satindergrewal / bet

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example workflow


The aim of this project is to provide the necessary bet API's which are sufficient to play poker from the command line. The initial draft of the game written by jl777 is here.

Bet is the implementation of the Pangea protocol which nees LN and CHIPS. The installation of LN and CHIPS must be done before proceeding to play with bet.

If you would like to learn more please refer to the Pangea Protocol Whitepaper

The game


CHIPS - game token and the name of the poker project

DCV - Deck Creating Vendor, the Dealer node

BVV - Blinding Value Vendor, the component that helps securely shuffle the deck

Cashier or Notary nodes - Trusted nodes in the network that are elcted and chosen by the community. The set of trusted nodes at the moment are here.

Node Communication

All the communication in the game must happen though DCV. Pangea Protocol does not allow any direct communication between the Players and the BVV. Players and BVV connect to DCV via NN_PUSH/NN_PULL socket. If any entity in the game is willing to send a message, it sends it to DCV via NN_PUSH, and DCV receives it via NN_PULL.

Once the DCV receives the messages it publishes it via NN_PUB and since Players and BVV are subscribed to DCV via NN_SUB so whenever the DCV publishes messages the Players and BVV receive it.

Source: Pangea Protocol Whitepaper (authors: sg777, jl777)


Note: You will need an exposed IP to play the game

Ports to be used and open

Below are the list of the ports used and should be remained open incase if you have any firewall configurations.

* 7797 - This port is used to have pub-sub communication between Dealer and player nodes.
* 7798 - This port is used to have pull-push communication between Dealer and player nodes.
* 7901 - This port is used to have pub-sub communication between Cashier and any other{player,dealer} nodes.
* 7902 - This port is used to have push-pull communication between Cashier and any other{player,dealer} nodes.
* 9000 - This port is used to have websocket communication between GUI and {player,dealer} nodes.

Compilation Guidelines

Install Dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
  autoconf automake build-essential git libtool libgmp-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev python3 net-tools zlib1g-dev libsodium-dev \
  gettext wget libcurl3-gnutls ninja-build libssl-dev \
  libcurl4-gnutls-dev libevent-dev

Then clone this repo and build the binaries

git clone
cd bet

Steps to compile this repo and all the other required dependencies to play Pangea Poker are mentioned in

Docker Setup

The node set up can also be done using Docker.

Running the game

Command to run DCV

$ cd ~/bet/privatebet
$ ./bet dcv <dealer_ip>

The dealer_ip should be a static public ip of a machine on which a dealer node runs.

Configuring the Table

The dealer can configure the table parameters, the steps to configure the table parameters are mentioned here.

Command to run Player

$ cd
$ cd bet/privatebet
$ ./bet player

Command to run Cashier

$ cd
$ cd bet/privatebet
$ ./cashierd cashier cashier_ip

The cashier_ip should be a static public ip of a machine on which a cashier node runs. The cashier nodes are the trusted nodes in the network and are elcted and chosen by the community. The set of trusted nodes at the moment are here.

To avoid the unavailability of the nodes due to any crahing and disconnections, the cashier daemons are scheduled using crontab. The contents of the shell script which is scheduled using the crontab is as follows:

if pgrep -x "$SERVICE" >/dev/null
    echo "$SERVICE is running"
    echo "$SERVICE stopped"
    cd /root/bet/privatebet
    ./cashierd cashier <ip_addr>

Using crontab -e one can edit the crontab file and schedule it run all the time by adding the following line at the end of cron file
* * * * * /root/
Here contains the above shell commands and replace <ip_addr> with the static public ipv4 address of the node where this daemon is running.

The detailed description of the cashier protocol is mentioned here.

Usage of this repo

The usage of this repo varies from branch to branch. Each branch has a different gaming logic and their intended gameplays are different.

The branches are listes as follow.


The implementation of poker using the GUI has been implemented here.


This branch is used to play the highest card player wins game via CLI, two players can play the game. The player whoever gets the highest card wins the game.


This branch is used to player poker via CLI


In this branch implementation is done to support more than two players, and also made a provision to pass the number of players from the command line


This branch is used to player poker via GUI, the GUI code should be taken from poker branch of [pangea-poker-frontend]( repo.

For the GUI developers the backend message formats are defined here


This branch is used to player poker via GUI, the GUI code should be taken from poker_test branch of [pangea-poker-frontend]( repo.

LN Upgrade

Since bet uses the lightning network for the real time payments, so its necessary for the CHIPS LN node to be sync with upstream lightning network. As we seen the changes in the input and output of LN API's in the upstream we should be cautious about porting those changes into the CHIPS LN node. The LN commands that bet uses at the moment during the process of the game are listed below:


So we should test the functiolities of these API's to see any changes are made everytime when we port something to the downstream CHIPS LN node.