sawhney17 / logseq-citation-manager

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No existing DB, can't be found #68

Open zaras86 opened 1 year ago

zaras86 commented 1 year ago

I'm using Logseq on Mac M1 and try to setup the plugin but the DB is nowhere to be found. I write the right path (/Users/myusername/ownCloud/Graph/citationDB.bib) and write one book in the bib file, but the DB is not existing when I type /create inline link to lit note .

So maybe it's a stupid newbie mistake by myself or some kind of mac-m1 issue.

thx for helping me

vonHartz commented 1 year ago

Which version of logseq are you using @zaras86 ?

This might be a version issue. I upgraded to 0.9.4. and get the same issue, despite it working before.

zaras86 commented 1 year ago

@vonHartz No i have 0.9.6.

zaras86 commented 1 year ago
Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-30 um 15 26 19

Maybe there is something wrong in the plugin settings

NickoJow commented 1 year ago

image Could've been this error here, as stated in the Although I configured the path in this way, the error still popped up. Gave up already :(

sumlautollner commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue (I am on Linux, running Logseq flathub version 0.9.8), so I am using a Gnome Desktop Citation app that saves the BIB file in any location - when I enter the path to that file I get the same issue - no existing DB can be found. Seems odd. I also don't understand what is meant by "it has to be located in ~assets/storages/logseq-citation-manager" in settings ... do you need to create a directory in home called assets?

  1. So to sum up - I have a BIB file in /home/andreas/Documents/Notes/Citations
  2. I point to that BIB file in the file path settings (citationReferenceDB) of the Citation Manager plugin like this: /home/andreas/Documents/Notes/Citations/bibliography.bib --> I get the DB not found error
Saidelocha commented 12 months ago

The plugin got me crazy today. I got the "No existing DB" error.

At first, I thought it was because of the format (.bib), so I tried another one (.json) And for a moment, it worked. Then I updated my database, and suddenly, the error is back again.

I've tried to reset the plugin, a clean reinstall, to play again and again with the format, to test with the ancient version of the database (the one that worked), the error stay put and I don't know why it was working for a time and not anymore when nothing change in the setting.

jxpeng98 commented 11 months ago

Hi everyone,

I figured it out.

According to the current version, The key point is that you need to put your bib.bib file into a specific directory, the directory mentioned in the

First you locate to your logseq root folder and then nav to ./asset/storages/logseq-citation-manager/.

Then put your bib file in this directory and go back to logseq and press mod+shift+l, the plugin will generate a file named paperpileDB.json.


Then press the mod+shift+i again. I think it should work.


If you have any new references exported to the bib file, you only need to press mod+shift+p and re-index the bib.bib by entering index:

notuntoward commented 11 months ago

@jxpeng98 , Thanks, this helped. Just to add a bit more

sawhney17 commented 8 months ago

just to clarify, you have to place the folder within the assets folder of your own graph in a folder called assets/storages/logseq-citation-manager/citationDB.bib

and in settings, you will write citationDB.bib

rwclayton commented 8 months ago

I have successfully added the .bib file (the file has no current items in it) to the appropriate directory, but I'm still getting the "No existing DB" error. How should I go about resolving this issue?

manvibharat commented 3 months ago

I have followed the same instruction as above; But I get the same error as No existing DB, can't be found. I am using Logseq 0.10.7, and latest plugin version. Please give some instructions or let me know if any thing is wrong.

ehehela commented 3 months ago

Using relative path also works for me. The assets folder path is D:\Users\asdfg\OneDrive\文档\Logseq\assets. The BIB file path is D:\Users\asdfg\OneDrive\文档\dc\JabRefLibrary\MAIN.bib. Then the citationReferenceDBfield should be ..\..\..\..\dc\JabRefLibrary\MAIN.bib. If it won't work, try to reindex the citation DB:

If you want to force the reindexing of the references, you can force reindex via the command pallete and searching for reindex. This could take a while so be patient.