sawhney17 / logseq-automatic-linker

MIT License
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Match case, match whole word #61

Open DutchPete opened 1 year ago

DutchPete commented 1 year ago

Let's say I have a page AI. How can I ensure that when I type ai, followed by enter, Automatic Linker does not turn that into a wikilink to the AI page? So, only when I type it with capitals will it be turned into a wikilink.

Similarly, if I only want Automatic Linker to turn Ai into a wikilink, how can I achieve that?

stucash commented 9 months ago

interesting; what you dont' want here is actually a feature I wanted; my use case is that I want to ignore case and turn every occurence of a word or phrase into a link.

We just justified a switch button in the config; and probably a list of words/phrases to exclude for case-sensitivity.

DutchPete commented 9 months ago

So, since you can exclude words/phrases for case-sensitivity, then you already have what you want.

stucash commented 9 months ago

I don't think that's available as of current release; that's a feature I'd love to have.