sawhney17 / logseq-citation-manager

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Logseq Citations Plugin




  1. Install the plugin
  2. Configure templates, you can use the provided templates here for inspiration. Templates have to be added on a per graph basis.
  3. Configure settings
  4. Call the citation insertion UI
    • Use /Create Inline Literature Note to insert a literature note inline based on a block template. Also callable via mod+shift+I
    • Use /Create Inline Link to Lit Note to create a page following a specific template and insert a link(optionally aliased) in the currrent block. Also callable via mod+shift+L
    • Use /Search and open reference as page to search for a reference and create it as a page following a specific template if it doesn't already exist. Also callable via mod+shift+o
  5. Select the reference using the keyboard or mouse
  6. Watch as your action is performed!

