saveourtool / benedikt

A GitHub Action to check your code with diKTat
MIT License
10 stars 2 forks source link
diktat github-actions reporting testing

= A GitHub Action to check your code with[_diKTat_] :toc: :imagesdir: docs/images :tip-caption: pass:[💡]


[.left] image::[License: MIT,link=""]

[.left] image::[GitHub release,link=]

[.left] image::[Ubuntu Linux]

[.left] image::[macOS]

[.left] image::[Windows]


An always updated version of this document is available link:[here] as a PDF e-book.

== Features

== Usage

In the simplest scenario, the action can be used without input parameters; you just need to check out your code first, using[`actions/checkout`]:


jobs: diktat_check: name: 'diKTat Check' runs-on: ubuntu-latest

  - uses: actions/checkout@v4

  - uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2

== Configuration

[#config] === config: custom configuration file

You can override the name or the path of your YAML configuration file using the config input parameter, e. g.:


  - uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2
      config: path/to/diktat-analysis-custom.yml

[#reporter] === reporter: requesting a type of reporter

If you wish, you can report errors in a different format.

** sarif: report errors in the[_SARIF_] format. The output file will be named report.sarif and automatically uploaded to GitHub using the[`upload-sarif`] action. This will enable the check results to be shown as annotations in the pull request: + image::sarif-reporting-pr.png[diKTat SARIF reporting (Pull Request)] + as well as in the Code scanning alerts section of your repository: + image::sarif-reporting-code-scanning-alerts.png[diKTat SARIF reporting (Code scanning alerts)]

** checkstyle: this is the reporter of choice if you ever encounter issues with the sarif reporter. Errors are reported in the[_Checkstyle-XML_] format to the file named checkstyle-report.xml. The report is then consumed by the[`reviewdog] tool and uploaded to _GitHub_, resulting in code annotations similar to those produced by thesarif` reporter: + image::checkstyle-xml-reporting.png[Checkstyle-XML reporting assisted by reviewdog]

[#input-paths] === input-paths: custom source sets

One or more patterns which indicate the files or directories to check. Use a multiline string to specify multiple inputs.

If this input parameter is not specified, this is equivalent to setting it to ., meaning diKTat will check all \*.kt and *.kts files in the project directory unless configured otherwise.

[#java-setup] === java-distribution and java-version: running diKTat using a custom JVM

It's possible to run diKTat with a custom JVM using the[`actions/setup-java`] action. The following input parameters may be specified:

Default: temurin Required: no

Default: none Required: no

[NOTE] Setting just the java-distribution property in order to use a custom JDK is not sufficient: you'll need to set both java-distribution and java-version:


  - uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2
      java-distribution: 'temurin'
      java-version: 17

=== fail-on-error: suppressing lint errors

If false, the errors are still reported, but the step completes successfully. If true (the default), then lint errors reported by diKTat are considered fatal (i.e. the current step terminates with a failure):


  - uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2
      fail-on-error: true


This flag only affects the case when diKTat exits with code 1. Higher link:[exit codes] are always fatal.

=== debug: enabling debug logging

Debug logging can be enabled by setting the debug input parameter to true:


  - uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2
      debug: true

== Outputs

The action returns the exit code of the command-line client using the exit-code output parameter, e. g.:


jobs: diktat_check: name: 'diKTat Check' runs-on: ubuntu-latest

  - uses: actions/checkout@v4

  - id: diktat
    uses: saveourtool/benedikt@v2

  - name: 'Read the exit code of diKTat'
    if: ${{ always() }}
    run: echo "diKTat exited with code ${{ steps.diktat.outputs.exit-code }}"
    shell: bash

The exit codes are documented link:[here].