sanshar / Block

Block implements the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm for quantum chemistry.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BLOCK implements the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm for quantum chemistry.

This version Block-1.1.1 is not maintained anymore. The DMRG code has been rewritten for better memory and computational efficiency. The project was moved to bitbucket and released as Block-1.5. Source code and manual of Block-1.5 can be found here.

New features

Version 1.5

Version 1.1 (alpha)


Should I update to Block-1.5 (stackblock)?

We highly recommend you to move to Block-1.5 for many reasons:

Where can I get Block-1.5?

You can download the source code or the binary executable from online manual. If you are using DMRG for chemistry problems, we recommend to use Block-1.5 with its interface in PySCF program. The Block programs in Molpro, ORCA and QChem are Block-1.1. We are working to port Block-1.5 program to these quantum chemistry packages.

Can I use the input of Block-1.1 in Block-1.5?

Yes. Input files (FCIDUMP and dmrg.conf) of Block-1.1 can be used in Block-1.5 without any changes. Block-1.5 provides new keywords num_thrds and memory to control the number of threads and the total memory to use.

num_thrds 8
memory, 40, g

Note these keywords are not recognized in Block-1.1 and they will cause Block-1.1 crashing.

Is wave-function format compatible in block-1.1 and block-1.5?

No. Block-1.1 and Block-1.5 have different data format for wave-function. You're not able to use wfn files of Block-1.1 to restart calculation in Block-1.5 and vice versa.

Why does my Block-1.5 crash for multiple threads while it works all right with Block-1.1 and single-thread Block-1.5?

It is mostly due to the memory size you specified in the input. In Block-1.5, operators are held in memory within the limits you specified in the input (or 2GB/proc). The memory is shared by all threads of the process. If you specify many threads (num_thrds keyword) in your calculation, you should increas the memory size accordingly.

How to cite Block

Block is distributed under the GNU GPL license which is reproduced in the file LICENSE. In addition, Block contains a full copy of the Newmat C++ matrix library by Robert Davies.

We would appreciate if you cite the following papers in publications resulting from the use of Block:

In addition, a useful list of DMRG references relevant to quantum chemistry can be found in the article above by Sharma and Chan.