saratscheff / ether-monitor

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Ether monitor with telegram bot integration

Runs on a server with cron jobs and accepting commands through telegram as well as sending alerts to telegram users when required.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Create a mongo user with readWrite permissions For test environment:

    use test
    var user = {
    "user" : "test",
    "pwd" : "test",
    roles : [
          "role" : "readWrite",
          "db" : "test"

    For production environment use a database called ether instead with custom user and password.

  3. Set optional environment variables

    • production_server=true/false
    • telegram_api_key=YOUR_BOT_API_KEY
    • etherscan_api_key=YOUR_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
    • mongo_username=YOUR_USERNAME
    • mongo_password=YOUR_PASSWORD
  4. Install dependencies npm install

  5. Run the main script node index.js


Having Git, NodeJS and npm installed.


Contributions through pull requests are more than welcomed.


Pedro Saratscheff @saratscheff

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Extra comments

This is just a quick helper for my current needs, no intention so far to develop a more finished version. Also, I'm aware the code is almost as ugly as it could be :) Ups!