savoirfairelinux / flake8-copyright

Adds copyright checks to flake8
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Flake8 Copyright plugin

Checks for copyright notices in all python files. It runs a simple regular expression search for strings like::

Copyright 2014 <author>
Copyright (C) 2014 <author>

<author> can be anything unless you specify it with the copyright-author option (see below).


Install with pip::

pip install flake8-copyright

Then, activate copyright checks in your flake8 configuration with::

copyright-check = True
# C errors are not selected by default, so add them to your selection
select = E,F,W,C

Further options

copyright-min-file-size Minimum number of characters in a file before requiring a copyright notice. This is to avoid forcing yourself to add copyright notices to very small or empty files. Default: 0.

copyright-author Checks for a specific author in the copyright notice.

copyright-regexp If you're not happy with the regexp that is ran to look for copyright notices, you can change it with this option. Default: Copyright\s+(\(C\)\s+)?\d{4}([-,]\d{4})*\s+%(author)s. %(author)s is replaced by the contents of copyright-author.