory, you can run:

npm run start

To run the app and have hot-reloads for development: This internally run serve and serve:css commands


Running Tests

Test Fixtures

The test fixtures for HTTP requests are stored in tests/data/ as structured JSON files. The actual mocked HTTP response is the value of the outer-most data property (often with a nested data property inside) while additional properties describe the returned status of the response.

  "data": {
    ...             <-- mocked response
  "status": 200,            <-- returned status
  "statusText": "Success"   <-- returned status text


npm run serve:css

Formatting and Linting


This project is formatted using Prettier. To run formatting checks, run:

npm run pretty

To fix errors locally run:

npx prettier --write .


This project is linted using ESLint. To lint the code, run:

npm run lint

To fix errors automatically run:

npm run lint -- --fix 


This project is built into a static archive for deployment. To trigger the creation of a new image, increment the .release-version version with the corresponding change according to semver.

Style Guide

style guide


To create the documentation using jsdoc run:

npm run jsdoc

The documentation will appear in the docs folder. Currently this does not work for .vue files.

To view them open the docs/index.html file.


Custom traction table implementation


Updating the Table of Contents

To update the table of contents after adding things to this README you can use the markdown-toc node module. To run:

npx markdown-toc -i