sarrtle / my-vim-config

Dotfiles for my vim that uses nvchad distribution, primary use for python and web development.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Uses NvChad distribution

[!TIP] for Linux
git clone .config/nvim
for windows
git clone appdata/local/nvim

  • open your terminal and run nvim
  • wait for it to install then run :Mason
  • wait for it to load and run :MasonInstallAll this will install the plugins
  • If there is some missing plugins like lua-language-server, you can install it manually with :MasonInstall lua-language-server

Python plugins

Notes and features

  1. Mypy cache disabled: performance is not really noticeable, I just hate how mypy cache always created on my project directory.
  2. Basedpyright diagnostics is disabled: since it is annoying to have duplicates info from mypy, pylint and basedpyright. Basedpyright is for auto completion only.
  3. Auto close tags on react html: whenever you write any html tags, it will be automatically close. <p>This is a paragraph</p>
  4. Auto formatting: By following code writing standard, your code will be automatically clean from bad writing. Both python and Web development works.

To fix in the future


python 240425_02h07m17s_screenshot react 240425_02h31m37s_screenshot tailwind 240425_02h32m15s_screenshot