satago / tapestry-jpa-transactions

Advanced transaction support for tapestry JPA applications
Apache License 2.0
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Advanced transaction support for tapestry JPA applications

This library extends functionality of official tapestry-jpa integration.

How to use (basics)

Choose a maven repository, private or public, and add the nexusUsername, nexusPassword, nexusRepository and nexusSnapshotReository values to your file

Then add the library as a dependency to your Tapestry5 project:

compile 'net.satago:tapestry-jpa-transactions:1.0.3'

This library contains a drop-in tapestry module, so you don't need to do anything else to make it work, except for when you need simple CDI support for JPA 2.1 entity listeners (read below).

How it works

This library provides simple abstraction for code that needs to be run in transaction:

Consider this simple example:

private TransactionalUnits transactionalUnits;

private UserDAO userDAO;

public User updateUser(final User user)
  return transactionalUnits.invokeInTransaction(new Invokable<User>()
      public User invoke()
          return userDAO.merge(user);

Here an instance of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Invokable - a "unit" - will be wrapped with transaction.

Using Invokable you may return a value from a unit, if you don't need to return anything you may use TransactionalUnits#runInTransaction(Runnable).

Transaction will be committed automatically after run.

Nested transactional units

It is possible to nest transactional units.

Only top-most unit will trigger transaction commit.

In case if any nested transaction will be detected you will see WARN-level message in the log:

Nested transaction detected, current depth = 2

with a stacktrace to this call.

You can disable this message by changing severity level for logger net.satago.tapestry5.jpa.TransactionalUnit to ERROR.


This library overrides default behavior of the @CommitAfter anotation.

Effectively, methods marked by @CommitAfter will now be invoked as transactional units.

Main difference here is that in case of nested method calls transaction will only be committed once -- at the top level of call hierarchy.

Commit hooks

You may register commit hooks to be triggered right before or after transaction commit.

You may do this when creating a unit using builders from TransactionalUnits.prepareRun or TransactionalUnits.prepareInvoke:

public void testBeforeCommit()
    transactional.prepareRun(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            //  Change database state in a test,
            //  it will be rolled back at the end

private Invokable<Boolean> rollback()
    return new Invokable<Boolean>()
        public Boolean invoke()
            // Rollback transaction
            return false;

You may also want to register a callback hook from inside the transactional unit without having access to the builder. Here's how you do this:

//  ... somewhere inside the transactional unit

TransactionalUnit.registerAfterCommit(new Runnable()
    public void run()
        // Transaction just committed

Simple CDI support for JPA 2.1 entity listeners

Since version 2.1 of JPA it is possible to @Inject CDI beans into entity listeners.

This library provides simple implementation of javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager that allows @Injecting tapestry-ioc services into JPA entity listeners.

You need to configure your persistence unit to make it work.

Here's an example with Hibernate as a JPA provider:

public PersistenceUnitConfigurer buildSatagoPUConfigurer(final ObjectLocator objectLocator)
    return new PersistenceUnitConfigurer()
        public void configure(TapestryPersistenceUnitInfo unitInfo)

public static void configurePersistenceUnitInfos(
        MappedConfiguration<String, PersistenceUnitConfigurer> cfg,
        @Service("SatagoPUConfigurer") PersistenceUnitConfigurer configurer)
    cfg.add("satago-pu", configurer);


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