sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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bib minus cref, part 4 #22

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

91 KA7TJ.C2RA7DDHAK not found All are GOBH.C2RA7DDHA

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

92 SARASVATIK->SARASVATI7K See the capital I

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

93 C2UKRN->C2UKRAN SukranIti

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

95 <ls>SCHIEFNER.,</ls><ls>TA7RAN.</ls>-><ls>SCHIEFNER.,TA7RAN.</ls> Total 4 occurrences.

    Line 85016: <H1><h><key1>mahAvihAravAsin</key1><key2>mahAvihAravAsin</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <gram n="Pl">Pl.</gram> <i>eine best. buddhistische Secte</i> <ls>SCHIEFNER.,</ls><ls>TA7RAN.</ls> PW85013</body><tail><L>85012</L><pc>5052-3</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 85183: <H1><h><key1>mahAsAMGika</key1><key2>mahAsAMGika</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <gram n="Pl">Pl.</gram> <i>eine best.</i> <noti>buddhistische Schule</noti> <ls>SCHIEFNER.,</ls><ls>TA7RAN.</ls> PW85180</body><tail><L>85179</L><pc>5054-3</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 85207: <H1><h><key1>mahAsudarSana</key1><key2>*mahAsudarSana</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <noti> eines K4akravartin</noti> <ls>SCHIEFNER.,</ls><ls>TA7RAN.</ls> PW85204</body><tail><L>85203</L><pc>5055-1</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 90434: <H1><h><key1>yavadvIpa</key1><key2>yavadvIpa</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <i>die Insel</i> <noti>Java</noti> <ls>SCHIEFNER.,</ls><ls>TA7RAN.263.</ls> PW90431</body><tail><L>90430</L><pc>5132-1</pc></tail></H1>

See capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

96 KA7C2IKH->KA7C2I7KH Capital I

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

97 WILSON,Sel.Spec No change

Missed in cref because of trailing roman numbers (WILSON,Sel.Spec.LXXVIII) @funderburkjim, can you please update the regex in script so that trailing Roman numbers are also removed from crefs.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

98 VA7MANAP-VA7MANA There are total 117 entries with VA7MANA No entry with P at the end.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

100 WEBER,->WEBER No comma I guess this has been accounted for in the recent update in the code by Jim where , was added to regex for cleanup.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

101 ROXB->ROXBURGH.Flora Ind. capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

102 Bibl.ind No change Missed in crefs because of the small letter 'ind' at the end. Total 11 occurrences

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

103 RA7MAPU7RVAT.Up->RA7MAPU7RVAT.UP Already done

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

104 NR2SUp->NR2S.UP. Corrected in 'UP' corrections

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

105 HAUG,Acc->HAUG.Acc

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

106 APABA7KA Not found in pw.xml

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

Some 22 more entries. In this issue I will complete the correction submissions for 'ls' tags. Let us see how much do we match pwbib0.txt and sortedcrefs.txt Praying for 90%.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

We are one. KA7TJ.C2RA7DDHAK not found - means an unused, but declared abbreviation?

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

107 C2A7KTA7N(ANDATARAM5GIN2I)->C2A7KTA7N pwbib0 expansion.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

108 <ls>GAN2IT.</ls><ls>GRAH-><ls>GAN2IT. GRAH It is a single reference, not two. See capture

