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Greek in MW72, part 4 #20

Closed funderburkjim closed 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This continues the work of #16.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This is a temporary comment. For debugging. I'm having problem programmatically writing comments.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

I'm having problem programmatically writing comments.


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0593 case = 700, hw = pf, page=0593-c

       <>(in {%vy-ā-pṛi,%} q. v.); [cf. Gr. <g>περά-ω, πέρ-νη-μι,</g>
       <><g>πι-πρά-σκ-ω, πρί-α-μαι, πρά-σι-ς, πρα-τία-ς,</g>
135940 <><g>πόρ-νη, ἔμ-πορος, ἔμ-πολά-ω, πωλέω;</g> Lat. <nsi>prec-iu-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>prec-ari;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>feil, feili</nsi> = Mod. Germ. <nsi>feil,</nsi>
       <>‘cheap, venal.’]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0594 case = 701, hw = pfc, page=0594-a

       <>augment, multiply; (A.) to fill one's self (?); cl. 1.
       <>10. P. {%parćati, parćayati,%} &c., to touch; to hin-
135982 <>der, restrain (?); [cf. Gr. <g>πλέκ-ω, πλέγ-μα, πλοκή,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>plec-t-o, am-plec-t-or, plic-o, du-plex, Parca,</nsi>

case = 702, hw = pfc, page=0594-a

       <>10. P. {%parćati, parćayati,%} &c., to touch; to hin-
       <>der, restrain (?); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
135983 <><g>πλόκαμο-ς, δί-πλαξ,</g> perhaps <g>πόρκο-ς, πόρκη-ς:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>plec-t-o, am-plec-t-or, plic-o, du-plex, Parca,</nsi>
       <><nsi>plăg-a:</nsi> Umbr. <nsi>tribricu,</nsi> ‘triplicity:’ Goth. <nsi>flah-</nsi>

case = 703, hw = pfTak, page=0594-b

       <>without (with abl., inst., or gen.); differently from
       <>(with abl.); {%pṛithak pṛithak,%} one by one, separately,
136081 <>with regular intervals; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>φάρ-σο-ς;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>par(t)s, prī-vus</nsi> perhaps for <nsi>prith-vus, pri-</nsi>
       <><nsi>vare.</nsi>] {%--Pṛithak-karaṇa, am,%} n. making separate,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0595 case = 704, hw = pfTu, page=0595-a

       <>the mother of the seventh Arhat of the present
       <>Ava-sarpiṇī; [cf. rt. {%prath; prath-as,%} ‘breadh:’
136221 <>Zend <nsi>frath-anh,</nsi> ‘breadth:’ Gr. <g>πλατύ-ς, πλάτ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lăt-</nsi>

case = 705, hw = pfTu, page=0595-a

       <>Ava-sarpiṇī; [cf. rt. {%prath; prath-as,%} ‘breadh:’
       <>Zend <nsi>frath-anh,</nsi> ‘breadth:’ Gr. <g></g>
136222 <><g>πλάτ-η, πλάτ-ανο-ς, πλάθ-ανο-ς, πλαθ-άνη, πλάσσω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lăt-</nsi>
       <><nsi>us</nsi> for <nsi>platus; Latium,</nsi> ‘flat country;’ <nsi>lat-er:</nsi> Lith.

case = 706, hw = pfTu, page=0595-a

       <>Zend <nsi>frath-anh,</nsi> ‘breadth:’ Gr. <g></g>
136223 <><g>πλάσ-μα, πλασ-τό-ς, ἔμ-πλασ-τρο-ν:</g> Lat. <nsi>lăt-</nsi>
       <><nsi>us</nsi> for <nsi>platus; Latium,</nsi> ‘flat country;’ <nsi>lat-er:</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>platus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>braid-s,</nsi> ‘broad:’ Angl. Sax. <nsi>brâd:</nsi>

case = 707, hw = pfSni, page=0595-c

       <>race of Ṛishis; {%pṛiśni%} or {%Bharadvājasya pṛiśni,%}
       <>N. of a Sāman; [cf. rts. {%pṛish%} and {%spṛiś; pṛish-%}
136417 <>{%ata, pṛishat, pṛishaṭī:%} Gr. <g>περκ-νό-ς, πέρκο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>spurc-u-s, sparg-o:</nsi> Old

case = 708, hw = pfSni, page=0595-c

       <>N. of a Sāman; [cf. rts. {%pṛish%} and {%spṛiś; pṛish-%}
       <>{%ata, pṛishat, pṛishaṭī:%} Gr. <g></g>
136418 <><g>περκαίνειν, πρακ-νό-ν, πρεκ-νό-ν, πρόξ, προκά-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>spurc-u-s, sparg-o:</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>spreng-en:</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>be-spreng-en</nsi> = Eng.

case = 709, hw = pfSni, page=0595-c

       <>{%ata, pṛishat, pṛishaṭī:%} Gr. <g></g>
136419 <><g>πρώξ, πρόκ-νη:</g> Lat. <nsi>spurc-u-s, sparg-o:</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>spreng-en:</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>be-spreng-en</nsi> = Eng.
       <><nsi>sprinkle.</nsi>] {%--Pṛiśni-garbha, as, ā, am,%} being in
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0596 case = 710, hw = pF, page=0596-c

       <>{%pūrshate:%} Intens. {%popūryate, pāparti, popūrti;%}
       <>[cf. rt. 1. {%prā,%} 3. {%pur, pura, puru, pulu:%} Zend
136684 <><nsi>par,</nsi> ‘fill;’ <nsi>perena,</nsi> ‘full:’ Gr. <g>πί-μ-πλη-μι, πλή-θ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>im-ple-o, plē-nu-s, plē-be-s, pŏ-pul-u-s,</nsi>

case = 711, hw = pF, page=0596-c

       <>[cf. rt. 1. {%prā,%} 3. {%pur, pura, puru, pulu:%} Zend
       <><nsi>par,</nsi> ‘fill;’ <nsi>perena,</nsi> ‘full:’ Gr. <g></g>
136685 <><g>πλέ-ω-ς, πλή-ρ-ης, πλη-θ-ύ-ς, πλῆ-θ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>im-ple-o, plē-nu-s, plē-be-s, pŏ-pul-u-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>multus</nsi> said to be for <nsi>pūrtas, am-plu-s:</nsi> Goth.

case = 712, hw = pF, page=0596-c

       <><nsi>par,</nsi> ‘fill;’ <nsi>perena,</nsi> ‘full:’ Gr. <g></g>
136686 <><g>πλοῦ-το-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>im-ple-o, plē-nu-s, plē-be-s, pŏ-pul-u-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>multus</nsi> said to be for <nsi>pūrtas, am-plu-s:</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>full-s,</nsi> ‘full;’ <nsi>fullo,</nsi> ‘fulness;’ <nsi>full-yan,</nsi> ‘to fill:’
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0597 case = 713, hw = peSala, page=0597-b

       <>soft, smooth, tender; skilful, dexterous, expert,
       <>clever, ingenious; fraudulent, deceitful, crafty; ({%am%}),
136781 <>n. beauty, loveliness; [cf. Gr. <g>ποικ-ίλο-ς, ποικἰλλ-ω:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ping-o, pic-tor, pic-tura:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>feh,</nsi>
       <>‘variegated:’ Slav. <nsi>pĭstrŭ,</nsi> ‘variegated;’ <nsi>pis-ati,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0598 case = 714, hw = pota, page=0598-c

       <>brane; cloth, a garment; the foundation of a house [cf.
       <>{%poṭa%}]; the site of a house or dwelling; ({%as, am%}), m.
137043 <>n. a vessel, ship, boat; [cf. {%putra, 2. puṉs;%} Gr. <g>πῶλο-ς</g>
       <>for <g></g> for <g></g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> fr. a form <g></g> as in <g></g>

case = 715, hw = pota, page=0598-c

       <>{%poṭa%}]; the site of a house or dwelling; ({%as, am%}), m.
       <>n. a vessel, ship, boat; [cf. {%putra, 2. puṉs;%} Gr. <g></g>
137044 <>for <g>ποϝ-λο-ς, πωλ-ίο-ν, πά-ϊ(δ)ς</g> for <g>παϝ-ι(δ)ς,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> fr. a form <g></g> as in <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>pullu-s, Marci-por, pu-er</nsi> for <nsi>pov-er,</nsi>

case = 716, hw = pota, page=0598-c

       <>n. a vessel, ship, boat; [cf. {%putra, 2. puṉs;%} Gr. <g></g>
       <>for <g></g> for <g></g>
137045 <><g>πο-ία, πό-α,</g> perhaps <g>ποιέ-ω</g> fr. a form <g>ποιο</g> as in <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>pullu-s, Marci-por, pu-er</nsi> for <nsi>pov-er,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pu-era, pu-su-s, pusa, pū-pu-s, pū-pa, pūpilla,</nsi>

case = 717, hw = pota, page=0598-c

       <>for <g></g> for <g></g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> fr. a form <g></g> as in <g></g>
137046 <><g>παιδο-ποιό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>pullu-s, Marci-por, pu-er</nsi> for <nsi>pov-er,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pu-era, pu-su-s, pusa, pū-pu-s, pū-pa, pūpilla,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pu-tu-s, pūbes, pum-ilu-s, pumil-io, prœ-pu-tiu-m,</nsi>

case = 718, hw = potala, page=0598-c

       <>of bird, Turdus Macrourus ({%= śyāmā%}).
       <P>{%Potala, as,%} or {%am,%} m. or n. (?), N. of a sea-
137076 <>port on the Indus (the <g>Παράλα</g> of the ancients);
       <>N. of the residence of the Dalai Lama in Lhassa
       <>(also called {%potaraka%}).
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0601 case = 719, hw = pra, page=0601-b

       <>{%avahāra;%} [cf. {%pra-taram, pra-naptṛi, prathama,%}
       <>{%parā, pūrva, prātar:%} Zend <nsi>fra-, frā,</nsi> ‘before,
137652 <>away:’ Gr. <g>πρό, πρό-τερος, πρῶ-το-ς</g> (Dor. <g>πρᾶ-το-ς</g>
       <><g></g>), <g></g> (Æol. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> (Dor. <g></g>), <g></g>

case = 720, hw = pra, page=0601-b

       <>{%parā, pūrva, prātar:%} Zend <nsi>fra-, frā,</nsi> ‘before,
       <>away:’ Gr. <g></g> (Dor. <g></g>
137653 <><g></g>), <g>πρό-μο-ς, πρύ-τανι-ς</g> (Æol. <g>πρό-τανι-ς</g>), <g>πρίν</g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> (Dor. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>prō-d, prō, prŏ-</nsi> in

case = 721, hw = pra, page=0601-b

       <>away:’ Gr. <g></g> (Dor. <g></g>
       <><g></g>), <g></g> (Æol. <g></g>), <g></g>
137654 <> for <g>προ-ιν, πρω-ΐ, πρῴην</g> (Dor. <g>πράν</g>), <g>πρόσσω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>prō-d, prō, prŏ-</nsi> in
       <><nsi>prŏ-nepos, prœ</nsi> for <nsi>prai, prīmu-s</nsi> for <nsi>pro-imus,</nsi>

case = 722, hw = pra, page=0601-b

       <><g></g>), <g></g> (Æol. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> (Dor. <g></g>), <g></g>
137655 <><g>πρό-σω, πόρ-σω, πόῥῥω:</g> Lat. <nsi>prō-d, prō, prŏ-</nsi> in
       <><nsi>prŏ-nepos, prœ</nsi> for <nsi>prai, prīmu-s</nsi> for <nsi>pro-imus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pri-or, pris- = prius</nsi> for <nsi>pro-ios, pris-tinu-s, pris-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0611 case = 723, hw = prati, page=0611-b

       <>{%niś-ćaya, vy-āvṛitti, pra-śasti, vi-rodha, sam-%}
       <>{%ādhi:%} [cf. Zend <nsi>paiti:</nsi> Old Pers. <nsi>pati-sh,</nsi> ‘against:’
140017 <>Gr. <g>προ-τί, πα-τί, πρός</g> for <g>πρότ,  πρόσ-θε-(ν):</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>red-</nsi> as in <nsi>red-dere, red-ire; re-</nsi> as in <nsi>re-ferre;</nsi>
       <><nsi>prœ</nsi> for <nsi>prai; por, pol, pos</nsi> for <nsi>port</nsi> in the forms
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0629 case = 724, hw = praTama, page=0629-b

