This is an alternative to cntlm
utility, but written in Go. It's aim to be simpler and easier to customize
for own needs. Mainly tested against McAfee Web Gateway. Tested in Linux, macOS and Windows, but should work on other
OS like Android.
Unlike cntlm
it uses Kerberos-based authorization. It also supports Basic Authorization (as dedicated mode),
this is useful while KDC is unavailable (e.g. while using VPN).
As an extra feature it deploys small static server with two routes:
GET /proxy.pac
— simple PAC-file (Proxy Auto-Configuration).GET /ca.crt
— always actual root certificate. Useful during first setup to retrieve Man-In-The-Middle root
certificate (corporate proxy in our case) and add it as trusted.Project uses monkey patching, so to test it you need to turn off inlining:
go test -gcflags=-l ./...
Escobar could work as service as well. At first, you need to install it.
sudo escobar -d http://proxy.evil.corp:9090/ --install
After installing service, it will create config file from CLI parameters:
Windows | Linux/BSD | macOS |
%PROGRAMDATA%\Escobar\Escobar\settings.json |
${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/etc/xdg/Escobar/Escobar/settings.json |
/Library/Application Support/Escobar/Escobar/settings.json |
file example:
"proxy": {
"addr": "localhost:3128",
"downstreamProxyURL": "http://proxy.evil.corp:9090/",
"downstreamProxyDialRetries": 0,
"downstreamProxyAuth": {
"user": "",
"password": "",
"keytab": ""
"kerberos": {
"realm": "",
"kdc": ""
"timeouts": {
"server": {
"readTimeout": 0,
"readHeaderTimeout": 30000000000,
"writeTimeout": 0,
"idleTimeout": 60000000000
"client": {
"readTimeout": 0,
"writeTimeout": 0,
"keepAlivePeriod": 60000000000
"downstreamProxy": {
"dialTimeout": 10000000000,
"readTimeout": 0,
"writeTimeout": 0,
"keepAlivePeriod": 60000000000
"pingURL": "",
"mode": "auto"
"static": {
"addr": "localhost:3129"
"useSystemLogger": true,
"verbose": [
This app provides as is and proper work could not be guaranteed. You are free to contribute by creating issues and PR.
Run escobar --help
to get this detailed help:
escobar [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
/l, /syslog Enable system logger (syslog or Windows Event Log)
/install Install service
/uninstall Uninstall service
/v, /verbose Verbose logs [%ESCOBAR_VERBOSE%]
/V, /version Escobar version
Proxy args:
/a, /proxy.addr: Proxy address (default: localhost:3128) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_ADDR%]
/d, /proxy.downstream-proxy-url:http://proxy.evil.corp:9090 Downstream proxy URL [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_DOWNSTREAM_PROXY_URL%]
/r, /proxy.downstream-proxy-dial-retries:0 Downstream proxy dial retries (default: 0) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_DOWNSTREAM_PROXY_DIAL_RETRIES%]
/ URL to ping anc check credentials validity (default: [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_PING_URL%]
/m, /proxy.mode: Escobar mode (default: auto) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_MODE%]
Downstream Proxy authentication:
/u, /proxy.downstream-proxy-auth.user: Downstream Proxy user [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_DOWNSTREAM_PROXY_AUTH_USER%]
/p, /proxy.downstream-proxy-auth.password: Downstream Proxy password [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_DOWNSTREAM_PROXY_AUTH_PASSWORD%]
/k, /proxy.downstream-proxy-auth.keytab: Downstream Proxy path to keytab-file [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_DOWNSTREAM_PROXY_AUTH_KEYTAB%]
Kerberos options:
/proxy.kerberos.realm:EVIL.CORP Kerberos realm [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_KERBEROS_REALM%]
/proxy.kerberos.kdc:kdc.evil.corp:88 Key Distribution Center (KDC) address [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_KERBEROS_KDC%]
Server timeouts:
/ HTTP server read timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_SERVER_READ%]
/ HTTP server read header timeout (default: 30s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_SERVER_READ_HEADER%]
/proxy.timeouts.server.write: HTTP server write timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_SERVER_WRITE%]
/proxy.timeouts.server.idle: HTTP server idle timeout (default: 1m) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_SERVER_IDLE%]
Client timeouts:
/ Client read timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_CLIENT_READ%]
/proxy.timeouts.client.write: Client write timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_CLIENT_WRITE%]
/proxy.timeouts.client.keepalive-period: Client keepalive period (default: 1m) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_CLIENT_KEEPALIVE_PERIOD%]
Downstream Proxy timeouts:
/proxy.timeouts.downstream.dial: Downstream proxy dial timeout (default: 10s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_DOWNSTREAM_DIAL%]
/ Downstream proxy read timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_DOWNSTREAM_READ%]
/proxy.timeouts.downstream.write: Downstream proxy write timeout (default: 0s) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_DOWNSTREAM_WRITE%]
/proxy.timeouts.downstream.keepalive-period: Downstream proxy keepalive period (default: 1m) [%ESCOBAR_PROXY_TIMEOUTS_DOWNSTREAM_KEEPALIVE_PERIOD%]
Static args:
/static.addr: Static server address (default: localhost:3129) [%ESCOBAR_STATIC_ADDR%]
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
Buy default I recommend to use auto
mode that use Windows SSPI or Linux ccache.
But you could also use manual
mode to pass keytab-files instead of passing plain password.
It's safer and less accessible. Below you can read about recommended setup.
Create service user escobar
and lock it:
# useradd -M escobar
# usermod -L escobar
Create escobar
directory inside /etc
and give escobar
user proper rights:
# mkdir /etc/escobar
# chown escobar:escobar /etc/escobar
# chmod 0700 /etc/escobar
Create proper keytab-file by using ktutil
$ sudo -u escobar ktutil
ktutil: add_entry -password -p ivanovii@EVIL.CORP -k 0 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
Password for ivanovii@EVIL.CORP:
ktutil: write_kt /etc/escobar/ivanovii.keytab
ktutil: exit
Current KVNO + 1
But in your case it could be another cipher.In case of principal name, KVNO and encryption type program should print what does it looking for.