This package applies BVH motions to collada polygons in Gazebo for future human-robot-interaction simulations.
Currently, the package is compiled under Gazebo5 and SDF2 (which is the standard for ROS Jade and Ubuntu 14.04 or higher). Note that the package also depends on C++11 or higher (Gazebo5 should also have this dependency).
Packages for Gazebo7 or higher are to be developed in the near future.
recommended: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, ROS Indigo, Gazebo 5.1.0, SDF 2.3.2
(required) Gazebo5, SDF2, Boost
(optional) OpenAL, ROS, OpenNI2, NiTE2, Eigen3
catkin build (with ROS)
If you're not using ROS, go to step 2.
Assuming, Gazebo and sdformat is already installed, and that you have catkin_tools, go to your workspace,
catkin build hrisys_gazebo_tutorials
after build, setup the environments
roscd hrisys_gazebo_tutorials
source ./
Don't forget to set the GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH to whereever plugins were built.
An example of setting plugin path is commented out in
without ROS
This step is only for those who did not compile with step 1.
Assuming, Gazebo and sdformat is already installed,
cd hrisys_gazebo_tutorials
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
after build, setup the environments
cd ..
export HRISYS_SDF_PATH=$(pwd)/sdf
Prepare your BVH
Assuming that you've finished the environmental setups above,
open worlds/bvh_test.instance with your favorite editor,
and add the BVH file you want to apply.
<bvh_animation name="01_01">
If you don't have any BVH files, a good place to start is trying the
CMU MotionBuilder-friendly BVH files.
Run the sample
Now that everything is prepared, let's try the following sample
You should see a human model moving according to the BVH motions.
Sample using ROS
As an alternative, if you have ROS,
roslaunch hrisys_gazebo_tutorials bvh_actor_tutorial.launch
However, the launch files may not work with current installed gazebo_ros package, but might work with compiled-from-source packages.
hrisys allows limb motion extentions. Further information are to be added.