       <>{%thamam--anantaram,%} first--afterwards; {%pratha-%}
       <>{%mam--tatas,%} first--next; {%prathamam--paśćāt,%}
143959 <>first--afterwards; [cf. Gr. <g>πρῶ-το-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>primus;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>fru-ma;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>pī1r-ma-s.</nsi>] {%--Prathama-ka-%}
       <>{%thita, as, ā, am,%} aforesaid, before-mentioned,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0630 case = 725, hw = pradIpa, page=0630-c

       <>kosha. {%--Pradīpa-śaraṇa-dhvaja, as,%} m., N. of
       <>a Mahoraga-rāja. {%--Pradīpa-sāha, as,%} m. ({%sāha%}
144249 <>= <g></g>), N. of a prince.
       <P>{%Pradīpaka, as, ikā,%} m. f. a small lamp, a lamp;
       <>({%as, ikā, am%}), illuminating, illustrating, clearing up.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0639 case = 726, hw = prayAga, page=0639-a

       <>Vāyu, but also said of Indra and Agni).
       <P>{%Pra-yāga, as,%} m. a sacrifice, an oblation; the
146122 <>place of sacrifice <g>ἐξοχήν,</g> a celebrated place of
       <>pilgrimage (now called Allahabad) at the confluence
       <>of the Gańgā and Yamunā with the supposed sub-
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0653 case = 727, hw = prAjApatya, page=0653-b

       <>upon the life of an ascetic or mendicant; a patro-
       <>nymic of Dakshiṇā; scil. {%śakaṭī,%} N. of an asterism,
149405 <>the chariot of Rohiṇī (probably = <g>α β γ δ ε</g> Tauri).
       <>{%--Prājāpatya-tva, am,%} n. the state or condition
       <>of belonging or referring to Prajā-pati.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0654 case = 728, hw = prARa, page=0654-c

       <>save life; {%prāṇān ni-han,%} to destroy life); {%prā-%}
       <>{%ṇais,%} ind. with all the soul, with all the strength,
149769 <>with might and main; [cf. Gr. <g>φρήν, ὀσ-φραίνομαι;</g>
       <>Cambro-Brit. <nsi>fion,</nsi> ‘the breath or respiration, a
       <>puff of breath, a sigh.’] {%--Prāṇa-kara, as, ī, %}[Page0655-a+ 81]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0656 case = 729, hw = prAtar, page=0656-a

       <>morrow, to-morrow; Morning personified as a son
       <>of Pushpārṇa and Prabhā; {%prātaḥ prātaḥ,%} every
150022 <>morning; [cf. Gr. <g>πρωΐ;</g> Old Germ. <nsi>fro, fruo;</nsi>
       <>Mod. Germ. <nsi>frühe.</nsi>] {%--Prātaḥ-karman, a,%} or
       <>{%prātaḥ-kārya, am,%} n. morning business, a morning
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0661 case = 730, hw = prI, page=0661-b

       <>Intens. {%peprīyate, peprayīti, pepreti;%} [cf. Zend
       <><nsi>frī,</nsi> ‘to love, praise;’ <nsi>fry-a,</nsi> ‘beloved, a friend:’
151259 <>Gr. <g>φίλο-ς, φιλέω</g> fr. a rt. <g>φιλ</g> for <g>φλι, πρᾷο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (Ion. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <>perhaps Lat. <nsi>pla-ceo, pla-co, pius</nsi> for <nsi>prius</nsi> (?),

case = 731, hw = prI, page=0661-b

       <><nsi>frī,</nsi> ‘to love, praise;’ <nsi>fry-a,</nsi> ‘beloved, a friend:’
       <>Gr. <g></g> fr. a rt. <g></g> for <g></g>
151260 <><g>πραΰ-ς</g> (Ion. <g>πρη-ΰ-ς</g>), <g>πρᾳ-ό-τη(τ)-ς, πραΰ-ν-ω:</g>
       <>perhaps Lat. <nsi>pla-ceo, pla-co, pius</nsi> for <nsi>prius</nsi> (?),
       <><nsi>lœ-tus</nsi> for <nsi>plœ-tus</nsi> (?), <nsi>filius</nsi> = {%priya%} (?): Goth.

case = 732, hw = priya, page=0661-b

       <>loc., or dat.), dear, valued, amiable, agreeable, liked,
       <>desired, desirable, pleasing; customary, familiar,
151274 <>wonted, own (Ved., cf. <g>φίλος</g>); dear, expensive, high
       <>in price [cf. {%priya-dhānyaka, priyānna-tva%}];
       <>(mostly in comps.), loving, liking, kind, favourable,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0663 case = 733, hw = preman, page=0663-a

       <>of love and confidence. {%--Prema-sāgara, as,%} m. an
       <>ocean of love. {%--Prema-sāhi, is,%} m. (fr. {%preman%}
151662 <>{%+ sāhi%} = <g></g>) {%= prema-nārāyaṇa%}. {%--Premāmṛita%}
       <>{%(ºma-amº), am,%} n. ‘love-ambrosia,’ N. of a metrical
       <>list of 112 names of Kṛishṇa. {%--Premāśru (ºma-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0667 case = 734, hw = plIhan, page=0667-a

       <>from which the blood flows); disease of the spleen
       <>(said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
152565 <>mesenteric glands, &c.); [cf. Gr. <g>σπλήν, σπλάγχ-νο-ν;</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lien;</nsi> Bohem. <nsi>slez-ina;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>bluz-ni-s;</nsi>
       <>Eng. <nsi>spleen.</nsi>] {%--Plīha-ghna, as,%} or {%plīha-śatru,%}

case = 735, hw = plIhan, page=0667-a

       <>(said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
       <>mesenteric glands, &c.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
152566 <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lien;</nsi> Bohem. <nsi>slez-ina;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>bluz-ni-s;</nsi>
       <>Eng. <nsi>spleen.</nsi>] {%--Plīha-ghna, as,%} or {%plīha-śatru,%}
       <>{%us,%} m. ‘destroying spleen’ or ‘enemy to spleen,’ N.

