sashankshukla / splash

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Project Description


With rising costs and the increased interest from young adults looking to make investments into a multitude of different financial avenues, Splash is designed to be a simple way to connect sellers and buyers without a middle man, as well as allow the pooling of financial capital to invest in more profitable assets collectively.

Splash will support several different user types depending on the objective they wish to achieve:



Project Task Requirements

Minimal Requirements

  1. Users should be able to login and signup for the webapp ✅
  2. Users should be able to view open listings and filter them ✅
  3. Buyers should be able to see owned assets, and view owned asset value ✅
  4. Sellers should be able to add a new listing of an asset to the webapp ✅

Standard Requirements

  1. Mock payment on purchase of asset ✅
  2. Buyers should be able to view over time price graphs of their assets value ✅
  3. Users should be able to create and join investment pools and then purchase assets ✅
  4. Sellers should be able to view active/closed listings, open pools for their listings ✅
  5. Seller should have to approve a purchase of his asset through his dashboard ✅

Stretch Requirements

  1. ML/AI integration for prediction of user asset price over time ✅
  2. Blockchain based fractional ownership - Users transferring fractional shares (blockchain tokens/regular) ❌
  3. Mock funding/ payment methods ✅
  4. Approval process for members and bank accounts (admins) ✅
  5. event-locked fundraisers/bidding - One time in-person event "lobby" accessible by passcode in order to facilitate bidding in-person and cultivate local interest in investment opportunities ❌
  6. Private investment pools, shareable and viewable only by token/uniqueID holders ✅



We used TailwindCSS (a CSS library) for styling all of our React components. HTML tags are present throughout our react components (divs, h1, etc) and index.html is the entry point for our React App. Javascript was used both in the front end(React) and backend(Express).

React & Redux

We used React to create our frontend, enabling us to build serveral reusable components that we integrated throughout the webapp. We utilized redux to globally manage our state for us, utilizing redux thunks to make our API calls, and appropriately handle state changes using builder cases to see changes occur asynchronously on the frontend, giving a more pleasing experience.

Node and Express

We built our backend using Express.js running on Node. This is where the entirety of our API lives, which we used to communicate between the front end and the database appropriately. We built out both auth and error middlewares for our express backend, to secure necessary api routes and handle both validation and server errors that we then display on the front end.


We used MongoDB collections to store all of our app data, including users, listings, pools, and banks. We made use of mongoose to build out schemas for these collections and interact with this modelled data (CRUD) to provide all necessary functionality.

Builds and Deployment

We deployed our webapp to Render. We deployed our Express backend as a web service, and hosted our front end as a static asset website on render.

Above and Beyond Functionality

Asset Price-Time Graph

Since our assets can range from houses to gas stations to franchises, it is somewhat difficult to say how they are performing as investments over time. To build the price chart for a users assets, we utilized OpenAI's API to build a price dictionary. The dictionary is assigned to each user and re determined every time the user logs in or performs a transaction. The dictionary has the following structure :

 listingId : [p1, p2, p3, p4 .... pn]
where pn is today and p1 is the day the asset was purchased

Email notifications

Throughout our app, we have several features that either require admin approval, or approval from other users. These include:

Google Maps Integration

Though it is useful to view listings as a list of cards, filter through them etc., some users may be more interested in viewing what investment oppurtunities are available in their neighbourhoods/cities. Thus we also have a map feature that allows you to view all our listings as pins throughout the globe, allowing you to view things like popular cities for investment, or those that may be close to you.

Next steps

As of right now, all payments, transactions, bank accounts are mocks. One of the most important steps is to actually allow users to perform real-time, secure transactions with actual funds. Our next step would be to integrate a payment platform like Stripe to our app to enable this.

Apart from the normal buy and sell with fixed prices, we also want to have oppurtunities for bidding sessions. These listings have a starting purchase value assigned by the seller, and a live bidding takes place allowing multiple users to participate in these sessions.



• Wrote controller methods for 20+ API methods to interact with database using mongoose, also adding auth middleware using google oauth to protect routes, and error middleware to handle validation and server errors • Integrated openAI to get data points for the user price chart feature. Engineered prompt, wrote algorithm to construct a dictionary for the data points by listing, and used react-plotly to build the actual chart • Created navbar component allowing navigation between pages • Completed full-stack functionality for the following components: BuyerDashboard, ProfileOverview, Home, ApprovalCard, SellerListings, Toggle, ListingForm • Approved PR's, aided with problem solving for other issues, and created issues to track progress


• Created and updated 10+ components related to Listings and Search/Filtering • Implemented full-stack functionality (including Redux handling of async Thunks) for all components involved with fetching, creating, editing, selling, and deleting Listings • Maintained consistency between data model, redux state, local state, and component behavior for Listings object throughout the entire project • Worked with MongoDB Atlas and Mongoose to implement real-time server-side search and filtering of Listings. • Approved PR's, assisted in troubleshooting for otther issues, and created issues to track progress


Deployed on renderer. Set up of MongoDB for team to contribute. Google Oauth Setup and Deployment Google Maps API set up and Deployment • Ability to drop pins on all current listings and to be able to show listing component. Error Handling and prompts • Refuses the users to enter invalid formatted forms and display errors. • Shows success / failure on joining / adding listings. Backend hookup and error handling of Add Funds and Add Account Profile Dashboard • Hooked up all profile page to show user information. • Displaying pools components of pools the user is currently in. • Creation of administrative dashboard to approve / deny funds. • Ability to block users (error then redirect / force logout) and to display all current users. Added View, Join Pools and Modify contribution functionality. • Hooked up to the bankend. Set up gmail account and node mailer transporter for email notifications. • Utilization of gmail APP key to be able to bypass 2FA for utilization in app based environment. Implemented tailwindCSS functionality to display images in a sliding modal. • Implemented and utilized RAPIDAPI's Zillow API to initially load all the information and example data we currently have to be able to test functionality and to have our website prepopulated. (This was only done once to populate our database so that we do not need to continuously call the API due to cost.)


• Created and updated 10+ React components related to pools and listings to use Redux and our API • Added functionality and error handling to 20+ API routes to increase performance and stability for our entire API • Integrated the website and database with an AWS S3 bucket to save and use images of properties uploaded by users

Breakdown of Minimal Requirements into Smaller Tasks

Listings Dashboard

  1. Filtering for type of assets desired
  2. Add search bar to listings page to look for investments
  3. Add scrolling functionality to move between pictures of a listing
  4. Sorting
  5. Make relevant webpages responsive

Buyer Dashboard

  1. Add API route to retrieve all assets owned by logged in user
  2. Allow user to edit their optional information (name, address, etc)
  3. Create visual for user to view the overall appreciation/depreciation of assets
  4. Create UI list for user to view pools they are part of
  5. Make relevant webpages responsive


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