sayan404 / TaskPulse

an application that helps people to register and track there work
MIT License
7 stars 11 forks source link
beginner-friendly css expressjs full-stack javascript mern-stack mongodb nodejs reactjs


TaskPulse is an intuitive application designed to help users register personalized tasks and efficiently track them based on their status. Whether you're managing personal projects, work tasks, or daily chores, TaskPulse provides a streamlined solution for keeping your tasks organized and ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

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To get started with TaskPulse, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd TaskPulse
  2. Backend Setup:

    • Create a .env file in the backend folder.
    • Add the following variables to the .env file:
      MONGODB_URL=<Your MongoDB Connection URL>
      ENCRYPTION_REF=<Your Encryption Reference>
    • Open a terminal and navigate to the backend folder: bash cd backend Run the frontend development server using the following command: bash npm run dev

    Ensure that you have a MongoDB instance running and replace <Your MongoDB Connection URL> with the appropriate connection URL. The ENCRYPTION_REF is a reference used for encryption; replace it with a secret key for your application.

  3. Frontend Setup:

    • Open a new terminal and navigate to the frontend folder:
      cd frontend
    • Install the required dependencies:
      npm install
    • Run the frontend development server with the following command:
      npm run dev

    The frontend development server will start, and you can access the application at localhost server by default. Make sure to complete the backend setup (as mentioned in step 2) before running the frontend to ensure proper communication between the frontend and backend.

  4. Pushing Changes to GitHub:

    Once you have made your changes and finalized your code in the local files, follow these steps to push the changes to GitHub:

    • Create a new branch for your changes:

      git branch <your_branch_name>
    • Switch to the new branch:

      git checkout <your_branch_name>
    • Add all changes to the staging area:

      git add .
    • Commit the changes with a meaningful commit message:

      git commit -m "Your commit message here"
    • Push the changes to the remote repository (GitHub):

      git push origin <your_branch_name>

    After pushing the changes, you can create a pull request on GitHub to merge your changes into the main branch or any desired target branch.

    Note: Make sure you replace <your_branch_name> with the actual name you chose for your new branch.