case = 736, hw = plu, page=0667-a

       <>{%shati:%} Desid. {%puplūshate:%} Intens. {%poplūyate,%}
       <>{%poploti,%} to float about, swim about; to swim rapidly;
152600 <>[cf. Gr. <g>πλέ-ω, πλεύ-σομαι, πλό-ο-ς, πλω-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>plu-i-t,</nsi>

case = 737, hw = plu, page=0667-a

       <>{%poploti,%} to float about, swim about; to swim rapidly;
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
152601 <><g>πλώ-τη-ς, πλύν-ω, πλῦ-μα, πλυ-τό-ς, πλυν-τήρ,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>plu-i-t,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pluv-ia, flu-o, fle-o, plôra-re, linter;</nsi> perhaps

case = 738, hw = plu, page=0667-a

       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
152602 <><g>πύελος;</g> perhaps <g>λού-ω</g> for <g>πλού-ω:</g> Lat. <nsi>plu-i-t,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pluv-ia, flu-o, fle-o, plôra-re, linter;</nsi> perhaps
       <><nsi>fund-o</nsi> for <nsi>plund-o;</nsi> perhaps <nsi>pluma;</nsi> probably

case = 739, hw = plava, page=0667-b

       <>({%am%}), n. a species of grass, Cyperus Rotundus; a
       <>kind of fragrant grass ({%= gandha-tṛiṇa%}); [cf. Gr.
152641 <><g>πλόος, πλοῖον;</g> Hib. <nsi>falc,</nsi> ‘a flood.’] {%--Plava-ga,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. ‘going by leaps,’ a frog; an ape, monkey;
       <>a sort of aquatic bird, the diver; the plant Acacia
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0668 case = 740, hw = PatihaSAha, page=0668-b

       <P>{%Phat-kārin, ī,%} m. a bird.
       <P>.{#PatihaSAha#}¦ {%phatiha-śāha,%} N. of a king of
152899 <>Kaśmīra (<g></g>). [Page0668-c+ 75]
       <P>.{#Patepura#}¦ {%phatepura, am,%} n., N. of a city.
       <P>.{#Par#}¦ {%phar%} for {%phṛī = pṛī,%} Ved. to fill.

case = 741, hw = Pal, page=0668-c

       <>be reflected; to go (for {%pal%}): Caus. {%phālayati, apī-%}
       <>{%phalat:%} Desid. {%piphalishati:%} Intens. {%pamphulyate,%}
152931 <>{%pamphulti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἐκ-φλαίν-ω, ἔ-φλαδ-ον, φλα-σ-μό-ς</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps <g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fla-re, fla-tu-s, flâ-men, flâ-bru-m, flô-s, flôr-eo,</nsi>

case = 742, hw = Pal, page=0668-c

       <>{%phalat:%} Desid. {%piphalishati:%} Intens. {%pamphulyate,%}
       <>{%pamphulti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
152932 <><g>πα-φλάζ-ω;</g> perhaps <g>ὄφελος, ὀφέλλω:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fla-re, fla-tu-s, flâ-men, flâ-bru-m, flô-s, flôr-eo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>Flora:</nsi> Osc. <nsi>Flusa:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>uf-blês-an, bloth, blô-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0670 case = 743, hw = Pulla, page=0670-a

       <>opened wide, dilated (as the eyes); smiling, gay;
       <>({%as%}), m., N. of a saint; ({%am%}), n. a full-blown
153281 <>flower; [cf. Gr. <g>φύλλο-ν;</g> Lat. <nsi>foliu-m.</nsi>] {%--Phulla-%}
       <>{%tuvarī,%} f. alum. {%--Phulla-dāman, a,%} n. ‘flowery
       <>garland,’ a kind of metre, four times ¯¯¯¯¯,

case = 744, hw = Palka, page=0670-b

       <P>.{#Palka#}¦ {%phalka, as, ā, am,%} having an expanded
       <>or extended body, {%= visāritāńga; = viśodhitāńka;%}
153314 <>[cf. Gr. <g>φολκός.</g>]
       <P>.{#Palgu#}¦ {%phalgu, us, us%} ({%ūs,%} Vājasaneyi-saṃ-
       <>hitā XXIV. 4), {%u%} (said to be fr. rt. {%phal;%} perhaps
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0671 case = 745, hw = PupPusa, page=0671-a

       <>{%--Phupphu-kāraka, as, ikā, am,%} panting, gasping.
       <P>{%Phupphusa, as, am,%} m. n. the lungs; [cf. {%pup-%}
153471 <>{%phusa;%} Gr. <g>φῦ-σα, φυσά-ω.</g>]
       <P>.{#PumPuA#}¦ {%phumphuā,%} ind. imitation of the
       <>sound made by the crackling of fire.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0672 case = 746, hw = banD, page=0672-b

       <>Intens. {%bābadhyate, bābanddhi,%} to bind fast, tie
       <>firmly; [cf. Zend <nsi>band, banda, baś-ta,</nsi> ‘bound;’ Gr.
153776 <><g>πείθω, πεῖσ-μα</g> for <g>πενθ-μα, πενθερός;</g> Lat. <nsi>pat-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ibulum, pendo, pendeo, fī-lum</nsi> for <nsi>fid-lum, fū-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nis</nsi> for <nsi>fud-nis, fīd-es, fīd-o</nsi> for <nsi>feido</nsi> = <g></g>

case = 747, hw = banD, page=0672-b

       <><g></g> for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>pat-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ibulum, pendo, pendeo, fī-lum</nsi> for <nsi>fid-lum, fū-</nsi>
153778 <><nsi>nis</nsi> for <nsi>fud-nis, fīd-es, fīd-o</nsi> for <nsi>feido</nsi> = <g>πείθω,</g>
       <><nsi>fœd-us;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>vjazati,</nsi> ‘to bind;’ Goth. <nsi>bind-an,</nsi>
       <><nsi>fastan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>fasti;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>bindan,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0674 case = 748, hw = baBru, page=0674-b

