sbcgua / ajson

Yet another json parser serializer for ABAP
MIT License
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abap hacktoberfest json-parser

abaplint abap package version

abap json (ajson)

Yet another json parser/serializer for ABAP. It works with release 7.02 or higher.




Installed using abapGit

Examples and documentation

Instantiating and basics

JSON reading

The methods of interface allows accessing attributes and converting to abap structure.

Examples below assume original json was:

  "success": 1,
  "error": "",
  "payload": {
    "text": "hello",
    "num": 123,
    "bool": true,
    "false": false,
    "null": null,
    "date": "2020-07-28",
    "table": [

Individual value reading

data r type ref to zif_ajson.
r = zcl_ajson=>parse( lv_json_string_from_above ).

r->is_empty( ).                     " returns abap_false
r->exists( '/success' ).            " returns abap_true

r->get( '/success' ).               " returns "1"
r->get_integer( '/success' ).       " returns 1 (number)
r->get_boolean( '/success' ).       " returns "X" (abap_true - because not empty)

r->get( '/payload/bool' ).          " returns "true"
r->get_boolean( '/payload/bool' ).  " returns "X" (abap_true)

r->get( '/payload/false' ).         " returns "false"
r->get_boolean( '/payload/false' ). " returns "" (abap_false)

r->get( '/payload/null' ).          " returns "null"
r->get_string( '/payload/null' ).   " returns "" (empty string)

r->get( '/payload/date' ).          " returns "2020-07-28"
r->get_date( '/payload/date' ).     " returns "20200728" (type d)

r->members( '/' ).                  " returns table of "success", "error", "payload"

Segment slicing

" Slice returns zif_ajson instance but "payload" becomes root
" Useful to process API responses with unified wrappers
data payload type ref to zif_ajson.
payload = r->slice( '/payload' ). 

Getting node type

In some case you might want to know node type prior to accessing it first. Type can be 'str', 'num', 'null', 'bool', 'object', 'array'.

r->get_node_type( '/payload/false' ).         " returns "bool"
r->get_node_type( '/payload/text' ).          " returns "str"

Converting to abap structure

  begin of ls_payload,
    text type string,
    num type i,
    bool type abap_bool,
    false type abap_bool,
    null type string,
    table type string_table, " Array !
  end of ls_payload.

payload->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_payload ).

to_abap supports transferring "corresponding only" fields.

  exporting iv_corresponding = abap_true
  importing ev_container     = ls_payload ).

" Or via an instance flag (persists after setting!)
payload->to_abap_corresponding_only( )->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_payload ).

JSON writing

The methods of interface allows setting attributes, objects, arrays.

Individual value writing

data w type ref to zif_ajson.
w = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ).

" Set value
" Results in { "a": { "b": { "num": 123, "str": "hello", "bool": true } } }
" The intermediary path is auto created, value type auto detected
  iv_path = '/a/b/num'
  iv_val  = 123 ).
  iv_path = '/a/b/str'
  iv_val  = 'hello' ).
  iv_path = '/a/b/bool'
  iv_val  = abap_true ).
  iv_path = '/a/b/str'
  iv_val  = 'escaping"\' ). " => "escaping\"\\", also with \n, \r, \t

" Ignoring empty values by default
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = abap_false ). " => nothing added to json !!!
  iv_ignore_empty = abap_false
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = abap_false ). " => "a": false
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 0 ). " => nothing added to json !!!
  iv_ignore_empty = abap_false
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 0 ). " => "a": 0

" With explicit type
  iv_path      = '/a'
  iv_val       = '0'
  iv_node_type = 'num' ). " => "a": 0

Individual TYPED values

" Set typed value
" IMPORTANTLY, empty values are always not ignored !
" Booleans -> converts not initial values to true
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 123 ). " => true
w->set_boolean( " empty value not ignored !
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 0 ). " => false
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 'abc' ). " => true
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = lt_non_empty_tab ). " => true

" Integer
w->set_integer( " this just forces conversion to int at param level
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 123 ). " => 123
w->set_integer( " empty value not ignored !
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = 0 ). " => 0

" String (clike param)
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = sy-datum ). " => e.g. 20200705
w->set_string( " empty value not ignored !
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = '' ). " => "a": ""

" Date - converts date param to json formatted date
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = sy-datum ). " => e.g. "2020-07-05" (with dashes)

" Timestamp - converts timestamp param to json formatted data as ISO (<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>Z)
get time stamp field lv_timestamp.
  iv_path = '/a'
  iv_val  = lv_timestamp ). " => e.g. "2021-05-05T12-00-00Z" (with dashes)

