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Scrum Report 3 #44

Open sashankshukla opened 1 year ago

sashankshukla commented 1 year ago

Sashank Shukla - j5n1n

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I built a Home page for our website, and set up the usage of Google ouath token throughout the app, restricting certain views based on if the user was logged in or not. I wrote the code for the join pool, and delete pool reducers, as well as the dynamic rendering of pools you joined/owned on the user dashboard page. Built a carousel for the seller's listings on the seller dashboard and constructed our somewhat finalized mongodb models.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Some issues were things like redux reducers not being dispatched, and incorrect or incomplete props. Additionally, after adding ouath, I realized that we still need to setup cookies to store the auth token since it's lost on refresh. The addition of new features also caused ceratin parts of the web app to lose their responsive design on smaller screens which needs to be fixed in this iteration.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan on completing the full API for pools, models, and users for all actions. Setup error middleware, auth middleware, and setup connection to the mongodb database. I also need to refine a few front-end components like listingModal. Apart from all this, I will generally be assisting the rest of the team with their tasks if they are to get stuck.

mgp2542 commented 1 year ago

Melinda Paul -- v5o1b

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I implemented the redux logic for add Listing, delete Listing, and a client-side version of filters for Listing. I also worked on the dynamic rendering of the UI (e.g. edit/delete buttons, listing images, filter options dropdown) for Listings.jsx, Listing.jsx, ListingModal.jsx, and Filter.jsx, utilizing the OAuth functionality that Sashank worked on.

What were any major issues or challenges you ran into? Some of the adjustments done to make the view more dynamic actually caused the overall design to suffer, which adds more work to our plans going forward. Also, trying to rework search/filter behavior to be fully client side for the demo ate up some time, because having it actually affect listings state like we'd want in a fully implemented version with a back end would mean we couldn't restore the listings after they were filtered.

What do you plan on for this upcoming iteration (2 weeks)? On the frontend, I'm planning to do some major upgrades to the UI for everything encompassing Listings, including reworking the layout of listings to seem more in line with a social media feed (and looking into adding either pagination, or pull-to-refresh), fixing the formatting of our components to work with our updated model and dynamic views (e.g. image carousels since we allow multiple images for a listing now). I am also planning to work on synchronizing pools with listings, adding functionality for editing a listing, and thinking about creating a dynamic single listing view instead of modals. On the backend, I'm planning to implement api GET /filter to replace the client-side filtering, and all of the services for listing. If I have time, I would also like to look into what's involved with adding error/success/loading state management through Redux.

daman917 commented 1 year ago

Daman Sohi - g7z2b

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Added redux for the Pools part of the website, made some components related to Pools, and helped make issues for future tasks. Also helped integrate Pools with user accounts.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? A lot of refactoring and code changes needed to be done to make Pools work with user accounts, almost all of it needed to be changed in some way and adding a pool slice was new to me.

What do you plan to work on for this upcoming iteration (2 weeks)? I will continue working on the front-end and back-end for pools, ensuring everything works as desired. I'll also be adding S3 buckets to our website for saving images.