       <>of a Gandharva; N. of a country [cf. {%babhru-deśa%}];
       <>({%u%}), n. a tawny or brown colour; any object of a
154254 <>tawny or brown colour; [cf. Gr. <g>φρΰ-νη, φρῦ-νο-ς,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>fur-vu-s,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>fu-scu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>brun</nsi>

case = 749, hw = baBru, page=0674-b

       <>({%u%}), n. a tawny or brown colour; any object of a
       <>tawny or brown colour; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
154255 <><g>Φρύνη, Φρῦνος, Φρύνιχο-ς, Φρυνίων, Φρυνώνδας;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>fur-vu-s,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>fu-scu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>brun</nsi>
       <>= Mod. Germ. <nsi>braun</nsi> = Eng. <nsi>brown.</nsi>] {%--Babhru-%}

case = 750, hw = barbara, page=0674-c

       <>a blue fly.
       <P>.{#barbara#}¦ {%barbara, as,%} m. (also written {%var-%}
154316 <>{%vara,%} q. v., cf. <g>βάρβαρος</g>), a blockhead, fool, low fel-
       <>low, barbarian, any one not a Sanskṛit speaker, not an
       <>Āryan, (used mostly in the voc.); ({%as%} or {%am%}), m.

case = 751, hw = barbura, page=0674-c

       <P>{%Barbaraka, barbarīka.%} See {%varvaraka,%} &c.
       <P>.{#barbura#}¦ {%barbura, am,%} n., Ved. water; [cf.
154324 <>Gr. <g>βόρβορο-ν;</g> Fr. <nsi>bourbe.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#barsa#}¦ {%barsa, as,%} m., Ved. a tip, point, thin
       <>end, extremity. {%--Barsa-naddhi, is,%} f., Ved. the
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0680 case = 752, hw = bAq, page=0680-a

       <P>.{#bAq#}¦ {%bāḍ%} (according to Vopa-deva {%vāḍ%}),
       <>cl. 1. A. {%bāḍate, bāḍitum,%} to bathe, dive;
155607 <>to emerge; [cf. Gr. <g>Βαλανεῖον:</g> Lat. <nsi>balneum:</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>bad,</nsi> ‘a bath;’ <nsi>badôn,</nsi> ‘to bathe.’]
       <P>.{#bAqava#}¦ {%bāḍava.%} See {%vāḍava.%}

case = 753, hw = bAD, page=0680-b

       <>in, confine, cramp; to strike or knock against (for want
       <>of room, Ṛig-veda VII. 69, 1); [cf. Zend <nsi>vad,</nsi> ‘to
155686 <>strike;’ <nsi>vaday,</nsi> ‘to strike back:’ Gr. <g>ἔπαθον, ὠθ-έ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>ôd-i, ŏ-d-i-um:</nsi>
       <>Russ. <nsi>bjeda</nsi> = Lith. <nsi>bêda,</nsi> ‘misery:’ Lith. <nsi>bêdnas,</nsi>

case = 754, hw = bAD, page=0680-b

       <>of room, Ṛig-veda VII. 69, 1); [cf. Zend <nsi>vad,</nsi> ‘to
       <>strike;’ <nsi>vaday,</nsi> ‘to strike back:’ Gr. <g></g>
155687 <><g>ἐν-οσί-χθων, ἐνν-οσί-γαιο-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>ôd-i, ŏ-d-i-um:</nsi>
       <>Russ. <nsi>bjeda</nsi> = Lith. <nsi>bêda,</nsi> ‘misery:’ Lith. <nsi>bêdnas,</nsi>
       <>‘miserable:’ perhaps Goth. <nsi>balvja,</nsi> ‘I trouble,’ fr.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0683 case = 755, hw = bAhu, page=0683-a

       <>end and applied to the names of persons make
       <>their fem. in {%ū%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>bâzu,</nsi> ‘the arm;’ Gr.
156339 <><g>πῆχυ-ς, βραχίων;</g> Lat. <nsi>brachium;</nsi> Old Norse
       <><nsi>bôg-r</nsi> = Old Germ. <nsi>buoc,</nsi> ‘a bow, bend.’] {%--Bāhu-%}
       <>{%kara, as, ī, am,%} working with the hands. {%--Bāhu-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0685 case = 756, hw = buD, page=0685-a

       <>{%bhutsate,%} to wish to observe, desire to become ac-
       <>quainted with: Intens. {%bobudhyate, boboddhi:%} [cf.
156799 <>Zend <nsi>bud,</nsi> ‘to observe, to awake:’ Gr. <g>πυνθ-άνο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fundus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>bud,</nsi>

case = 757, hw = buD, page=0685-a

       <>quainted with: Intens. {%bobudhyate, boboddhi:%} [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>bud,</nsi> ‘to observe, to awake:’ Gr. <g></g>
156800 <><g>ἐ-πυθ-όμην, πεύθ-ο-μαι, πύσ-τι-ς, πεῦ-σι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fundus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>bud,</nsi>
       <>‘to bid;’ <nsi>biuda, bauth, budum:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>bytne,</nsi>

case = 758, hw = buD, page=0685-a

       <>Zend <nsi>bud,</nsi> ‘to observe, to awake:’ Gr. <g></g>
156801 <><g>πύσ-μα, πευθ-ήν, βυθ;ος:</g> Lat. <nsi>fundus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>bud,</nsi>
       <>‘to bid;’ <nsi>biuda, bauth, budum:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>bytne,</nsi>
       <><nsi>botm, beodan, boda, bodian:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>biutan:</nsi>

case = 759, hw = budDa, page=0685-b

       <>attainment of Nirvāṇa or annihilation reveals to the
       <>world the method of obtaining it); the Buddha or
156817 <>‘Enlightened’ <g>κατ’ ἐξοχήν</g> whose original appellation
       <>was Śākya-muni or Śākya-siṉha, (he was born at
       <>Kapila-vastu, a city and kingdom at the foot of the
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0686 case = 760, hw = buDna, page=0686-b