" Null
" same effect is for initial data ref
  iv_path = '/a' ). " => "a": null

Text-based set

The method setx is a shortcut for full-scale set, it attempts to parse a string and detect both path and value from it. Although it is less performant (!) but it is more readable which can be beneficial for some cases where it is not critical e.g. setting constants in APIs or unit tests.
Format: path and value are separated by ':', space around path and around value is trimmed.

j->setx( '/a: 1' ).     " { "a": 1 }
j->setx( '/a: 1.123' ). " { "a": 1.123 }
j->setx( '/a: abc' ).   " { "a": "abc" }
j->setx( '/a: "abc"' ). " { "a": "abc" }
j->setx( '/a: "123"' ). " { "a": "123" } - force string
j->setx( '/a: null' ).  " { "a": null }
j->setx( '/a: true' ).  " { "a": true }
j->setx( '/a: false' ). " { "a": false }

" deep path are supported
j->setx( '/a/b/c: 1' ).

" and also arrays and objects
" Note, the object must be in complete json format, with ""
j->setx( '/a: { "b": "abc" }' ). 
j->setx( '/a: [1,2,3]' ). 

" The method is chainable
j->setx( '/a: 1' )->setx( '/b: 2' ).

Deletion and rewriting

" Importantly, values and whole branches are rewritten
" { "a": { "b": 0 } } - the old "b" completely deleted
  iv_path = '/a/b'
  iv_val  = 0 ).

" Items can be deleted explicitly
w->delete( '/a/b' ). " => { "a": { } }

" Or completely cleared
w->clear( ).

Settings objects

" Set object
" Results in { "a": { "b": { "payload": { "text": ..., "num": ... } } } }
  begin of ls_payload,
    text type string,
    num type i,
  end of ls_payload.
  iv_path = '/a/b/payload'
  iv_val  = ls_payload ).

" Set other object with ajson instance
  iv_path = '/a/b/payload'
  iv_val  = lo_another_ajson ).

Settings arrays/tables

" Set arrays
" Results in: { "array": [ "abc", "efg" ] }
" Tables of structures, of tables, and other deep objects are supported as well
data tab type string_table.
append 'abc' to tab.
append 'efg' to tab.
  iv_path = '/array'
  iv_val  = tab ).

" Fill arrays item by item
" Different types ? no problem
  iv_path = '/array'
  iv_val  = 1 ).
" => { "array": [ "abc", "efg", 1 ] }

  iv_path = '/array'
  iv_val  = ls_payload ).
" => { "array": [ "abc", "efg", 1, { "text": ..., "num": ... } ] }

" Push verifies that the path item exists and is array
" it does NOT auto create path like "set"
" to explicitly create an empty array use "touch_array"
w->touch_array( '/array2' ).
" => { "array": ..., "array2": [] }

Setting data refs

Currently not supported, but maybe in future. Except initial data ref which is equivalent to set_null.


Set (and some other) methods also return me to support chaining: li_json->set(...)->set(...)->touch_array(...)->push(...).

Freezing JSON (read only)

It is possible to set an instance of ajson immutable (read only). It is done on object level with method freeze or at parse time with iv_freeze = abap_true param. This is one way only change. After this set, delete, clear and other modification methods will raise exceptions if used. Useful to freeze some kind of settings or service responses.

Rendering to JSON string

zcl_ajson instance content can be rendered to JSON string using zif_ajson~stringify method (also has alias at class level). It also supports optional indentation.

    data lo_json type ref to zcl_ajson.
    data li_json type ref to zif_ajson.

    lo_json   = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ).
    li_json = lo_json.

      iv_path = '/a'
      iv_val  = 1 ).
      iv_path = '/b'
      iv_val  = 'B' ).
      iv_path = '/e' ).
      iv_path = '/f' ).
      iv_path = '/f'
      iv_val  = 5 ).

    data lv type string.
    lv = lo_json->stringify( ). " or li_json->stringify( ).
    " {"a":1,"b":"B","e":[],"f":[5]}

    lv = lo_json->stringify( iv_indent = 2 ). " indent with 2 spaces
    " {
    "   "a": 1,
    "   "b": "B",
    "   "e": [],
    "   "f": [
    "     5
    "   ]
    " }

Keep item order

Sometimes you may want to keep order of json items in the same order as it was in abap structure (assuming you set structures or table of structures). To do this: set iv_keep_item_order flag when creating an instance or call keep_item_order after creation of instance, before any set.

    begin of ls_dummy,
      zulu type string,
      alpha type string,
      beta type string,
    end of ls_dummy.

  li_json->keep_item_order( ).
    iv_path = '/'
    iv_val  = ls_dummy ).
  li_json->stringify( ). " '{"zulu":"z","alpha":"a","beta":"b"}'
  " otherwise - '{"alpha":"a","beta":"b","zulu":"z"}'

  " OR
  li_json = zcl_ajson=>new( iv_keep_item_order = abap_true ).

