savoirtech / slf4j-json-logger

Apache License 2.0
59 stars 23 forks source link


The need for logging in an arbitrary JSON format is growing as more logging frameworks require this in order to index fields for search and analytics.

Existing logging frameworks have poor support for the full JSON spec and often use shortcuts to extend functionality, such as using the MDC context to map extra key/value pairs.

This is an effort to provide support for the full JSON spec while still using industry convention (slf4j API).

Logging configuration

Logging interface

You will have already specified the log level before reaching this interface.


Default fields


Where applicable we have adopted the same naming and defaults conventions observed by our friends working on the JSON layout for log4j: (


Caution on logging numbers in JSON

OSGi - Karaf


Support for markers was added with a pull request by Boris Smidt (many thanks!).
        .message("start() call duration")
        .field("duration", elapsedMs)
{"marker":"PERF","message":"start() call duration","duration":351,"level":"INFO", ...}