1) Find top three repeated in array(
Must read knapsack
Ds_learning Ds learninig
How to analyze__
Derive use cases for all the scenario
use case for no result also
Recursive function with void
return in the top of method
return in the bottom of method
Pair or duplicates_
SOrt array elements Use 2 pointers(from start and end then slide based on the comparison value) Duplicates__
Always try to use hasmap or hashing or use indexing with sorted array(array[i] and array[i+1]) Leetcode 75 Questions (NeetCode on yt).xlsx
Dynamic programming
create extra space(like array) initialize first one or 2 values use these value for further computaution each index represents subproblemsm think in sub problems way...................................... I can't generate or display screenshots directly, but I can describe what the resulting form will look like, so you know what to expect.
Expected Result When you run the provided React code with Material-UI, you should see a page with the following elements:
Form Title: At the top, you'll see a heading saying "Questionnaire Form" in a larger font size.
10 Text Fields: Below the title, there will be 10 text fields stacked vertically, each labeled "Question 1" through "Question 10". Each text field will be full-width, with some spacing between them.
Submit Button: Below the text fields, there will be a "Submit" button centered on the form.
Steps to View the Form Start Your Development Server: If you haven't already done so, run npm start in your project directory.
Open in Browser: Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Description of the Form's Appearance Container: The form is centered on the page within a container. Typography: The title "Questionnaire Form" uses Material-UI's Typography component for a styled heading. Text Fields: Each question uses the TextField component from Material-UI, providing consistent and stylish input fields. Spacing: Each text field has margin-bottom spacing to ensure there is space between the fields. Submit Button: The button is styled with Material-UI's Button component and has a primary color to stand out. Code Recap Here is the code again for clarity:
import React from 'react'; import { TextField, Button, Container, Typography, Box } from '@mui/material';
const QuestionnaireForm = () => { const [formValues, setFormValues] = React.useState({ question1: '', question2: '', question3: '', question4: '', question5: '', question6: '', question7: '', question8: '', question9: '', question10: '' });
const handleChange = (e) => { const { name, value } =; setFormValues({ ...formValues,
const handleSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log('Form Values:', formValues); // Here, you can handle form submission, e.g., send data to the server };
return (
); };
export default QuestionnaireForm; App.js:
import React from 'react'; import QuestionnaireForm from './QuestionnaireForm';
const App = () => { return (
); };
export default App; Following these instructions, you should be able to set up and view the form on your local development environment. If you have any issues or need further assistance, feel free to ask!