sanjay-kv / Open-source-Practice

GSSoC is a 3-month long #OpenSource program by GirlScript Foundation, India.
MIT License
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open-source-practice Pull Requests

Follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth contribution process!

Repository for you to raise a Pull Request to practice open-source! 🎉

Add your name to the alphabetical list and, optionally, a link to your GitHub account (in alphabetical order below your letter too)

Option 1. Complete this process in GitHub (in your browser) . or we can do by locally

flowchart LR
    Fork[Fork the project]-->branch[Create a New Branch]
    branch-->Edit[Edit file]
    Edit-->commit[Commit the changes]
    commit -->|Finally|creatpr((Create a Pull Request))

1. Fork the project:

2. Create a New Branch:

3. Edit:

4. Raise a Pull Request:

You can ask questions by raising an issue.

Option 2. Complete this process on your computer (locally)

1. Fork the project:

2. Clone this project on your computer:

  git clone
  cd being-an-GSSoc24

3. Open in code Editor:

4. Create a new branch: image

  git checkout -b <name-of-new-branch>

5. Edit the File: image

5. Stage your changes:

  git add


  git add .

6. Commit the changes: image

  git commit -m "Add <your-github-username>"
  git status
On branch <name-of-your-branch>
nothing to commit, working tree clean

7. Pushing your repository to GitHub:

  git push origin <name-of-your-branch>


  git branch -M main
  git push -u origin main


Warning: If you get an error message like the one below, you probably forgot to fork the repository before cloning it. It is best to start over and fork the project repository first.

ERROR: Permission to denied to <your-github-username>.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and that the repository exists.

8. Raise a Pull Request:

Hurray! You successfully made your first contribution! 🎉

How can I fix a merge conflict?

A GitHub conflict is when people make changes to the same area or line in a file. This must be fixed before it is merged to prevent collision in the main branch.



| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 |

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Our Pledge

We take participation in our community as a harassment-free experience for everyone and we pledge to act in ways to contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse and inclusive community.