       <>body; an epithet of Śiva; a Rudra (for {%budhnya,%}
       <>q. v.); a wrong reading for {%bradhna = vradhna;%}
157100 <>[cf. Zend <nsi>bu-na,</nsi> ‘bottom;’ Gr. <g>βυθός, πυθ-μήν,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fundus;</nsi> Old Ice-
       <>land. <nsi>bot-n;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>bytne,</nsi> ‘the bottom of a

case = 761, hw = buDna, page=0686-b

       <>q. v.); a wrong reading for {%bradhna = vradhna;%}
       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>bu-na,</nsi> ‘bottom;’ Gr. <g></g>
157101 <><g>πύνδ-οξ, βθσσός, βόθρος;</g> Lat. <nsi>fundus;</nsi> Old Ice-
       <>land. <nsi>bot-n;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>bytne,</nsi> ‘the bottom of a
       <>ship,’ <nsi>bot-m;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>bodam.</nsi>] {%--Budhna-vat,%}

case = 762, hw = buDnya, page=0686-c

       <>that of the region of mist; Ahi Budhnya is also
       <>in the Veda allegorically identified with Agni Gār-
157114 <>hapatya; cf. Gr. <g>πύθων ὅφις;</g> in later times Ahi
       <>Budhnya, often incorrectly written {%Budhna, Bra-%}
       <>{%dhna, Vradhna, Vṛidhnya, Vradhnya,%} is regarded
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0688 case = 763, hw = boDi, page=0688-b

       <>only one birth or certain births to undergo before ob-
       <>taining the state of a supreme Buddha and then Nir-
157524 <>vāṇa [cf. {%deva-bº%}]; a title of the Buddha <g>κατ’ ἐξοχήν.</g>
       <>{%--Bodhisattva-ćaryāvatāra (ºya-avº)%} and {%bodhi-%}
       <>{%sattva-pakshanirdeśa, as,%} m. and {%bodhisattva-pi-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0689 case = 764, hw = brahman, page=0689-a

       <>Vasishṭha); a lifetime of Brahmā ({%= Brahmaṇa%}
       <>{%āyuḥ%}); the sun; an epithet of Śiva; the Veda (?);
157691 <>intellect ({%= buddhi%}); N. of a star, <g>δ</g> Aurigæ; epi-
       <>thet of a particular astronomical Yoga; N. of the
       <>servant of the tenth Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī;
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0694 case = 765, hw = brU, page=0694-a

       <>quacious:’ Cambro-Brit. <nsi>brud,</nsi> ‘a chronicle, pro-
       <>phecy;’ <nsi>brudiwr,</nsi> ‘a chronicler, prophet:’ perhaps
158918 <>also Gr. <g>ῥέ-ω,</g> ‘to speak;’ <g>ῥῆ-μα, ῥή-τωρ,</g> Æol. <g>βρή-τωρ,</g>
       <><g></g> El. <g></g> ‘a sentence.’]
       <P>{%Bruva, as, ā, am,%} calling one's self by a name

case = 766, hw = brU, page=0694-a

       <>phecy;’ <nsi>brudiwr,</nsi> ‘a chronicler, prophet:’ perhaps
       <>also Gr. <g></g> ‘to speak;’ <g></g> Æol. <g></g>
158919 <><g>ῥή-τρα;</g> El. <g>ϝράγμα,</g> ‘a sentence.’]
       <P>{%Bruva, as, ā, am,%} calling one's self by a name
       <>without any real title to it, (at the end of comps.,

case = 767, hw = Bakz, page=0694-c

       <>Desid. {%bibhakshayishati,%} to desire to eat, wish to
       <>devour; [cf. Zend <nsi>baz,</nsi> ‘to distribute;’ <nsi>bagh-a-s,</nsi>
158999 <>‘a piece;’ <nsi>bakhsh,</nsi> ‘to attain:’ Gr. <g>φαγ-εῖν,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps also <g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fām-es</nsi> for <nsi>fag-mes, fa-ba</nsi> for <nsi>fag-ba, bacca</nsi> for

case = 768, hw = Bakz, page=0694-c

       <>devour; [cf. Zend <nsi>baz,</nsi> ‘to distribute;’ <nsi>bagh-a-s,</nsi>
       <>‘a piece;’ <nsi>bakhsh,</nsi> ‘to attain:’ Gr. <g></g>
159000 <><g>φαγ-ᾶς, φαγ-όν-ες,</g> perhaps also <g>φακός, φάσηλος:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fām-es</nsi> for <nsi>fag-mes, fa-ba</nsi> for <nsi>fag-ba, bacca</nsi> for
       <><nsi>bacsa:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>basi,</nsi> ‘a berry,’ fr. <nsi>basya</nsi> = {%bhakshya,%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0695 case = 769, hw = Baj, page=0695-a

       <>put to flight, pursue; (according to Vopa-deva) to
       <>cook: Desid. {%bibhakshati, -te:%} Intens. {%bābhajyate,%}
159134 <>{%bābhakti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>φώγω, φώγνυμι:</g> perhaps Lat.
       <><nsi>fa-mulus, familia:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>anda-bahti, bahtjan:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>bacan:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>bachan:</nsi> Hib. [Page0695-b+ 81]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0696 case = 770, hw = BaYj, page=0696-c

       <>Desid. {%bibhańkshati:%} Intens. {%bambhajyate, bam-%}
       <>{%bhańkti;%} [perhaps the original form was {%bhraṅj;%}
159519 <>cf. Gr. <g>ῥήγνυμι, ῥηγμίν, ῥαγή,</g> perhaps also <g></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>frang-o:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>brak, ga-brika, ga-brak,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ga-brekum, brik-an:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>brak-an, brec-an:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0697 case = 771, hw = BaNga, page=0697-a

       <>the plant Convolvulus Turpethum; an intoxicating
       <>beverage prepared from the hemp plant; [cf. Gr.
159625 <><g>ἀγή;</g> Lith. <nsi>bangà,</nsi> ‘a wave, flood.’] {%--Bhańga-%}
       <>{%kara, as, ī, am,%} causing a breach, making a fissure;
       <>({%as%}), m., N. of a son of A-vikshit; of a son of
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0700 case = 772, hw = Bara, page=0700-b

       <>great number, mass, multitude, bulk; attacking,
       <>battle, contest (Ved.); raising the voice (Ved.); a
160353 <>joyful song, a hymn (Ved.); [cf. Gr. <g>βάρος.</g>] {%--Bha-%}
       <>{%ra-hūti, is,%} f., Ved. a war-cry, war-hoop; ({%is, is, i%}),
       <>sounding a battle-cry, raising a war-shout. {%--Bhare-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0701 case = 773, hw = Barga, page=0701-b

