sawhney17 / logseq-citation-manager

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About file path with sync config #50

Open bepolymathe opened 1 year ago

bepolymathe commented 1 year ago

Hi @sawhney17

Thanks for this great plugin. The native use of Zotero with Logseq is too slow for daily use. So I try to use the citation plugin which is very useful. My only problem is access to my files (pdf). I have a machine under windows and another under linux (logseq sync for sync). If I ask Zotero to save the PDF (with Zotfile) of my articles in the "assets" folder it allows me to have the files synchronize between my two machines but when the note is created in logseq the path is broken if I open a note created under windows from linux (and vice versa). In fact, would it be possible to have relative links rather than absolute links (dependent of the OS) for links to the file. Have you found a solution to this problem ?

allabur commented 1 month ago