    Line 50193: <H1><h><key1>dinagaRa</key1><key2>dinagaRa</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> = <s>AhargaRa</s> <noti>2)</noti> <ls>GAN2IT.</ls><ls>GRAH.3.</ls> PW50191</body><tail><L>50189</L><pc>3087-3</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 88456: <H1><h><key1>mfdu</key1><key2>mfdu/</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> (<gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>mfqu/</s>) <noti>und</noti> <s>mfdvI/</s> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>weich , zart , geschmeidig</i> <noti>(Compar.</noti> <s>mfqutara</s>) <ls>TS.PRA7T.</ls><ls>Chr.296,14</ls>); <i>mild , sanft.</i> <noti>So heissen die Mondhäuser Anura7dha</noti> , <noti>Kitra7 , Revati und Mr2gac2iras.</noti> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <i>mild</i> , <noti>so v.a.</noti> <i>schwach , mässig.</i> <divm type="n" n="c">c)</divm> <i>schwach , keinen Widerstand zu leisten vermögend.</i> <divm type="n" n="d">d)</divm> <i>langsam</i> ; <noti>in der Astron. so v.a.</noti> <i>in der oberen Apsis stehend</i> <ls>GAN2IT.</ls><ls>GRAH.14.</ls> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <gram n="n">n.</gram> <i>Milde.</i> <divm type="e" n="3">3)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>der Planet Saturn.</i> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <not...
    Line 104592: <H1><h><key1>viSiKa</key1><key2>viSiKa/</key2></h><body><noti>und</noti> <s>vi/SiKa</s> <divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>ohne Haarschopf</i> <ls>HEMA7DRI.2,</ls> <i>a</i> , <ls>38,19.</ls> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <i>kahl</i> ; <noti>von Pfeilen so v.a.</noti> <i>unbefiedert.</i> <divm type="n" n="c">c)</divm> <i>ohne Spitze , stumpf</i> <noti>(Pfeil).</noti> <divm type="n" n="d">d)</divm> <i>ohne Flamme</i> <noti>(Feuer).</noti> <divm type="n" n="e">e)</divm> <i>ohne Spitze</i> <noti>von einem Kometen , so v.a.</noti> <i>ohne Schweif.</i> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>ein stumpfer Pfeil</i> , <noti>überh.</noti> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <i>*Spiess , Wurfspiess.</i> <divm type="n" n="c">c)</divm> = <s>Sara</s> <i>Sinus versus</i> <ls>GAN2IT.</ls><ls>GRAHAJ.6.</ls> <divm type="e" n="3">3)</divm> <gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>viSiKA</s> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>*...
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

109 KIELHORN,Rep Not found in pw.xml Only two occurrences of KIELHORN

    Line 97671: <H1><h><key1>vaqQ</key1><key2>*vaqQ</key2></h><body>, <s>vaqQati</s> <ls>PAT.</ls> <noti>zu</noti> <ls>P.1,3,1,</ls> <ls>VA7RTT.12</ls> <noti>in</noti> <ls>KIELHORN'S.AUSG.</ls> PW97668</body><tail><L>97667</L><pc>6009-2</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 110394: <H1><h><key1>SambawI</key1><key2>SambawI</key2></h><body><gram n="f">f.</gram> <noti>(!)</noti> <s>zoqaSa palASca mAzaSambawya</s> ; <ls>PAT.</ls> <noti>zu</noti> <ls>P.1,2,64,</ls> <ls>VA7RTT.59.</ls> <noti>Vgl.</noti> <ls>KIELHORN,</ls> <ls>MAHA7BH.Bd.2,</ls> <noti>S. 10.</noti> PW110388</body><tail><L>110390</L><pc>6208-1</pc></tail></H1>
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

110 PRA7JAC2K4ITTAV Not found in pw.xml PRA7JAC2K4ITTAT is also a separate entry in pwbib0.txt. capture

I am not sure about C2U3LAPA7N2I7.Pra7jac2k4ittaviveka. It seems that the first item is author and the second a text. Not sure how to change the tags. pwbib0.txt doesn't show this C2U3LAPA7N2I7 stuff. capture

    Line 1892: <H1><h><key1>atibAla</key1><key2>atibAla</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> (<gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>A</s>) <i>überaus jung.</i> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <i>eine zweijährige Kuh</i> <ls>PRA7JAC2K4ITTAT.</ls> PW1888</body><tail><L>1888</L><pc>1022-3</pc></tail></H1>
    Line 117966: <H1><h><key1>saMjYapana</key1><key2>saMjYa/pana</key2></h><body><gram n="n">n.</gram> <divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <i>das Einmüthigmachen.</i> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <i>das Tödten des Opferthieres</i> <noti>(durch Ersticken).</noti> <divm type="e" n="3">3)</divm> <i>das Betrügen , Anführen</i> <ls>C2U3LAPA7N2I7.Pra7jac2k4ittaviveka.168,</ls> <noti>a nach</noti> <ls>AUFRECHT.</ls> PW117960</body><tail><L>117962</L><pc>7026-1</pc></tail></H1>
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