       <P>.{#Barga#}¦ {%bharga, as,%} m. (said to be fr. a rt.
       <>{%bhṛij,%} which is probably here for rt. {%bhrāj,%} = Gr.
160623 <><g>φλέγω)</g> Ved. radiance, splendor, lustre, effulgence
       <>(Ved. {%= bhargas%} below, cf. <g></g> N. of Śiva; of
       <>Brahman; of a man with the patronymic Prāgātha,

case = 774, hw = Barga, page=0701-b

       <>{%bhṛij,%} which is probably here for rt. {%bhrāj,%} = Gr.
       <><g></g> Ved. radiance, splendor, lustre, effulgence
160624 <>(Ved. {%= bhargas%} below, cf. <g>φλόξ);</g> N. of Śiva; of
       <>Brahman; of a man with the patronymic Prāgātha,
       <>author of the hymns Ṛig-veda VIII. 49-50; of a

case = 775, hw = Barv, page=0701-c

       <>with rt. 1. {%bhas%}), cl. 1. P. {%barvati%} or
       <>{%bharbati%} or {%bharbhati,%} &c., Ved. to chew, devour,
160669 <>eat; to hurt, injure, fight; [cf. Gr. <g>φέρβ-ω, φορβ-ή;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>herb-a;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>balvjan.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#Barvara#}¦ {%bharvara.%} See col. 2.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0703 case = 776, hw = BA, page=0703-c

       <>shine or appear: Desid. {%bibhāsati:%} Intens. {%bābhā-%}
       <>{%yate, bābheti, bābhāti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>bā-nu,</nsi> ‘a ray;’
161184 <><nsi>bā-ma,</nsi> ‘brightness:’ Gr. <g>φη-μί, φά-σκ-ω, φά-τι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (Homeric), ‘he appeared;’ <g></g>

case = 777, hw = BA, page=0703-c

       <>{%yate, bābheti, bābhāti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>bā-nu,</nsi> ‘a ray;’
       <><nsi>bā-ma,</nsi> ‘brightness:’ Gr. <g></g>
161185 <><g>φήμη, φανή, φαίνω, φαν-ε-ρό-ς, φαν-ή, φά-σι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (Homeric), ‘he appeared;’ <g></g>

case = 778, hw = BA, page=0703-c

       <><nsi>bā-ma,</nsi> ‘brightness:’ Gr. <g></g>
161186 <><g>φά-σ-μα; φά-ε </g> (Homeric), ‘he appeared;’ <g>ὑπό-φαυ-σι-ς,</g>

case = 779, hw = BA, page=0703-c

       <><g></g> (Homeric), ‘he appeared;’ <g></g>
161187 <><gφά-ος, φαῦ-ος, φῶς, φέγγ-ος, φα-έ-θ-ω, φαε-ίν-ω></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>fā-rī, fā-ma, fā-tu-m, fā-s, fā-bu-la, fă-t-</nsi>

case = 780, hw = BA, page=0703-c

       <><g></g> (Homeric), ‘he appeared;’ <g></g>
161188 <><g>φαει-νό-ς, φᾱνό-ς, φαίδιμος, πι-φαύ-σκ-ω:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>fā-rī, fā-ma, fā-tu-m, fā-s, fā-bu-la, fă-t-</nsi>
       <><nsi>eo-r, fa-c-s, fă-c-ie-s, făc-ē-tu-s, fav-illa, focus,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0706 case = 781, hw = BAra, page=0706-a

       <>by a burden, overburdened, heavily laden, bearing a
       <>heavy burden; ({%ā%}), f. a species of the Atyashṭi
161777 <>metre, four times <g>— — — —, ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ —, ∪ — ∪ ∪ — ∪ —;</g>
       <>[cf. {%mandākrāntā.%}] {%--Bhārāvataraṇa%} or {%bhārā-%}
       <>{%vatāraṇa (ºra-avº), am,%} n. the taking down or
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0708 case = 782, hw = BAz, page=0708-c

       <P>.{#BAz#}¦ 1. {%bhāsh%} (connected with rt. 1.
162350 <>{%bhā%} as Gr. <g>φη-μί</g> with <g>φαίνω),</g> cl. 1. A.
       <>{%bhāshate%} (ep. also P. {%-ti%}), {%babhāshe, bhāshitum,%}
       <>to speak, talk, say; to speak to, address (with acc.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0711 case = 783, hw = BI, page=0711-b

       <>(acc.) with anything (inst.): Desid. {%bibhīshati:%}
       <>Intens. {%bebhīyate, bebhayīti, bebheti;%} [cf. Zend
162974 <>rt. {%bī,%} ‘to be frightened:’ Gr. <g>φέβ-ο-μαι, φόβο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lith. <nsi>bij-au,</nsi> ‘I
       <>am afraid;’ <nsi>baime,</nsi> ‘fear;’ <nsi>bai-dau,</nsi> ‘I terrify;’

case = 784, hw = BI, page=0711-b

       <>Intens. {%bebhīyate, bebhayīti, bebheti;%} [cf. Zend
       <>rt. {%bī,%} ‘to be frightened:’ Gr. <g></g>
162975 <><g>φοβέ-ω, φοβέ-ο-μαι, φοβ-ερό-ς:</g> Lith. <nsi>bij-au,</nsi> ‘I
       <>am afraid;’ <nsi>baime,</nsi> ‘fear;’ <nsi>bai-dau,</nsi> ‘I terrify;’
       <><nsi>baisis,</nsi> ‘terrible;’ perhaps belonging to the Caus.

case = 785, hw = BIma, page=0711-c

       <>of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra. {%--Bhīma-śāsana, as,%} m.
       <>‘terrible in rule,’ N. of Yama. {%--Bhīma-śāha, as,%}
163109 <>m. ({%śāha%} = <g></g> ‘the terrible king,’ N. of a king.
       <>{%--Bhīma-śukla, as,%} m., N. of a king. {%--Bhīma-%}
       <>{%siṉha-paṇḍita, as,%} m., N. of a learned man and
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0712 case = 786, hw = Buj, page=0712-c

