sarusani / OctoPrint-ActivatePrusaHostTimer

OctoPrint plugin to activate Prusa host features.
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Activate Prusa HostTimer

OctoPrint plugin to activate Prusa host features.


Supported printer models:
MK2.5/S and MK3/S/+ (Firmware 3.14.0 and newer)


Resume print

Enables the Resume print menu entry on the printer LCD if a host print was paused.
(The "Resume print" menu entry is only visible while the plugin is active.)


Use the "Reprint" menu item on the printer to trigger a reprint of the last print job directly from the printer without going back to OctoPrint.
(The "Reprint" menu entry is only visible while the plugin is active.)

So you can remove a finished print, clean your print bed, and then start a reprint directly from the printer.

Set Ready

Use the "Set Ready" menu item on the printer to tell OctoPrint to start a new print.
(The "Set Ready" menu entry is only visible while the plugin is active.)

This will send the action "action:ready" to OctoPrint.
Since this action is unknown to OctoPrint, the plugin will intercept it and start printing the currently selected file.
(Can be deactivated in the plugin settings.)

It allows you to select a file in OctoPrint, setup your printer (load filament, etc.) and then start the print job from the printer menu without the need to open OctoPrint again.


Get printer notifications in OctoPrint whenever the printer triggers a print or toggles the status between "Ready" and "Not Ready".
(Can be deactivated in the plugin settings.)


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL: