sarfaraz-kazi / RT-Contributors

Goal is to create a plugin so that we can display more than one author-name on a post.
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# RT-Contributors


RT-Contributors is a wordpress plugin which allows user (administrator) assign contributors to a post.



Uploading within WordPress Dashboard

    1. Download the zip of this repository.
    2. Navigate to ‘Add New’ within the plugins dashboard.
    3. Navigate to ‘Upload’ area.
    4. Select ‘zip of plugin files’ from your computer.
    5. Click ‘Install Now’.
    6. Activate the plugin within the Plugin dashboard.

Using FTP

    1. Extract the ‘zip’ directory to your computer.
    2. Upload the plugin directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin dashboard.

How to use it ?


Sarfaraj Kazi

Social Presence