111 GOVINA7N->GOVINDA7N govindAnanda Already corrected it seems.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

112 NA7DAR.Up->NA7DAR.UP Already corrected

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

113 LILA7V->LI7LA7V lIlAvatI Capital I

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

114 DRAVJA->DRAVJAV Only one entry. That means that work identified as DRAVJA (UDDHITATTVA) may also not be proper. See capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

115 TAITT.Up->TAITT.UP Already corrected

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

116 C2OBH Not found in pw.xml

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

117 MAYR,Ind.Erb Not found in pw.xml Neither MAYR nor Erb found too

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

118 ALAM5A7RA->ALAM5KA7RA Already corrected. But there is one more correction needed in pwbib0.txt ALAM5KA7RA(TNA7KARA)->ALAM5KA7RA(RATNA7KARA) alaMkAraratnAkara

*EJF Changed pwbib0 (for consistency with print):


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

119 GAN2ITA,K4ANDRAGR(AHA7DHIKA7RA)->GAN2ITA,K4ANDRAGR bracket added by pwbib0 There are two references. One with candragr, and one with candragrah Both should be merged capture capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

119 NI7LAK.miteinerZahl->NI7LAK.

NI7LAK. mit einer Zahl == NI7L. (vol. 1) capture

It means that NI7LAK.[0-9] refers to NI7L. which itself is NI7L. == A rational Refutation of the Hindu Phisosphical Systems, by NEHEMIAH NILAKAN2T2HA SA'STRI GORE. Translated etc. by RITZ-EDWARD HALL. Calcutta 1862. (vol. 1) Only one occurrence.

<H1><h><key1>asaMnikfzwa</key1><key2>asaMnikfzwa</key2></h><body><gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> <i>nicht in unmittelbarer Nähe befindlich</i> <ls>NI7LAK.172.</ls> PW12376</body><tail><L>12376</L><pc>1146-3</pc></tail></H1>
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

120 MAHA7BH.(K.) Must have been corrected in the new pw.xml Earlier it had misclosed brackets <ls>MAHA7BH.(K.</ls>) @funderburkjim may check it up.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

121 WIND. SANG.->WIND. SANC. in pwbib0.txt See capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

122 SAHR2DAJA7LOKA Not found in pw.xml

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

123 KA7VJA7L Not found in pw.xml. It is always KA7VJA7D. I tried with regex KA7VJA7[^D] and it yielded 0 match.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

124 DHJA7NAB.Up->DHJA7NAB.UP Already corrected

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

125 TEG4OB.Up->TEG4OB.UP Already corrected

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

126 GAN2ITA,SU7RJAGR(AHAN2A7DHIKA7RA)->GAN2ITA,SU7RJAGR Bracket added by pwbib0.txt

<H1><h><key1>bARa</key1><key2>bARa/</key2><hom>1</hom></h><body><noti>und</noti> <s>bA/Ra</s> <divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>Rohrpfeil , Pfeil.</i> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <noti>Bez.</noti> <i>der Zahl fünf.</i> <divm type="n" n="c">c)</divm> <i>®Sinus_versus</i> <ls>GAN2ITA,SU7RJAGR.14.</ls> <divm type="n" n="d">d)</divm> <i>Ziel.</i> <divm type="n" n="e">e)</divm> <i>*ein best. Theil des Pfeils.</i> <divm type="n" n="f">f)</divm> <i>®Saccharum_Sara <noti>oder</noti> eine verwandte Rohrart</i> <ls>RA7G4AN.8,82.</ls><ls>BHA7VAPR.1,209.</ls> <divm type="n" n="g">g)</divm> <i>*Kuheuter.</i> <divm type="n" n="h">h)</divm> <noti>*</noti> = <s>kevala</s>. <divm type="n" n="i">i)</divm> <noti></noti> <divm type="g" n="a">a)</divm> <noti>eines Asura , Feindes des Vishn2u und Günstlings des C2iva.</noti> <divm type="g" n="b">b)</divm> <noti>eines Wesens im Gefolge Skanda's.</noti> <divm type="g" n="g">g)</divm> <noti>zweier Fürsten , eines Autors</noti> (<ls>KA7D.4,14</ls>) <noti>und anderer Männer.</noti> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> (*<gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>A</s>) <i>eine blau blühende Barleria</i> <ls>RA7G4AN.10,137.140.</ls><ls>BHA7VAPR.3,98.</ls> <divm type="e" n="3">3)</divm> *<gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>A</s> <i>das hintere Ende eines Pfeils.</i> <divm type="e" n="4">4)</divm> <gram n="n">n.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>die Blüthe von</i> <noti>2).</noti> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <i>Körper.</i> PW76611</body><tail><L>76609</L><pc>4219-3</pc></tail></H1>
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim This ends correction submission for bibminuscref.xml. Let us know the statistics after all the corrections are installed.

