sanity / Athena

An efficient in-memory data structure supporting arbitrary boolean queries See README file below for more information.
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An efficient in-memory data structure supporting arbitrary boolean queries

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Athena is released under the GNU Lesser Public License V2.1. Please see for further information.


Athena was conceived and the initial Java prototype was written by Ian Clarke, who previously conceived Freenet, Swarm, co-founded Revver, and currently works on SenseArray.


Athena is an in-memory datastructure which allows you to store objects, associating each with a set of Strings, known as tags. You can then retrieve these objects by specifying a boolean query on the tags. The prototype implementation is written in Java.

For example, imagine you stored three types of animal with these tags:

["four-legs", "hair", "domesticated"] -> "dog"
["four-legs", "hair"] -> "wolf"
["two-legs", "feathers"] -> "bird"

Imagine you wanted to retrieve the four legged animals, you could query for:


Or let's say you wanted to get all the non-domesticated four legged animals:

  and(tag("four-legs"), not(tag("domesticated")))

Athena allows you to do this, and what's more, it strives to allow you to do this efficiently even with millions of objects and queries far more complex than these simple examples. It supports any combination of "and", "or", and "not" boolean operations.


The motivation for designing Athena was a situation where I have tens of thousands of objects, each of which may have 10-20 tags, and where I need to be able to retrieve these objects using boolean queries in a matter of microseconds. This implies that there is no time to do a disk seek, the data must be in memory, and an exhaustive search will be out of the question.

How it works

So the naive approach to this problem would be to do an exhaustive scan of all the objects you've got, checking each against the query, and returning those that match.

And, in fact, the first time you query Athena, this is exactly what it does. In other words, an exhaustive scan is the worst case scenario. Fortunately, Athena then starts to learn how to avoid this.

Currently objects may only be added to Athena, and once added, their tags cannot be changed. In the future this won't be the case, but we must walk before we fly.

When objects are added, they are appended to an array (an ArrayList is currently used for this). Each object is accompanied by a map of "shortcuts", each of which says "all of the objects after this one and before object X do NOT match query Y". This means that if you are looking for objects matching query Y, then you can skip to object X. It further means that if you are looking for objects that match query Z, and you know that no object that matches query Z will match query Y, then you can also skip to object X.

So where do these shortcuts come from? Well, much like Hansel and Gretel dropped breadcrumbs, they are created while Athena is searching for stuff. Basically as Athena searches, it keeps track of objects it could have skipped, and creates shortcuts to avoid checking those objects in the future. I've done my best to document the shortcut creation algorithm through commenting in the code, most of the action occurs in

Note also that, since we can't have an infinite number of shortcuts, we only keep those that seem to be useful (ie. we delete the least recently used shortcuts).

How to play with it

It should work "out of the box" assuming you have Maven 2 installed. Just grab the source code and type:

  mvn assembly:assembly

If not please file a bug report.

This unit test provides a good example of basic usage.

Current status

Still just a prototype, doesn't support modification or deletion of objects, and probably lots of room for efficiency improvements. Also it probably isn't thread safe. All of these shortcomings should be addressable without too much effort, this is still a very young endeavor. I can't do this alone, so if this excites you and you think you can help, please join our mailing list.