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Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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Ramayana links #83

Open funderburkjim opened 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

In our efforts to get a linkable target for Ramayana in PWK and PWG, the following may be helpful.

In PWG, the R. literary source is described as

RĀMĀYAṆA. Ohne eine nähere Angabe ist bei den zwei ersten 
Büchern die Ausgabe von SCHLEGEL (GILD. Bibl. 84), 
bei den vier letzten die von GORRESIO (GILD. Bibl. 85) gemeint.

[Google Translate]
RĀMĀYAṆA. Without further details, the first two are
books the edition of SCHLEGEL (GILD. Bibl. 84), 
with the four last those of GORRESIO (GILD. Bibl. 85) meant. 

@thomasincambodia provides this reference to GILD (Gildemeister):


Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Just like the MBh. Bomb. citations are far less as compared to MBh. Calc. citations, Schlegel citations are far less than Gorresio citations.

So just linking to Gorresio should be good enough.

[Its just a suggestion from my side.]

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

And here is the R. reference description in PWK (See also #24).

RĀMĀYAṆA. Das 1ste und 2te Kāṇḍa nach der Ausg. von SCHLEGEL, 
das 3--6te nach der von GORRESIO, 
das 7te nach der Bomb. Ausg., wenn nicht ausdrücklich eine andere Ausgabe genannt ist. 
Eine eingeklammerte Zahl bezieht ist sich auf ed. Bomb. 

(Google Translate)
RĀMĀYAṆA. The 1st and 2nd Kāṇḍa after the output of SCHLEGEL, 
the 3rd--6th after that of GORRESIO, 
the 7th after the bomb. Edition unless another edition is explicitly mentioned. 
A number in parentheses refers to ed. Bomb. 
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

A Gorresio edition source for Ramayana is mentioned here

@Andhrabharati Would you identify links to the specific 10(?) volumes

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

I have seen few citations from Gorresio 7th Kāṇḍa as well; and this is not a part of the 10 volumes set that I had mentioned earlier.

And incidentally not all 10 volumes contain the Sanskrit text; let me get the concerned linkable volume numbers first.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Gorresio Vol.1: Adikāṇda (1-80 sargas); Ayodhyākāṇda (1-9 sargas) Gorresio Vol.2: Ayodhyākāṇda (10-127 sargas) Gorresio Vol.3: Araṇyakāṇḍa (1-79 sargas); Kiṣkindhākāṇḍa (1-33 sargas) Gorresio Vol.4: Kiṣkindhākāṇḍa (34-63 sargas); Sundarakāṇḍa (1-95 sargas) Gorresio Vol.5: Yudddhakāṇḍa (1-113 sargas)

Rest 5 volumes contains Italian translation & Notes by Gorresio.

With this info, what links do you like to have-- the full set + Uttarakāṇda, or just the above 5 vol.s (probably with the Uttarakāṇḍa volume)?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Just search for "Rāmāyana Poema" at to get the 10 volumes of Gorresio, and use the "Online lesen" button in the result page to download the required volume(s).

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

And use this link to get the Uttarakanda-

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Just FYI-- these Bayer scans are over 20 times bigger in size than the Google book scans!

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

MBh. Bomb. citations are far less as compared to MBh. Calc. citations, Schlegel citations are far less than Gorresio citations.

Interesting to know if it's really so.

Just FYI-- these Bayer scans are over 20 times bigger in size than the Google book scans!

And they are readable, not as the Google scans.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

RĀMĀYAṆA. The 1st and 2nd Kāṇḍa after the output of SCHLEGEL, the 3rd--6th after that of GORRESIO,

I've seen Gorresio 1 & 2 Kāṇḍa citations as well. Not all 1 & 2 Kāṇḍa citations belong to Schlegel!!

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

MBh. Bomb. citations are far less as compared to MBh. Calc. citations, Schlegel citations are far less than Gorresio citations.

