sathoro / Stow

Craft CMS plugin for caching page fragments
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A plug-in for Craft CMS.

With Stow you can cache parts of your webpage for later retrieval. This allows your server to do less processing and your visitors to see your content faster. Everyone is happier with Stow :)

{% cache {id: 'home-page', global: false} %}
    {% for entry in craft.entries.find() %}
        {{ entry.title }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endcache %}

You must set at least one of the following parameters: id, entry, entries, or user. The other parameters are optional.

Parameter Type Default Description
global boolean true If set to true the cache will be globally accessible, if set to false the cache will be dependent on the URL.
id string NULL Cached items are tied to their id. If the id is not found in the database then a new cache is created.
entry EntryModel NULL An entry that will cause the cache to refresh when it is updated.
entries array NULL An array of EntryModels which will cause the cache to refresh when any entry is updated.
user UserModel NULL A user that will cause the cache to refresh when it is updated.
fresh boolean false The cache tag will essentially be bypassed when set to true, allowing you to test changes to the inner content.
freshAdmin boolean false Similiar to fresh, but will only bypass when the current user is an admin.
freshUser boolean false Just like above but any logged-in user will bypass the cache.


Simply wrap the content that you would like to cache as follows:

{% cache {id: 'my-id'} %}
    this text will be cached until the id changes
{% endcache %}

This simplest way to use Stow is to cache by id but as you can see below you may also use entry, entries, and/or user.


To cache-break when a particular entry is saved/updated just assign it to the entry parameter:

{% set myEntry = craft.entries.first() %}
{% cache {entry: myEntry} %}
    this text will stay cached until myEntry is updated
{% endcache %}

For multiple entries at once:

{% set myEntries = craft.entries.find({section: 'news'}) %}
{% cache {entries: myEntries} %}
    this text will stay cached until any entry in the 'news' section is updated
{% endcache %}

Maybe you have a complex user profile and you would like to cache-break based on users, then use the user parameter:

{% set myUser = craft.users.first() %}
{% cache {user: myUser} %}
    this text will stay cached until myUser is updated
{% endcache %}

Stay Fresh

If you are actively developing the content inside you can bypass the cache without removing the tags by setting fresh: true:

{% cache {id: 'my-id', fresh: true} %}
    this text will never be cached as long as 'fresh' is set to true
{% endcache %}

If you want to keep the content cached for everyone else except admins just use freshAdmin: true:

{% cache {id: 'my-id', freshAdmin: true} %} ... {% endcache %}

Similarly, if you want all logged in users to bypass the cache then use freshUser: true:

{% cache {id: 'my-id', freshUser: true} %} ... {% endcache %}


Arbitrary nesting is supported, but for your sanity I wouldn't recommend going more than a level or two deep:

{% cache {id: 'level-1'} %}
    {% cache {id: 'level-2'} %}
        this text will be cached until both the above ids change
    {% endcache %}
{% endcache %}


Upload all files to a folder named 'stow' in the plugin directory and then activate from your control panel. No further set-up required.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.