sawhney17 / logseq-automatic-linker

MIT License
87 stars 16 forks source link

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Automatic Linker for Logseq

GitHub all releases version

A plugin to automatically create links while typing.

Requires logseq version 0.67 and above to function properly Screen Recording 2022-05-11 at 8 03 24 AM


  1. Install the plugin from the marketplace
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+L to enable automatic mode
  3. Else, Use Command+P to parse the current block
  4. Else, right click the bullet and click parse block for links
  5. Watch as the links are automatically made!!



  1. Fork the repo.

  2. Install dependencies and build the dev version:

    yarn install && yarn run dev
  3. Open Logseq and navigate to the plugins dashboard: t p.

  4. Click Load unpacked plugin button, then select the repo directory to load it.

After every change you make in the code:

  1. Rebuild the dev version:

    yarn run dev
  2. Open Logseq and navigate to the plugins dashboard: t p.

  3. Find the plugin and click on "Reload".

  4. Ignore the error messages about keyboard shortcut conflicts.

To run tests:

yarn test

Thank you

Thank you to all contributors to the project!