sanketx / mitochondria_segmentation

Semi-supervised 3D segmentation of mitochondria in CryoET data
MIT License
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a picture of mitochondria with colored granules

3D Segmentation of Mitochondrial Structures

A Deep Learning package for accurate segmentation of mitochondria and granules captured using cryo-electron tomography. This repository contains code for our papers

If you use these scripts or data for your research, please cite as

  title={CryoET reveals organelle phenotypes in huntington disease patient iPSC-derived and mouse primary neurons},
  author={Wu, Gong-Her and Smith-Geater, Charlene and Galaz-Montoya, Jes{\'u}s G and Gu, Yingli and Gupte, Sanket R and Aviner, Ranen and Mitchell, Patrick G and Hsu, Joy and Miramontes, Ricardo and Wang, Keona Q and others},
  journal={Nature Communications},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}


  1. MitoSeg is a toolkit for performing quantitative analyses of mitochondrial structures at scale. It currently supports segmentation of mitochoindria and granules.
  2. MitoSeg is powered by a 3D-UNet which is trained on a diverse set of samples spanning multiple conditions and is capable of generalizing well to novel samples.
  3. The trained models can be used out-of-the-box for segmentation using the included inference scripts. We also provide tools for fine-tuning models for new datasets.
  4. Models are pre-trained using self-supervision and can be finetuned by labeling as few as 5 slices per tomogram.

Getting Started


Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Our models run on NVIDIA GPUs and are quite memory intensive, so we would recommend using a GPU with a high memory capacity.


  1. Clone the repository to your computer. You can also download a zip file from GitHub.
    git clone
  2. Create a new conda environment named mito_seg and activate it.
    cd mitochondria_segmentation
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate mito_seg
  3. Install the segmentation scripts in the src folder
    conda develop src
  4. Test the installation by printing the version number
    python -m mito_seg --version


The command python -m mito_seg --help will show you the usage instructions.

Mitochondria Segmentation

Usage: -i input.hdf -o output.hdf [-c] [-b] [-q] (-h | --help) --version

    -i <file>, --input <file>     Path to the input HDF file
    -o <file>, --output <file>    Path to the output file
    -c, --copy                    Copy the source data to the output file
    -b, --bin                     Bin the input by a factor of 2
    -q, --quiet                   Quiet mode - suppress warnings and info
    -h, --help                    Show this screen.

The mito_seg program takes an input tomogram, runs it through the segmentation model, and writes the result to a specified output file. It expects inputs which are binned by 8 versions of the full resolution tomographic reconstruction. Since these are usually binned by 4, the -b flag can be used to tell mito_seg to further bin the input by a factor of 2. Additionally, the -c flag is used to copy the input data and store it alonside the segmentation results.

Note that the input tomograms are expected to have pixel intensities which follow a standard normal distribution. mito_seg clips them to +/-3 standard deviations. We provide an example tomogram, BACHD_bin4.hdf, to test the mito_seg program - it can be downloaded here.

To run mito_seg on this tomogram, run the following command

python -m mito_seg --input BACHD_bin4.hdf -o result.hdf -bc

It will generate the following output and write the result to result.hdf

[08:51:51 PM] INFO     Input source is BACHD_bin4.hdf                                                                                 
              INFO     Optional parameters --bin:True, --copy:True                                                                    
              WARNING  Output file result.hdf exists and will be over-written                                                         
              INFO     Reading tomogram of shape (256, 1024, 1024) from /MDF/images/0/image                                 
[08:51:52 PM] INFO     Tomogram binned by 2 from (256, 1024, 1024) -> (128, 512, 512)                                       
              INFO     Model loaded from checkpoint /home/sanket/Desktop/mitochondria_segmentation/models/   
[08:51:53 PM] INFO     Predicting mitochondria probabilities in the tomogram                                                
[08:51:54 PM] INFO     Saving mitochondria predictions to result.hdf:/mito_pred                                            
              INFO     Copying original tomogram to result.hdf:/data