sarit / SARIT-corpus

The e-texts of the SARIT project
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+TITLE: The SARIT library

Welcome to SARIT's library of Indic e-texts. SARIT is short for "Search and Retrieval of Indic Texts" (cf.

This collection of files is special in that any changes you make to your files can, if you choose so, be shared with other people. So if you correct, annotate, or otherwise improve any file in this directory or one of the directories below it, you might consider sharing your work with others (and hope that they will share their work with you).

We, people administering SARIT and working with it, hope that this will lead to incremental but continuous improvement of these files, and of any files you wish to add. We plan to periodically update SARIT's search interface with the texts changed or added in this repository. At the moment, this library is an experiment in online collaboration on this sort of material.

** Installing git

In order to make full use of the SARIT library, you should install [[][git]]. You can find all you need to get started here: Documentation is available from, and tutorials are listed at the top of

** Getting a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

If you do not like working on a command line, you can use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for git. The standard GUI that is installed automatically by the steps above is "gitk" on Linux, and "git gui" on mac and windows.

These are stable but rather basic programs, and there are quite a few other options you might want to explore if you're not happy with them. In the following, we will give examples for [[][Smart Git]], a Java program that is free of charge for non-commercial use, and that will run any platform that Java runs on (i.e., Linux, Windows, Mac).

Other options are listed here:

** Get a copy of the collection you want

Getting the first copy is called ``cloning." Depending on your platform, you can either

For [[Smart Git]], do this:

1) Project --> Clone 2) Under "Remote Git or SVN repository", enter the name of the collection, e.g.,", click Next. 3) Choose a directory where to put your files. This should be somewhere where you usually store your files, i.e., not in C:\Programs" or so. Click Next. 4) Accept or choose the project name (SARIT should be the default).

** Learn about TEI P5

The full guidelines can be found here:, and a simplified version, TEI Lite:

The specific guidelines that are used for the SARIT corpus are here:

The most recent version is file:./schemas/odd/sarit-guidelines.xml (online at Please use that document as the basis for suggesting improvements to the guidelines.

** Learn about git

We have found the following introductions very helpful:

1) Comparing git to a computer game: (note also the various translations) 2) Basic git commands, short and to the point: 3) More links can be found here:

That depends on the area you need help with:

** Editing files

You probably do need an [[][XML aware editor]]. There are many, and with many different features, just as there are many tastes. Some popular choices include:

1) [[][Jedit]], with appropriate plug-ins (runs on all computers where Java is installed) 2) (on all platforms, not free) 3) [[][Emacs]] + [[][nxml mode]] (all platforms, free)

For a list to choose from, cf. or

** Sharing/organizing files

This is done via the program git: see [[Learn%20about%20%20git][Learn about git]] above for links to documentation, and see [[How%20does%20sharing%20work?][How does sharing work?]] below for a general description.

1) Getting <>. 2) Letting other people <>. 3) <> together.

To do this in an organised fashion, we are using a program called [[][git]]. It keeps track of changes to the files in this directory, and can pull' ([[what%20other%20people%20changed][point 1 above]]) andpush' ([[get%20what%20you%20changed][point 2 above]]) from or to another instance of these files likewise controlled by git. What it pushes are the changes you have made to these files, and what it pulls are the changes another person (or a group of other persons) has made to these files.

When it does this, two things can happen:

*** You changed different parts of a file

When, say, Jane corrects paragraph 1, and Jack corrects paragraph 2 of the same file, git will be able to merge' ([[Merging%20the%20changes][point 3 above]]) . So if Jackpulls' Jane's changes, paragraph 1 of his file will automatically be changed to paragraph 1 of Jane's file. Likewise, if Jane `pulls' Jack's changes, her file will automatically be changed in paragraph 2 according to Jack's changes. So they each edited only one paragraph, but both have the same version of the file now, with both paragraphs corrected.

*** You changed the same part of a file

In case both Jane and Jack change the same part of a file, git will refuse to `merge' the files (since it doesn't know which change is the correct one). In this situation, either Jack or Jane will have to review the other person's changes, and decide which version to keep (or make a third version that contains the changes of both). After making these changes, git will understand that either Jack or Jane have resolved the conflict, and they can continue to work in the normal fashion.

