sapcc / swift-drive-autopilot

Finds and mounts Swift storage drives (also from within a container)
Apache License 2.0
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This service finds, formats and mounts Swift storage drives, usually from within a container on a Kubernetes host.

How it works

Swift expects its drives to be mounted at /srv/node/$id, where the $id identifier is referenced in the cluster's ring files. The usual method is to set $id equal to the device's name in /dev, e.g. /dev/sdc becomes /srv/node/sdc, but that mapping is too rigid for some situations.

swift-drive-autopilot establishes disk identity by examining a special file called swift-id in the root directory of the disk. In detail, it performs the following steps:

  1. enumerate all storage drives (using a configurable list of globs)

  2. (optional) create a LUKS encryption container on fresh devices, or unlock an existing one

  3. create an XFS filesystem on devices that do not have a filesystem yet

  4. mount each device below /run/swift-storage with a temporary name

  5. examine each device's swift-id file, and if it is present and unique, mount it to /srv/node/$id

As a special case, disks with a swift-id of "spare" will not be mounted into /srv/node, but will be held back as spare disks.

The autopilot then continues to run and will react to various types of events:

  1. A new device file appears. It will be decrypted and mounted (and formatted if necessary).

  2. A device file disappears. Any active mounts or mappings will be cleaned up. (This is especially helpful with hot-swappable hard drives.)

  3. The kernel log contains a line like error on /dev/sda. The offending device will be marked as unhealthy and unmounted from /srv/node. The other mappings and mounts are left intact for the administrator to inspect.

    This means that you do not need swift-drive-audit if you're using the autopilot.

  4. Mounts of managed devices disappear unexpectedly. The offending device will be marked as unhealthy (see previous point).

  5. After a failure of one of the active disks, an operator removes the failed disk, locates a spare disk and changes its swift-id to that of the failed disk. The autopilot will mount the new disk in the place of the old one.

Internally, events are collected by collector threads, and handled by the single converger thread.

Operational considerations

swift-drive-autopilot runs under the assumption that a few disks are better than no disks. If some operation relating to a single disk fails, the autopilot will log an error and keep going. This means that it is absolutely crucial that you have proper alerting in place for log messages with the ERROR label.


To build the binary:


The binary can also be installed with go get:

go get

To build the Docker container: (Note that this requires a fairly recent Docker since a multi-staged build is used.)

docker build .

To run the integration tests: (Note that this actually runs the autopilot on your system and thus requires root or sudo for mounting, device-mapper etc.)

make check

Development setup

Please see


Call with a configuration file as single argument. The configuration file is a YAML and the following options are supported:

  - /dev/sd[a-z]
  - /dev/sd[a-z][a-z]

The only required field, drives, contains the paths of the Swift storage drives, as a list of shell globs.

As a special rule, the autopilot will ignore all drives that contain valid partition tables. This rule allows one to use a very general glob, like /dev/sd[a-z], without knowing the actual disk layout in advance. The system installation will usually reside on a partitioned disk (because of the need for special partitions such as boot and swap partition), so it will be ignored by the autopilot. Any other disks can be used for non-Swift purposes as long as they are partitioned into at least one partition.

For this reason, the two globs shown above with will be appropriate for most systems of all sizes.

metrics-listen-address: ":9102"

If given, expose a Prometheus metrics endpoint on this port below the path /metrics. The following metrics are provided:

If Prometheus is used for alerting, it is useful to set an alert on rate(swift_drive_autopilot_events[type="consistency-check"]). Consistency check events should occur twice a minute.

chroot: /coreos

If chroot is set, commands like cryptsetup/mkfs/mount will be executed inside the chroot. This allows to use the host OS's utilities instead of those from the container.

  user: "1000"
  group: "swift"

If chown is set, mountpoints below /srv/node and /var/cache/swift will be chown'ed to this user and/or group after mounting. Give the UID/GID or names of the Swift user and group here.

  - secret: "bzQoG5HN4onnEis5bhDmnYqqacoLNCSmDbFEAb3VDztmBtGobH"
  - secret: { fromEnv: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE }

If keys is set, automatic disk encryption handling is activated. LUKS containers on the drives will be decrypted automatically, and empty drives will be encrypted with LUKS before a filesystem is created.

When decrypting, each of the keys is tried until one works, but only the first one is used when creating new LUKS containers.

Currently, the secret will be used as encryption key directly. Other key derivation schemes may be supported in the future.

Instead of providing secret as plain text in the config file, you can use a special syntax (fromEnv) to read the respective encryption key from an exported environment variable.

swift-id-pool: [ "swift1", "swift2", "swift3", "swift4", "swift5", "swift6" ]

If swift-id-pool is set, when a new drive is formatted, it will be assigned an unused swift-id from this pool. This allows a new node to go from unformatted drives to a fully operational Swift drive setup without any human intervention.

Automatic assignment will only happen during the initial formatting (i.e. when no LUKS container or filesystem or active mount is found on the drive). Automatic assignment will not happen if there is any broken drive (since the autopilot cannot check the broken drive's swift-id, any automatic assignment could result in a duplicate swift-id).

IDs are assigned in the order in which they appear in the YAML file. If there are only four drives, using the configuration above, they will definitely be identified as swift1 through swift4.

As a special case, the special ID spare may be given multiple times. The ordering still matters, so disks will be assigned or reserved as spare in the order that you wish. For example:

# This will always keep two spare disks.
swift-id-pool: [ "spare", "spare", "swift1", "swift2", "swift3", "swift4", "swift5", "swift6", ... ]

# Something like this will keep one spare disk per three active disks.
swift-id-pool: [ "swift1", "swift2", "swift3", "spare", "swift4", "swift5", "swift6", "spare", ... ]

Runtime interface

The autopilot advertises its state by writing the following files and directories: swift-drive-autopilot maintains the directory /run/swift-storage/state to store and advertise state information. (If a chroot is configured, then this path refers to inside the chroot.) Currently, the following files will be written:

In Docker

When used as a container, supply the host's root filesystem as a bind-mount and set the chroot option to its mount point inside the container. Also, the container has to run in privileged mode to access the host's block devices and perform mounts in the root mount namespace:

$ cat > config.yml
  - /dev/sd[c-z]
chroot: /host
$ docker run --privileged --rm -v $PWD/config.yml:/config.yml -v /:/host sapcc/swift-drive-autopilot:latest /config.yml

Warning: The entire host filesystem must be passed in as a single bind mount. Otherwise, the autopilot will be unable to correctly detect the mount propagation mode.

In Kubernetes

You will probably want to run this as a daemonset with the nodeSelector matching your Swift storage nodes. Like described for Docker above, make sure to mount the host's root filesystem into the container (with a hostPath volume) and run the container in privileged mode (by setting securityContext.privileged to true in the container spec).

Any other Swift containers should have access to the host's /run/swift-storage/state directory (using a hostPath volume) and wait for the file flag-ready to appear before starting up.