The same parameter exists for parsing

  li_json = zcl_ajson=>parse( 
    iv_json            = '{"b":1,"a":2}'
    iv_keep_item_order = abap_true ).
  li_json->stringify( ). " '{"b":1,"a":2}'

Auto format date/time

By default date, time and timestamp dates are not formatted and are written in abap format as 'YYYYMMDD', 'HHMMSS'. This can be changed by calling format_datetime method after creation. After that the date/time will be auto-formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'HH:MM:SS' respectively. Important: this may become the default behavior in future version

    begin of ls_dummy,
      date type d value '20220412',
    end of ls_dummy.

  li_json->format_datetime( ).
    iv_path = '/'
    iv_val  = ls_dummy ).
  li_json->stringify( ). " {"date":"2022-04-12"}'
  " otherwise - {"date":"20220412"}


Conversion from JSON to ABAP can determine automatically if the value is a timestamp if:


Using a json with possible formats:


Can be mapped to following structure:

    BEGIN OF json_timestamp,
      date           TYPE d,
      datetime       TYPE timestamp,
      datetime_utc   TYPE timestamp,
      datetime_plus1 TYPE timestamp,
    END OF json_timestamp.

  DATA(lo_ajson) = zcl_ajson=>parse( json_content ).

  lo_ajson->to_abap( IMPORTING ev_container = json_timestamp ).


  lo_new_json = lo_orig_json->clone( ). " results in new independent json copy
  " OR ... (but prefer the former)
  lo_new_json = zcl_ajson=>create_from(
    ii_source_json = lo_orig_json ).

Mapping (field renaming)

You can rename json attribute (node) names with a mapper. Typical example for this is making all attribute names upper/lower case or converting camel-snake naming styles (e.g. helloWorld -> hello_world).

  lo_orig_json = zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"ab":1,"bc":2}' ).
  lo_new_json = lo_orig_json->map( li_mapper ). -> " E.g. '{"AB":1,"BC":2}'
  " OR ... (but prefer the former)
  lo_new_json = zcl_ajson=>create_from(
    ii_source_json = lo_orig_json
    ii_mapper      = li_mapper ). 

where li_mapper would be an instance of zif_ajson_mapping.

AJSON implements a couple of frequent convertors in zcl_ajson_mapping class, in particular:

You can also implement you custom mapper. To do this you have to implement zif_ajson_mapping->rename_node(). It accepts the json nodes item-by-item and may change name via cv_name parameter. E.g.

  method zif_ajson_mapping~rename_field.
    if cv_name+0(1) = 'a'. " Upper case all fields that start with "a"
      cv_name = to_upper( cv_name ).

A realistic use case would be converting an external API result, which are often camel-cased (as this is very common in java script world), and then converting it into abap structure:

    begin of ls_api_response,
      error_code type string,
    end of ls_api_response.

  lo_orig_json = zcl_ajson=>parse( lv_api_response_string ). " { "errorCode": 0, ... }
  lo_new_json = zcl_ajson=>create_from(
    ii_source_json = lo_orig_json
    ii_mapper      = zcl_ajson_mapping=>camel_to_snake( ) ).
  lo_new_json->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_api_response )

... or simpler and chained (combined with filter) ...

  zcl_ajson=>parse( lv_api_response_string
    )->filter( zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_path_filter(
      iv_skip_paths = '*/@*' " remove meta attributes
      iv_pattern_search = abap_true ) )
    )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>camel_to_snake( )
    )->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_api_response ).

