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Scrum Report 2 #27

Open sashankshukla opened 1 year ago

sashankshukla commented 1 year ago

Sashank Shukla

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I built a complete responsive UI of the UserDashboard for the logged-in user. This includes UserOverview, OwnedAssets, JoinedPools, and OpenedListings along with a toggle to navigate between the Buyer side and Seller side of each user's dashboard.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Everything was pretty smooth sailing since there is no server yet. Put a lot of emphasis on making the UI clean so sometimes faced a few issues with responsive design bugs or alignment issues (were resolved).

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I (along with the team), want to finalize our MongoDB schemas so we can start on the API routes. I'm going to build an approval page for the SellerDashboard that lets the Seller approve the purchase of his listing either by an individual or by a joint pool. Also building a mock payment page to get funds into our web app. Finally, move all static data to redux, and add reducers to mock server actions (I personally will focus on listingSlice.js).

Also more for convenience and design system, but build style color modules for tailwindcss (primary , secondary, alert colors etc.) to use throughout the app.

frankeyhe commented 1 year ago

Frankey He T4P3S

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

daman917 commented 1 year ago

Daman Sohi - g7z2b

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Created the Listing.jsx component, helped create the ListingModal.jsx component and integrate both of those in to the Listings page of the website. Also approved 1 or 2 PRs.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I was mostly working on the UI and ran into some issues where things were misaligned, looked bad, or didn't respond to clicks properly but was able to help fix these.

What do you plan to work on for this upcoming iteration (2 weeks)? I will start working on the Pools page of the website, like the pool components and view. Then probably start working on some back-end routes for our server for Listings and Pools CRUD.

mgp2542 commented 1 year ago

Melinda Paul v5o1b

What did you work on this past iteration? I built an initial responsive UI framework for the Listings page component, and the Filter component. I also helped with integrating the listing component and populating our example listings for demonstration.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I started a full time job this past week with a long commute, so it was hard to find my footing with regards to scheduling meetings and fitting in time to work on my part.

What do you plan to work on for this upcoming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan to join the team in finalizing our schemas and setting up API routes. In addition to this, I will focus on implementing a more robust UI for the Listings page (Listings.jsx) and Filter (Filter.jsx) components that utilizes React/Redux (via listingsSlice.js and filterSlice.js) in place of static content so that listings are appropriately populated/filtered in Listings feed, and filter options are adapted dynamically to fit the context they're in (e.g. Listings page, Pools page, purchase history). If I have time, I also want to start making a plan for error/exception handling and introducing a basic level of accessibility.

kaiqianyyang commented 1 year ago

Sashank Shukla

Please include your csid,