santhoshvai / Spotify-Streamer-P2-Android-ND

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Stage 2 is evaluated against this rubric.

User Experience Design

Tablet Interaction Flow (using a Master Detail Flow)

  1. Search for an artist. Spotify_Streamer_stage2_1.png
  2. Fetch and display the top tracks for the selected artist.Spotify_Streamer_stage2_2.png
  3. Play the selected track preview.


Build a Track Player and Optimize for Tablet

Task 1: Build a Simple Player UI

Use the layout fundamental skills you learned in Developing Android Apps to build a simple track player. You will launch this view via Intent when a user selects a specific track from the Artist Top Tracks view.


This player UI should display the following information:

This player UI should display the following playback controls:


To get the icons for the playback controls, you can use the ones that are built-in on Android as drawables. Check out to see all the built-in drawables. The ones used in the mockup are found in the Other section of the site:

Referencing built-in Android drawables involve using the syntax @android:drawable/{drawable_id}. For example, @android:drawable/ic_media_play refers to the play button drawable.

Task 2: Implement playback for a selected track

You will use Android’s MediaPlayer API to stream the track preview of a currently selected track.

Please consult the guide on using MediaPlayer on

Task 3: Optimize the entire end to end experience for a tablet

Migrate the existing UI flow to use a Master-Detail Structure for tablet. If you haven’t done so already, you will want to implement three Fragments for your tablet UI:

Project Submission (Spotify Streamer App, Stage 2)

In order to submit P2: Spotify Streamer App, Stage 2, please use this link and follow instructions.

If you have any problems submitting your project, please email us at