sayan801 / SlidingDrawer

A custom slide drawer widget support low api level
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We have removed nineoldandroids dependency from SlidingDrawer-dfqin.. Now restructuring it as lib project..

Below mentioned code will be maintained as sephiroth branch..


we are trying to implement a new control based on AndroidSlidingDrawer ( this is also going to deprecate from API 17)..

This approach is Inspired from discussion found in this blog...

This code is running fine.. But it has only 2 states.. So This code will be maintained as sephiroth branch..

Below mentioned code will be maintained as seperate branch dfqin-SlidingDrawer


A custom slide drawer widget support low api level

Though there is a SlidingDrawer widget in android SDK which is deprecated in API level 17, it can't meet the demands in many cases and it hard to extend.

In my case I need a sliding drawer which support drag to top,drag to center or to bottom, so I write this custom SlidingDrawer widget, you can drag or click to operate the drawer.

It use "property animation" do the animation, to support the low API level, I use the NineOldAndroids compatible package (download in

SlidingDrawer 拖拉窗控件

原来系统有一个SlidingDrawer控件(但在API 17中已不鼓励使用,移到开源项目中了),但也只支持像android title bar一样拖下来拖上去 两种状态,很难满足实际项目中的很多需求,而且也不方便扩展。

我在自己项目中需要一个拖拉窗,可以打开,关闭,和半开三种状态,没有找到合适的控件使用,就自己写这个控件,加入了类似于IOS7中 的弹跳效果,窗口滑动动画使用了属性动画,为了支持低版本,使用了 NineOldAndroids( 兼容包, 可以通过点击或拖动来改变窗口状态。