Interesting to know if it's really so.

You'd know the status (if &) when Jim gives the counts. [I have my own methods to do anything that comes in my way.]

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

And they are readable, not as the Google scans.

Did you see those Google scans? They too are very good; but Bayer's (color) scans being at high resolution are just excellent.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

Did you see those Google scans?


They too are very good; but Bayer's (color) scans being at high resolution are just excellent.


Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Just opened up Google scan and the Bayer scan of Gorresio Ramayana vol.1 to see inside.

Surprisingly, the Bayer scan is bad at many pages; Google scan is clear throughout, but 4 pages are repeated (that can simply be deleted).

So looks like Google scan is a better 'source' to use for linking.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Here are the Kanda-Sarga-verse counts of Gorresio Ramayana-

Kanda | Sargas | verses 1 | 80 | 2501 2 | 127 | 4122 3 | 79 | 2841 4 | 63 | 2302 5 | 95 | 3300 6 | 113 | 5144 7 | 115 | 3713

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

It took me just about 4 hrs to complete Gorresio Ramayana index for pdf linking.

And here is the file- Gorresio Ramayana index for pdf-linking.txt

The std. practice adopted for verse line referencing, if in 4-line form are as a, b, c, d & if in 2-line form as ab, cd. And the same has been followed in my marking.

Also as there are just about 100 errata entries listed for the Sanskrit text, it is thought that the corrections may appropriately be posted at resp. places, preferably in the same font as in the book. As such, a prelim. text has been prepared. [Seen that the entry words in the list sometimes are not exactly matching with the actual cited text.] Gorresio errata (Gudakesa font).pdf

Sorry @gasyoun, for doing this exercise myself, instead of leaving it to @KateRusse, as you had suggested elsewhere.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Once @funderburkjim uploads the page-wise pdf files, I can add the errata text at resp. pages, if the idea 'gets' acceptance.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Probably Schlegel's two volumes could also be indexed and linked.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

@funderburkjim Here is the Schlegel's Ramayana volumes' index- Schlegel Ramayana index for pdf-linking.txt

And the errata, just as done for Gorresio- Schlegel errata (Gudakesa font).pdf

[This is such a playful activity; and probably I should stick to doing this kind of work, instead of poking my nose into the CDSL texts and making all sorts of changes in them "to irritate" the team, who'd then just keep/leave them aside!!]

@gasyoun / @funderburkjim is the ls works list with counts (in all dictionaries) made earlier, and available to see?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

As I had looked into the Schlegel's volumes, I understand why it has soon faded out once Gorresio appeared in the scene.

Schlegel seems to have taken manuscripts as his base and tried to publish the work, and thus it contained many errors/gaps etc. Gorresio having taken the already published Serampur (Bengali) ed. as his base, naturally got his work an acclaimed status.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati After downloading the Bayer scan of Gorresio Ramayana, I saw your further comment that a scan from Google books should be used instead.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati urls for pdfs of Schlegel scans?

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

comment on vol 1 Gorresio from Bayer

Most pages are aligned properly, and the scan quality is excellent. However, there are unfortunately some pages that are not properly aligned. For example, page 25: image

I suspect such pages are why @Andhrabharati found disappointment with Bayer version.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Google books links to Gorresio Ramayana

Unfortunately, I am not finding downloads for other volumes. Will keep trying.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Have found download for volumes 3 and 5 from Google Books.

No luck for download of volumes 2 and 4 .

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Volume 2 Gorresio (Bayer) bad pages

looked through all pages of vol. 2, the following pages noted as having missing Sanskrit text, due invariably to mis-alignment.

bad pages (internal) 258  (308 external)
 264 miss verse nums;
 270, 272, 302, 304, 326, 334, 340, 342, 352,
 362, 368, 370, 396, 414, 418, 422, 424, 434,
 448, 450, 454, 460, 466,
 (last internal page of Sanskrit 467).
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

vol 4 from

This copy from looks legible for volume 4. National Central library of Rome, sponsored by Google.

