saser / dotfiles

Dotfiles for my various computers
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These are the dotfiles I use for the various computers I have. They are based on Ansible, to allow for complex but declarative configuration. The idea is to have a single collection of roles where each role takes care of doing OS-specific configuration, and one simply creates a playbook (like desktop-archlinux.yml or macbookpro-macos.yml where an appropriate set of roles are specified.


  1. (macOS only) Install Homebrew Ansible, and Git first.
  2. Clone the repository recursively: git clone --recursive
    • Alternatively, if already cloned, do git submodule init && git submodule update.
  3. Install the Ansible external dependencies: ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  4. Run the appropriate playbook: ansible-playbook -K <playbook file>

Manual steps

There are some things in my dotfiles that cannot be automatically installed (at least not in a reliable and automated way). They are listed here.

iTerm2 color scheme (macOS only)

Look at the base16-iterm2 repository for instructions on how to install the color scheme. Do use the 256 variation.

iTerm2 font (macOS only)

The font is installed by including the iosevka role, however it needs to be manually enabled. Go to "Preferences > Profiles > Text" and set the font, ideally size 16.

Adding SSH key passphrase to the ssh-agent (macOS only)

Run ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa (replacing the path to the private key as necessary). Verify that it is added by running ssh-add -l.

Setting the monospace font in Chrome

Go to chrome://settings/fonts and set "Fixed Width Font" to whatever font desired.