** github specific information

On github, there are two ways in which you can get your changes back to SARIT:

1) by being a collaborator, or 2) by creating your own copy of the SARIT library (forking) and telling us about your changes (pull request)

In both cases, you need to sign up on

*** Collaboration

Please send an email to with your github account name and mentioning that you'd like to collaborate.

*** Forking and Sending Pull Requests

This is the preferred way to go if you want to be a little more independent from the main SARIT library, e.g., for working on your own set of files, or for general experimentation. Basically, you copy the whole project at a particular moment in its history, and then work independently on that copy. If you are happy with your changes, you can send us a pull request, and we will try to merge your changes back into the main repository.

These two pieces of information will get you started:

1) forking [[]] 2) Sending pull requests: [[]]

The files in this directory try to adhere to the Text Encoding Initiatives standards in version P5 ([[][TEI P5]]). These standards define a vocabulary for describing things about a text: who is its author, which other texts is it referring to, which page of a printed edition is this paragraph on, who is "asya" referring to, etc.

** saritcorpus.xml

This file is an exception in that it aggregates all the individual text files into a corpus. Correspondingly, it has [[][teiCorpus]] as its root element, instead of [[][TEI]] like all the others.

You can use this to easily operate on the whole corpus, e.g.:


xmllint --encode UTF-8 --xinclude saritcorpus.xml > /tmp/saritcorpus.xml \ && \ jing -c schemas/sarit.rnc /tmp/saritcorpus.xml


** Git and XML

Git treats XML files as text files; it does not know anything specific about the `logic' of the XML files. For example, git would think that the two strings ~

~ and ~<p n="1" xml:id="firstpar" />~ are pretty different from each other, whereas they probably should be considered the same.

Due to this, there might be some problems when trying to see what (important) changes there are between files. The proper solution for this problem is to compare the [[][normalized versions]] of the two files that have differences, and base your merge decisions on this.

In order to see what git thinks changed, it's useful to change git-diff's understanding of what constitutes a word by changing the word-diff to work on xml tags (and spaces). Taking file:./pramanavarttikavrtti.xml as an example, we could look at various things that changed in the last month in the following ways:

*** view all changes to xml tags


git diff --word-diff-regex="<[^>]+>|[^[:space:]]" \ --word-diff=porcelain "master@{1 month ago}" HEAD pramanavarttikavrtti.xml | \ egrep "^[-+]<"


The ~--word-diff=porcelain~ option makes it really easy to grep through the results. If you leave it out, it's easier to see the changes in context.

Running this through further grep expressions or ~sort~ and ~uniq~ filters, you can get a quick overview of what happened.

*** inspect content changes

To see only what content changed, you could also convert your files into a line based xml representation, like the [[][PyX]] format.

Assume you've encountered a merge conflict for the file:./tattvasangrahapanjika.xml. You could convert the files to pyx formats like this (with the help of


git show :2:tattvasangrahapanjika.xml | \ xmlstarlet c14n | \ xmlstarlet pyx | \ grep "^-" | \ sed 's/^-//g' > /tmp/tsp_ours.pyx

git show :3:tattvasangrahapanjika.xml | \ xmlstarlet c14n | \ xmlstarlet pyx | \ grep "^-" | \ sed 's/^-//g' > /tmp/tsp_theirs.pyx


You can then compare ~/tmp/tsp_theirs.pyx~ and ~/tmp/tsp_theirs.pyx~ to find out about the differences in the text portions of the file.

Alternatively, line-based XML representations can also be created with tools found here: It might look like this:


git show :2:tattvasangrahapanjika.xml | \

standardize, sort attributes, and format

  xmllint --exc-c14n --format | \
  xml2 | \
  # remove uninteresting stuff 
  egrep "^/[^@\\!]+=" | \
  cut -d= -f 2- > /tmp/tsp_ours.xml2

git show :3:tattvasangrahapanjika.xml | \ xmllint --exc-c14n --format | \ xml2 | \ egrep "^/[^@\!]+=" | \ cut -d= -f 2- > /tmp/tsp_theirs.xml2