I know this has been very confusing submission for me. Many a times pw.xml, pwbib0.txt and pwbib1.txt needed correction and all has been submitted intermixed here. If anything is not clear, I beg your apologies. But from whatever I read in earlier installation, both of us seem to be on the same frequency. You guess correctly where I want the correction to be made. Best luck for the three parts yet to be done.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

NI7LAK.miteinerZahl = NI7LAK mit einer Zahl = NI7LAK with a number.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re NI7LAK.miteinerZahl

After reading @gasyoun's comment , and rereading @drdhaval2785's comment, I am doubting what I said under this item,

Should we instead make a print change correction to <ls>NI7L.172.</ls> ?

I found only one other NI7L. abbreviation in pw, NI7L.35.@anAdi@anAdi@3871.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Will go ahead with installation of changes per my interspersed comments. If we decide differently on NI7LAK, can add on the change.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Corrections now installed. And PWK updated with new pw.xml, and new pwbib0, etc.

There are now 460 pwbib records, after removing duplicates and those identified as unused (see below).

Of these, 445 are found to match instances in pw 'ls' records (97%).

There are only 15 cases remaining in bibminuscref.txt. @drdhaval2785 Maybe take another look? Perhaps I have missed some installation details on these.

87% of the 73256 items of abbrvlist.txt are acounted for. Still about 10,000 unaccounted for. I think @drdhaval2785 has already started attacking these.

PWK repository now updated.

The pw sync file is updated.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Here is the current list of pwbib abbreviations that are unused:

26 Bydragen 
29 gan2a
65 BÜHLER,Rep.1872-73
81 Ind.Str.
116 C2OBH
119 NI7LAK.miteinerZahl 
123 KA7VJA7L
... K4HA7NDOGJAP   Added by ejf.
funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Here is the start of a list to contain literary source abbreviations that we think are missing from pwbib.


At some point, I should probably modify a program (either or, not sure which) to use this list, so that we won't have to rethink these members of crefminusbib.txt.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

With possible exception of the NILA7K case, this issue can be closed.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

There are now 460 pwbib records, after removing duplicates and those identified as unused (see below).

If unused are in the Prefaces of PWK, still they should be mentioned, maybe with an additional tag. Would like to make a list of Reference works used for my Reverse dictionary. Unused is interesting in real life application, but should still remain in the original list, I guess. @funderburkjim agree?

Waiting for @drdhaval2785

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Yes. Agree that the Unused (and duplicates) should remain in pwbib. Probably a good idea also to annotate a final printed version of pwbib regarding the unused and duplicates that we identify.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

annotate a final printed version of pwbib regarding the unused and duplicates that we identify

Absolutely the way to go.

@funderburkjim I guess we can close this issue and you can install it. Maybe we can also add NI7LAK.miteinerZahl to the pwbib unused list. Close the issue. I agree with your observations.

And we should also start maintaining a 'doubtful.txt' file also for such issues where we are not sure and still have made some decision / deferred some decision because of doubt. Some expert somewhere in world may help. कालो ह्ययं निरवधिर्विपुला च पृथ्वी ।

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Added pwbib_unused.txt.