       <>{%bhoktum,%} to bend, curve, turn round,
       <>make crooked: Pass. {%bhujyate,%} to be bent, to
163289 <>incline one's self; [cf. Gr. <g>φεύγ-ω, φυγ-ή, φύζα,</g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g> from
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fug-i-o, fug-a, fug-ax, fugitivu-s,</nsi>

case = 787, hw = Buj, page=0712-c

       <>make crooked: Pass. {%bhujyate,%} to be bent, to
       <>incline one's self; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
163290 <><g>φυγἀ-ς, φύξ-ις, φύξι-μο-ς,</g> probably <g>φυγών</g> from
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fug-i-o, fug-a, fug-ax, fugitivu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>fugare:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>biug-an:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>big-an,</nsi>

case = 788, hw = Buj, page=0712-c

       <>incline one's self; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g> from
163291 <><g>φυγών:</g> Lat. <nsi>fug-i-o, fug-a, fug-ax, fugitivu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>fugare:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>biug-an:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>big-an,</nsi>
       <><nsi>bug-an, beág, beagrian, boga, eln-boga, el-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0714 case = 789, hw = Bur, page=0714-a

       <>{%iććhanti%}). Intens. {%jarbhurīti%} (Pres. part. {%jarbhu-%}
       <>{%rāṇa%}), to shoot out in flames (as fire); [cf. {%bhūrṇi;%}
163567 <>Gr. <g>πορφύρω;</g> Lat. <nsi>fur-ere.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Bhuraṇa, as, ā, am,%} Ved. active, (Sāy. {%= bhartṛi%}
       <>or {%poshaka,%} as if fr. rt. {%bhṛi%}); ({%ā%}), m. du. epithet

case = 790, hw = BU, page=0714-a

       <>quently, to be generally, to take various forms (with
       <>acc., Ved.); [cf. Zend <nsi>bū,</nsi> ‘to be, become:’ Gr.
163720 <><g>φύ-ω, ἔ-φῡ-ν, ἔ-φῡ-ς, ἔ-φῡ</g> {%= abhūvam, abhūs,%}
       <>{%abhūt,%} <g></g>

case = 791, hw = BU, page=0714-a

       <>acc., Ved.); [cf. Zend <nsi>bū,</nsi> ‘to be, become:’ Gr.
       <><g></g> {%= abhūvam, abhūs,%}
163721 <>{%abhūt,%} <g>φύ-ο-μαι, φυ-ή, φύ-σι-ς, φῦ-μα, φυ-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> ‘the generating one,’

case = 792, hw = BU, page=0714-a

       <><g></g> {%= abhūvam, abhūs,%}
       <>{%abhūt,%} <g></g>
163722 <><g>φυτεύ-ω, φῦ-λο-ν, φυ-λή, φῖ-τυ, φί-τυ-μα, φι-τύ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> ‘the generating one,’
       <>probably {%= bhavat:%} Lat. <nsi>fu-a-m, fu-i, fu-turu-s,</nsi>

case = 793, hw = BU, page=0714-a

       <>{%abhūt,%} <g></g>
163723 <><g>φοι-τά-ω(?), φώς, gen. φωτός, </g> ‘the generating one,’
       <>probably {%= bhavat:%} Lat. <nsi>fu-a-m, fu-i, fu-turu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>fo-re, fu-tu-o, -bam</nsi> (in <nsi>amabam</nsi>) = {%abhavam,%} <nsi>-bo,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0715 case = 794, hw = BU, page=0715-a

       <>‘king's fortune,’ N. of a temple of Śiva mentioned
       <>in the Skanda-Purāṇa. {%--Bhūpāla-sāhi, is,%} m.
163985 <>({%sāhi%} = Persian <g></g>), N. of a king. {%--Bhū-putra,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. ‘son of the earth,’ the planet Mars. {%--Bhū-%}
       <>{%putrī,%} f. ‘daughter of the earth,’ an epithet of Sītā
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0717 case = 795, hw = BUti, page=0717-b

       <>Manes; of Vishṇu; of Śiva; of a pupil (or son) of
       <>Ańgiras and father of Manu Bhautya; of a Brāhman;
164379 <>[cf. Gr. <g>φύ-σι-ς;</g> Slav. infinitive <nsi>by-ti</nsi> = Lith. <nsi>bú-ti,</nsi>
       <>‘to be.’] {%--Bhūti-karman, a,%} n. any auspicious or
       <>festive rite (e. g. any domestic ceremony performed
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0719 case = 796, hw = Bf, page=0719-b

       <>{%bharibhrat%}), to bear repeatedly, to bear or carry
       <>hither and thither; to maintain continually; [cf.
164903 <>Zend <nsi>bar,</nsi> ‘to bear, bring:’ Gr. <g>φέρ-ω, φέρ-μα,</g>
       <><g></g> [Page0719-c+ 81]

case = 797, hw = Bf, page=0719-b

       <>hither and thither; to maintain continually; [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>bar,</nsi> ‘to bear, bring:’ Gr. <g></g>
164904 <><g>φέρ-ε-τρο-ω, φαρ-έ-τρα, φόρ-ο-ς, φορό-ς, φορ-ά,</g> [Page0719-c+ 81]

case = 798, hw = Bf, page=0719-b

       <>Zend <nsi>bar,</nsi> ‘to bear, bring:’ Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> [Page0719-c+ 81]
164905 <><g>φορ-μό-ς, φόρ-το-ς, φερ-νή; φάρ-μα-κο-ν; φέρ-τερος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fero,</nsi>

case = 799, hw = Bf, page=0719-b

       <><g></g> [Page0719-c+ 81]
164906 <><g>φέρ-ιστο-ς, φέρ-τα-το-ς; φέρ-β-ω, φορ-β-ή;</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>fero,</nsi>
       <><nsi>fer</nsi> in <nsi>belli-fer, fer-cu-lu-m, fer-āx, for-du-s,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

The problem with programmatic posting of the comments boiled down to a need to add 'public_repo' to the scopes associated with the personal access token required to use the GitHub API. The details are described here.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago


Here's the next batch for you. I've slightly changed things so that are 100 cases in a batch, rather than 100 instance pages, as before. Otherwise, things should work the same as before.

Your vacation from GreekInSanskrit is over (I hope) :)

Thanks again for all the help.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Your vacation from GreekInSanskrit is over (I hope) :)

So do I :1st_place_medal:

jmigliori commented 7 years ago

These are all done. Cases 725, 733, 740, 785, 794 are Arabic and 735 is the second half of a hyphenated word in 734.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Long live @jmigliori ! What's next?