Selenium-rs is a simple client for the selenium webdriver. Its built to work with the webdriver protocol (spec found here). It currently supports the chrome Driver, and Gecko (firefox) support is on the way.
selenium-rs = "0.1.0"
Note that selenium-rs also requires a running instance of the selenium webdriver, which can be found here. Simply download the jar and run it to instantiate the selenium webdriver server.
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
Download Chrome Driver - unpack and put on PATH
use selenium_rs::webdriver::{Browser,WebDriver};
let mut driver= WebDriver::new(Browser::Chrome);
assert_eq!(driver.get_current_url().unwrap(), String::from(""));
use selenium_rs::webdriver::{Browser, WebDriver, Selector};
let mut driver = WebDriver::new(Browser::Chrome);
let search_bar = driver.find_element(Selector::CSS, "input[maxlength=\"2048\"]").unwrap();
search_bar.type_text("selenium-rs github");
let search_button = driver.find_element(Selector::CSS, "input[name=\"btnK\"]").unwrap();;;
use selenium_rs::webdriver::{Selector, Browser, WebDriver};
use selenium_rs::element::Element;
let mut driver = WebDriver::new(Browser::Chrome);
let search_form = driver.find_element(Selector::CSS, "#searchform").unwrap();
assert!(search_form.get_css_value("min-width").unwrap() == "980px");
Currently, the project supports many of the more important functionalities provided by the webdriver spec. However, it is still a fair bit away from complete. Support will get periodically added as I find the time to finish implementing everything described in the webdriver spec. In-progress features will be tracked here.
Note: Currently only tested with Selenium 3.14
Pull requests are always welcome! Please see the issue tracker for currently in-progress features, improvements, and bugfixes.
This is provided under the MIT license.