saschaende / gridelements_bootstrap

Modular system for TYPO3 gridelements
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Modular system for TYPO3 gridelements: Extend gridelements with your own Modules (every module is one partial). Just extend the TypoScript modules Section and add a partial with the same name, thats it. Examples are included. In every partial you have enhanced data with real objects to build all you want just with fluid. Supports up to 4 columns.


Modular template system, that you can extend easily with typoscript and partials


Click your grid



Example for TypoScript

tx_gridelementsbootstrap {

    settings {

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Define your own gridelements modules here
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Do not remove default module, because it is the default
            default {
                title = Default
                description = Default Container with 1 col
                // This CSS classes will only be available when chosing this module
                css {
                    // css-class = Title
                    container = Container Boxed
                    container-fluid = Full Width Container
            // First module "Akkordeon.html"
            akkordeon {
                title = Akkordeon
                description = Just add some contentelements of type "text and media" and see what happens
                // This CSS classes will only be available when chosing this module
                css {
                    // css-class = Title
                    akkordeon1 = Akkordeon Type 1
                    akkordeon1 = Akkordeon Type 2
                    container = Container Boxed
                    container-fluid = Full Width Container
            // Second module "Debug.html"
            debug {
                title = Debug Output (see variables you can use)
                description = Add some elements and see the debug output, so you know how you can extend this and how much you can do with this :)
                // This CSS classes will only be available when chosing this module
                css {
                    // css-class = Title
                    container = Container Boxed
                    container-fluid = Full Width Container

            // Bootstrap Elements

            alert {
                title = Bootstrap Alert
                description = Add a default alert
                // This CSS classes will only be available when chosing this module
                css {
                    // css-class = Title
                    alert-success = Success
                    alert-info = Info
                    alert-warning = Warning
                    alert-danger = Danger

            well {
                title = Bootstrap Well
                description = Add a default well
                // This CSS classes will only be available when chosing this module
                css {


        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Extra CSS Classes for visibility
        visibility {
            0 = text-left
            1 = text-center
            2 = text-right
            3 = text-justify
            4 = text-nowrap

        // Extra CSS Classes for Container (container, container-fluid...)
        container {
            0 = equalize-rows
            1 = something-other

