sansaid / debotbot

A Telegram bot for facilitating structured debates on Telegram
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The Telegram bot that's there to help you structure your debates with friends


Add @debotbot_bot to your Telegram group and make sure it has admin privileges so that it may pin messages to the group (it's not sufficient to give it the ability to pin messages at this time).


Commmands are split into two subtyypes: a command and a tag. Commands trigger actions from the bot, where as tags are decorative and do not trigger actions by the bot. They are used to label messages and you are encouraged to send only taggable message during a debate. Debotbot will use this information to send statistics about the debate after it has concluded.

Structure of debates

Debotbot enforces the following structure to debates:

  1. Debate initiated with a proposoition using /debate <proposition>. The person who sends this message is called the proposer.
  2. Moderator is nominated and selected
  3. Debaters enter a reconneissance phase where they are encouraged to ask questions to the proposer to clarify their proposition. The proposer should be the only one answering the questions at this stage. The moderator is encouraged to moderate the flow of questions, notify the proposer if they've missed out any questions or if any questions are unclear.
  4. The moderator can begin the debate once everyone has concluded their questioning
  5. Debate phase begins - debaters should be using only any one of these commands during this stage: /meta, /for, /against, /poi, /lf, /cancel or /conclude
  6. Debate can be conclude or be cancelled by popular vote or by the moderator at any time. A concluded debate differs from a cancelled debate in that it resembles that all parties have satisfied their arguments and are willing to bring the debate to a natural close. A cancelled debate is one that has not naturally closed and is either terminated due to an unclear proposition or due to a devolution of discussion.


Logical fallacies





To run your own version of Debotbot, you can run the following commands (make sure you have Docker installed):

docker run -it --rm -e TG_API_TOKEN=<your API token here> sansaid/debotbot:latest