The SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit (CST) is now offered as an open source solution. Users can contribute new standards and updates more frequently via GitHub.
The open source release of SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit is a direct port of the last production release (1.7.2) with minor modifications to adapt to a new deployment architecture.
To deploy openCST, the following software is required:
The open source version of SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit does not assume any migration control. If you are running a previous release, and especially if you made modifications or added standards, it is up to you to apply any modifications to newly deployed standards and macros, and copy and register any standards that you added. The open source installer is non-destructive and will make a copy of the global, sample, and framework libraries if they already exist. The open source programs are functionally identical to the last CST production release. Changes to macros and programs are related to how the framework jar is loaded and how macros are added to sasautos.
The following migration steps are recommended:
There are two options for installing openCST:
If you intend to contribute back to the open source repository or want more control over installing standards, follow the build from source instructions. If you only want to deploy the final product and start working with it, follow the release package instructions.
Each release of openCST contains compressed files for the distribution source or deployed instances. The deployed instance compressed file contains the end result of building openCST using the default locations.
The default locations for openCST are as follows:
C:/Program Files/SASHome*
*SAS 9.4 is required to process transport files and register standards in the global library during installation.
If you need to change any of these (or you are running the install on Unix), the recommended approach is to create an override properties file in your user home folder.
If needed, create a properties override a. copy (found in templates folder) to your user home folder (i.e., c:\users\userid on Windows) b. change the values to the required locations for your server configuration. c. save changes.
From a command window, navigate to the clinicalstandardstoolkit folder cloned from GitHub, and type:
ant install
When the deployment finishes, review the deploy.log file created in the clinicalstandardstoolkit folder to verify that all processes ran successfully.
Add properties to the SAS installation configuration. You will find a text file in the cstFrameworkLibrary that contains the information that needs to be added based on your deployment setup.
After installation, you will have three managed folders on your system.
The previous Clinical Standards toolkit documents (see additional resources) are still valid references. We typically recommend starting with the Operational Qualification Guide.
As new changes are contributed, you can periodically pull updated GIT files to your local repository and apply them to your installation.
ant dist-framework
. This will build only the cstFrameworkLibrary component in your distribution and unpack any SAS data files.ant deploy-framework
. This will deploy updates to the cstFrameworkLibrary location. Example: if you want to run an update for SDTM 3.2, change to clinicalstandardstoolkit/standards/cstsdtm32 folder.
ant dist
. This will build the distribution for the standard and unpack any SAS data files.ant deploy
. This will deploy updates to the cstGlobalLibrary and cstSampleLibrary location and register (or re-register) the standard.Note: for updates to the framework or existing standards, a backup copy of the applicables framework, global, and sample folder will be created. If you are adding a new standard, the new folders are simply added.
Disabling CST only requires removing the settings from the SAS server configuration. The cstFramework, cstGlobalLibrary, and cstSampleLibrary will remain intact in the event that you continue using it in the future.
Uninstalling CST completely removes the cstFramework, cstGlobalLibrary, and cstSampleLibrary.
ant uninstall
. You will be asked to confirm that you want to completely remove the installation. Responding with yes
will completely remove the installation.Ensure that you have adminstrator privileges on Windows or are using the SAS Administrator account on Unix.
During installation, most issues are typically related to launching SAS. This depends on setting your environment properties properly. The script files use these to set CST environment properties (in lieu of SAS Configuration files) to launch SAS processes that perform tasks such as porting datasets and registering standards.
must point to your SASHOME location, typically C:/Progra~1/SASHome or /usr/local/SAS. Within SASHOME, it's expected that the standard folder structure is present (in SAS 9.4, this is SASFoundation/9.4). If this is not the case, you will need to add an additional property to your override:
sas.dirpath.sasFoundation.94=path within SASHome to executable
Post-Installation, the SAS configuration file must be updated to define the CST system values in accordance with SAS system configuration guidelines.
We welcome your contributions! Please read for details on how to submit contributions to this project.
Do you need help adding a new standard? Open an issue in GitHub!
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar is licensed under the Apache 1.1 License.
xercesImpl.jar is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
xml-apis.jar is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
define2-1.xsl is licensed under the MIT License.
Legacy Documentation is still applicable for the most part. The most notable exception is the location of the autocall macros as described in the Getting Started section.
Operational Qualification Guide
Getting Started Guide
User's Guilde