sasha-polev / aerospark

Aerospike Spark Connector
Apache License 2.0
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Aerospike Spark Connector

NOTE: There is a newer version of this connector (although not functionally identical) at

Spark glue to efficiently read data from Aerospike

Example use:

import com.osscube.spark.aerospike.rdd._;import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val aero  = sc.aeroSInput("",
 "select column1,column1,intColumn1 from test.one_million where intColumn1 between -10000000 and 10000000", sqlContext ,6)
sqlContext.sql("select avg(intColumn1) from aero where intColumn1 < 0").collect

(Assumes there is an numeric index on intColumn1, creates 6 partitions per server)

Other way to create and SQL RDD is to use method on SQLContext itself:

import com.osscube.spark.aerospike.rdd._;import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val aero = sqlContext.aeroRDD("",
 "select column1,column1,intColumn1 from test.one_million where intColumn1 between -10000000 and 10000000")

Spark SQL use

New Spark 1.2.+ Data Sources API allows integration with Spark SQL CLI and Thrift/JDBC server:

Run SQL CLI or server with --jars pointing to the library (similar to Spark CLI):

spark-sql --jars  <path to build>/aerospike-spark-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Then you can use statements like the following:

USING com.osscube.spark.aerospike.rdd
OPTIONS (initialHost "",
select "select column1,column2,intColumn1 from test.one_million where intColumn1 between -10000000 and 10000000",
partitionsPerServer "2");


USING com.osscube.spark.aerospike.rdd
OPTIONS (initialHost "",
select "select * from test.one_million");

When you do subsequent selects best efforts will be made to push down at least (and at most) one predicate to Aerospike, if index is present.

select count(distinct column1) from aero where column1  = 'G';


select count(distinct column2) from aero where  intColumn1  > -1000000 and intColumn1 < 100000;

This version is tested with Aerospike 3.5 and has an optional parameter useUdfWithoutIndexQuery to allow UDF filtering even if no index is used in a query, e.x:

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE aero USING com.osscube.spark.aerospike.rdd OPTIONS (initialHost \"\", select \"select * from test.one_million\", useUdfWithoutIndexQuery \"true\")")

NOTE: there is no explicit methods to write RDD back to Aerospike, but this can be achieved using code like this:

import com.aerospike.client.async.AsyncClient
import com.aerospike.client._

val rdd = sc.parallelize(List("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"), 3)
rdd.foreachPartition{x =>
    val client = new AsyncClient("" , 3000)
    x.foreach{ s =>
        client.put( client.asyncWritePolicyDefault, new Key("test", "sample", s),
            new Bin("column1", s)