sanuradhag / angular-switchable-grid

A simple grid , which can be used to view data as tile blocks or as a typical list.
MIT License
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Angular Switchable Grid

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A simple grid for angular, Which can be switched between typical List view and a tile block view



Install through npm;

npm install --save angular-switchable-grid

Then import GridModule and include it in your apps for module.

import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { GridModule } from 'angular-switchable-grid';

  imports: [
export class MyModule {}

Then add angular-switchable-grid to your app template.


  <ng-template let-item>



Style guide will be added soon.


angular-switchable-grid properties.
Property Input/Output Default value Description
[data] Input [] - empty array The data to be displayed in the grid.
[columns] Input [] - empty array Titles of the columns in the grid. Type should be Array<{ property: string, displayName: string, width?: string }>
[enableSelection] Input false Enable the selection of the rows of the grid.
[enableMultiSelect] Input false Enable the multiple selection of the rows of the grid.
[filterBy] Input '' - empty string Grid will be filtered by this key.
[filterTerm] Input '' - empty string Grid will filter its's content by the filterBy and will display only the items which are similar to the this.
[enableSort] Input false Enables sorting in the grid
[enablePagination] Input false Enables pagination in the grid
[isGridView] Input false If sets to true, Grid's view will be changed to Tile view from List view.
[noDataTemplate] Input Simple text 'No Data' The template that will be displayed when there is no data.
(getSelectedItems) Output [] - empty array Will emit the selected items when user is selecting items from the grid.

And should pass a template for the row template.

 <ng-template let-item>

Public methods that can be used to access features of the grid.

exportAsExcelFile() - Export the grid data to a excel file.
selectAll() - Select all the items in the grid.
deselectAll() - Deselect all selected item in the grid.


Any suggestions?

Drop me a e-mail

Or open a new issue in


Anuradha Gunasekara

Brion Mario


This software is licensed under the MIT license