property to pass it, details below.This package will help you avoid typing schemas for same essence. If you already have Mongoose schema that's enough to generate graphQL type.
npm i mongoose-schema-to-graphql
yarn add mongoose-schema-to-graphql
Make sure that your graphql
package is the same version as used in mongoose-schema-to-graphql
or vice versa.
import createType from 'mongoose-schema-to-graphql';
function accept obj as argument with following structure:
const config = {
name: 'couponType', //graphQL type's name
description: 'Coupon base schema', //graphQL type's description
class: 'GraphQLObjectType', //"definitions" class name
schema: couponSchema, //your Mongoose schema "let couponSchema = mongoose.Schema({...})"
exclude: ['_id'], //fields which you want to exclude from mongoose schema
extend: {
price: {type: GraphQLFloat}
} //add custom properties or overwrite existed
After you declared config. object you're ready to go. Examples below:
export const couponSchema = mongoose.Schema({
couponCode: Array,
description: String,
discountType: String,
discountAmount: String,
minimumAmount: String,
singleUseOnly: Boolean,
createdAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
updatedAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
expirationDate: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
isMassPromo: Boolean,
couponBatchId: String,
maximumAmount: String,
isPublished: Boolean
import createType from 'mongoose-schema-to-graphql';
import { couponSchema } from './dbSchemas';
const config = {
name: 'couponType',
description: 'Coupon schema',
class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
schema: couponSchema,
exclude: ['_id']
export default createType(config);
It will be equal to:
import {...} from 'graphql';
import { couponSchema } from './dbSchemas';
export default new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'couponType',
description: 'Coupon schema',
fields: {
couponCode: {type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLString)},
description: {type: GraphQLString},
discountType: {type: GraphQLString},
discountAmount: {type: GraphQLString},
minimumAmount: {type: GraphQLString},
singleUseOnly: {type: GraphQLBoolean},
createdAt: {type: GraphQLString},
updatedAt: {type: GraphQLString},
expirationDate: {type: GraphQLString},
isMassPromo: {type: GraphQLBoolean},
couponBatchId: {type: GraphQLString},
maximumAmount: {type: GraphQLString},
isPublished: {type: GraphQLBoolean}
Note: If you pass mongoose type Array
it will be converted to {type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLString)}
If you want to create a list of another type, you would need to declare it in Mongoose schema too:
const quizSchema = mongoose.Schema({
message: String,
createdAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
updatedAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date
export const customerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
createdAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
updatedAt: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
email: String,
quiz: [quizSchema],
subscription: {
status: String,
plan: String,
products: Array
import createType from 'mongoose-schema-to-graphql';
import { customerSchema } from './dbSchemas';
const config = {
name: 'customerType',
description: 'Customer schema',
class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
schema: customerSchema,
exclude: ['_id']
export default createType(config);
It's equal to:
import {...} from 'graphql';
import { customerSchema } from './dbSchemas';
const quizType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'quizType',
description: 'quiz type for customer',
fields: {
message: {type: GraphQLString},
updatedAt: {type: GraphQLString},
createdAt: {type: GraphQLString}
export default new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'customerType',
description: 'Customer schema',
fields: {
createdAt: {type: GraphQLString},
updatedAt: {type: GraphQLString},
firstName: {type: GraphQLString},
lastName: {type: GraphQLString},
email: {type: GraphQLString},
quiz: {type: new GraphQLList(quizType)},
subscription: {
type: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'subscription',
fields: () => ({
status: {type: GraphQLString},
plan: {type: GraphQLString},
products: {type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLString)}
property in config object.You can use this field to pass some additional extend. to graphQL type, for example:
import { GraphQLFloat } from 'graphql';
import createType from 'mongoose-schema-to-graphql';
import { customerSchema } from './dbSchemas';
const config = {
name: 'customerType',
description: 'Customer schema',
class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
schema: customerSchema,
exclude: ['_id'],
extend: {
price: {type: GraphQLFloat}
export default createType(config);
It's equal to:
import {...} from 'graphql';
import { customerSchema } from './dbSchemas';
const quizType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'quizType',
description: 'quiz type for customer',
fields: {
message: {type: GraphQLString},
updatedAt: {type: GraphQLString},
createdAt: {type: GraphQLString}
export default new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'customerType',
description: 'Customer schema',
fields: {
price: {type: GraphQLFloat},
createdAt: {type: GraphQLString},
updatedAt: {type: GraphQLString},
firstName: {type: GraphQLString},
lastName: {type: GraphQLString},
email: {type: GraphQLString},
quiz: {type: new GraphQLList(quizType)},
subscription: {
type: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'subscription',
fields: () => ({
status: {type: GraphQLString},
plan: {type: GraphQLString},
products: {type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLString)}
If passed extend. already exist in Mongoose schema, for example price: Number
it will be overwrite with prop. we passed in config. object.
If you have any suggestion please leave me a message.