I still have not found a good alternate for Bayer's R. GORR for volume 2 -- tried various from, but all were poor in one way or another.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

I still have not found a good alternate for Bayer's R. GORR for volume 2 -- tried various from, but all were poor in one way or another.

Is this not good enough?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago


I am away from my place since last 10 days, and would be back home on 9th March.

If you continue with whatever pages of Gorresio volumes you have now, I can send good pages that I had used while preparing the index/map data, once I am back home. [In summary, don't spend your time searching for those books.]

Same applies to Schlegel's two volumes also.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

dli.2015.292735 version may among the best of the versions of vol 2, but there are some 'pages with bad spots, e.g. 19, 45, 218.

back on 9th Mar

That should be fine. I'll get started with the google versions for Gorresio volumes 1,3,5 , the bub_gb... version for vol 4, and the dli.2015.292735 for vol 2. We can consider replacement pages as needed from your stock.

Have also found

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@KateRusse In working with one of the Ramayana pdfs, I found some missing pages. Would you be able to help examine this pdf more fully for other problems? If so, I'll provide more complete information of what is needed.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Give all the info, @funderburkjim.

On a 2nd thought, probably the Bayer scans could be used as primary source and the problematic pages be taken from elsewhere (as done in MBh case).

What do you say?

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Give all the info

That was what I am hoping @KateRusse would help with.

I'm going to start with Google for volumes 1-4 Goressio, and dli for volume 2. Maybe use Bayer or some other source to amend volume 2.

Also, I see you have indexed the Uttara Kanda from some source, which I have not thus far found.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Would you be able to help examine this pdf more fully for other problems? If so, I'll provide more complete information of what is needed.

This is what I was referring to, in asking you to give all the info. If you spell out what you're looking for, probably even I can help doing it.

Also, I see you have indexed the Uttara Kanda from some source, which I have not thus far found.

Seems you have missed looking at this post--

You just need to press the "Online lesen" button at the link page, and you know the rest.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

volume 4 problem

Using Adobe Acrobat 9, was unable to Extract pages.

The underlying pdf:

'You are viewing document in pdf/a mode'  Could not extract
 edit/preferences document change 'pdf/a' mode to 'never'
 Now Extract menu available: 'Wrong type parameter supplied to a PDS procedure'
 Page extraction failed.

Lucky workaround:

  open bub_vol4.pdf in Edge broswer, print to bubprint.pdf, then
  open bubprint.pdf in adobe acrobat, extract pages. SUCCESS!
  Note bubprint.pdf is much larger: 192MB vs. 15MB of bub_vol4.pdf.
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Yes, that looks like what I tried, but then the 'wrong type parameter...' occurred after 'extract ...'.

Note that the extraction was solved as indicated by printing to a second pdf, then extracting from that printed pdf.

KateRusse commented 2 years ago

I am ready to begin. I will make an index of Ramayana volume 4, am I right?

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@KateRusse Hope you're feeling well now.

At the moment, you don't need to make a complete index but rather to check for missing pages. I think @Andhrabharati has already made an index.

This is for volume 2 of Gorresio's edition of Ramayana. Here is the url for the pdf I'm working with:

It is about 20MB.

First step is to download and get a local copy of this pdf. Then open the local copy. There are 514 separate pages.

The Sanskrit verses start on pdf page 50 (this is a 'title' page). image

This is internal page 1. Page 2 is blank. Page 3 starts the 10 sarga of the 2nd kanda of Ramayana. Starting at page 4, you will see the page numbers (in Devanagari): image

This is where your task begins. Look at every page in sequence and check that the page numbers increase by 1 each time.
When you note discrepancies, mark them down. For example, I noticed '235 GAP 264' (i.e. pages 236-263 seem to be missing in this pdf).

The end result will be a list something like 1-100 ok 101-103 missing (just a guess -- I'm not sure if this is missing or not) 104-235 ok 236-263 missing ... 467 is the last page of Ramayana text
(You can stop here -- the remaining pages are not of interest to us now).

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Like to have the google scans (of Gorresio) that I used (extracted from the full files), @funderburkjim ?

Or just the replacements for the "bad pages", once the identification phase is over?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

And probably @KateRusse could be put on some other work, probably on Kathāsaritsāgara indexing (as @gasyoun had thought of). [She need not check the archive pdf "quality" now!]

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Now is the time to deal with archive quality of Gorresio. Hope @KateRusse can help with that.
First with the missing pages vol 2 mentioned above.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

ok, will wait to give my (scan) files then.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

will wait to give my (scan) files then.

Why wait?

Kathāsaritsāgara indexing

Guess we are still far away from it.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

will wait to give my (scan) files then.

Why wait?

For, @funderburkjim sounded (from his posts) to have opted for

just the replacements for the "bad pages", once the identification phase is over

in saying

Now is the time to deal with archive quality of Gorresio. Hope @KateRusse can help with that.

And he had even clearly mentioned it above--

I'm going to start with Google for volumes 1-4 Goressio, and dli for volume 2. Maybe use Bayer or some other source to amend volume 2.

But it appears that I could post my scan portions and leave the rest to Jim (to act in whatever way he likes to proceed, at his convenient time)! Gorresio Ramayana-V1.pdf Gorresio Ramayana-V2.pdf Gorresio Ramayana-V3.pdf Gorresio Ramayana-V4.pdf Gorresio Ramayana-V5.pdf Gorresio Ramayana-UKanda.pdf

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

And here is the continuing portion of Schlegel's-- Schlegel Ramayana- V1 P2.pdf

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

I guess, I have done much more than expected of me during the last one year, spanning a wide range of works here.

With this I take a L..O..N..G break, as I am going to engage myself in a new work now. [However I would be watching the happenings here in the CDSL forum, and might return back if some interesting activity needs me.]

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati Indeed you have contributed much, and it is much appreciated. There are still many of your suggestions that remain to be implemented, and hopefully we'll attend to these as time goes by. Am glad you will be monitoring activity here, in case we have a question for you from time to time.

Best wishes in your new work (obviously I am curious what this new work may be).


funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati Regarding Schlegel:

I have 2 pdfs from your uploads: Schlegel-Ramayana-Balakanda.pdf and Schlegel.Ramayana-.V1.P2.pdf

Are there any others?

Also, have you prepared an index for these?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago


I have started a multi-volume (~3200pp) Sanskrit Dictionary that is in oblivion (for various reasons; most probably due to its publication having been taken up by someone not in good terms with the British those days), for over 150 years.

This also covered all facets of Sanskrit literature like SKD and VCP, and has many a new entries and meanings not to be seen in either of them; also it has quite many Vedic citations with svaras that are absent in these other two big works.

This work is शब्दार्थचिन्तामणि, by सुखानन्दनाथ. [@drdhaval2785 might give more info about this, if he has some time.] -------------------- Actually I had thought of doing a complete proofing of MW once for all, but did not get your attention to my request about a month back, so I had finalised doing this unique and untouched work and indeed this would be a worthy addition to any dictionary project (whether for AB or CDSL); let time decide how it takes a shape.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati Regarding Schlegel:

I have 2 pdfs from your uploads: Schlegel-Ramayana-Balakanda.pdf and Schlegel.Ramayana-.V1.P2.pdf

Are there any others?

Also, have you prepared an index for these?

Schlegel did just those two starting kāṇḍas of Rāmāyaṇa, published as two parts of Volume 1 (Part-1: 1829 & Part-2: 1838); a second volume was next published (1838) entirely consisting of his Latin translation of the two kāṇḍas.

For the index of these portions, see this above.