"Boxed-in" mappers

Several typical mappers were implemented within zcl_ajson_mapping class:

zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"a":1,"b":{"c":2}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_upper_case( ) ).
  " {"A":1,"B":{"C":2}}
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"A":1,"B":{"C":2}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_lower_case( ) ).
  " {"a":1,"b":{"c":2}}
" Purely by name
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"a":1,"b":{"c":2},"d":{"e":3}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_rename( value #(
    ( from = 'a' to = 'x' )
    ( from = 'c' to = 'y' )
    ( from = 'd' to = 'z' ) )
  ) ).
  " {"b":{"y":2},"x":1,"z":{"e":3}}

" Or by full path
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"a":1,"b":{"a":2},"c":{"a":3}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_rename(
    it_rename_map = value #( ( from = '/b/a' to = 'x' ) )
    iv_rename_by  = zcl_ajson_mapping=>rename_by-full_path
  ) ).
  " {"a":1,"b":{"x":2},"c":{"a":3}}

" Or by pattern
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"andthisnot":1,"b":{"thisone":2},"c":{"a":3}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_rename(
    it_rename_map = value #( ( from = '/*/this*' to = 'x' ) )
    iv_rename_by  = zcl_ajson_mapping=>rename_by-pattern
  ) ).
  " {"andthisnot":1,"b":{"x":2},"c":{"a":3}}
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"a":1,"b":{"a":2},"c":{"a":3}}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_compound_mapper(
    ii_mapper1 = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_rename(
      it_rename_map = value #( ( from = '/b/a' to = 'x' ) )
      iv_rename_by  = zcl_ajson_mapping=>rename_by-full_path )
    ii_mapper2 = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_upper_case( ) )
  " {"A":1,"B":{"X":2},"C":{"A":3}}'
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"aB":1,"BbC":2,"cD":{"xY":3},"ZZ":4}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_to_snake_case( ) ).
  " {"a_b":1,"bb_c":2,"c_d":{"x_y":3},"zz":4}
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"a_b":1,"bb_c":2,"c_d":{"x_y":3},"zz":4}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_to_camel_case( ) ).
  " {"aB":1,"bbC":2,"cD":{"xY":3},"zz":4}

" Optionally upper case first letter too
zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"aj_bc":1}'
  )->map( zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_to_camel_case(
    iv_first_json_upper = abap_true ) ).
  " {"AjBc":1}

All the above examples will also work with static create_from() method (but don't prefer it, might be deprecated).

  ii_source_json = zcl_ajson=>parse( '{"aj_bc":1}' )
  ii_mapper = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_to_camel_case( )
  " {"ajBc":1}

Mapping via to_abap and to_json (DEPRECATED)

This approach is depreciated and will be removed in future versions, please use rename_field approach described above

The interface zif_ajson_mapping allows to create custom mapping for ABAP and JSON fields via implementing to_abap and to_json methods.

Some mappings are provided by default:

Example: JSON => ABAP mapping fields

JSON Input


Example code snippet

    lo_ajson          type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping        type ref to zif_ajson_mapping,
    lt_mapping_fields type zif_ajson_mapping=>ty_mapping_fields,
    ls_mapping_field  like line of lt_mapping_fields.
    begin of ls_result,
      abap_field type string,
      field      type string,
    end of ls_result.

  clear ls_mapping_field.
  ls_mapping_field-abap  = 'ABAP_FIELD'.
  ls_mapping_field-json = 'json.field'.
  insert ls_mapping_field into table lt_mapping_fields.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_field_mapping( lt_mapping_fields ).

  lo_ajson =
      zcl_ajson=>parse( iv_json = '{"field":"value","json.field":"field_value"}' ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_result ).

Example: ABAP => JSON mapping fields

Example code snippet

    lo_ajson          type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping        type ref to zif_ajson_mapping,
    lt_mapping_fields type zif_ajson_mapping=>ty_mapping_fields,
    ls_mapping_field  like line of lt_mapping_fields.
    begin of ls_result,
      abap_field type string,
      field      type string,
    end of ls_result.

  clear ls_mapping_field.
  ls_mapping_field-abap  = 'ABAP_FIELD'.
  ls_mapping_field-json = 'json.field'.
  insert ls_mapping_field into table lt_mapping_fields.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_field_mapping( lt_mapping_fields ).

  ls_result-abap_field = 'field_value'.
  ls_result-field      = 'value'.

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->set( iv_path = '/' iv_val = ls_result ).

JSON Output


Example: Camel Case - To JSON (first letter lower case)

Example code snippet

    lo_ajson   type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping.
    begin of ls_result,
      field_data type string,
    end of ls_result.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_camel_case( iv_first_json_upper = abap_false ).

  ls_result-field_data = 'field_value'.

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->set( iv_path = '/' iv_val = ls_result ).

JSON Output


Example: Camel Case - To JSON (first letter upper case)

Example code snippet

    lo_ajson   type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping.
    begin of ls_result,
      field_data type string,
    end of ls_result.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_camel_case( iv_first_json_upper = abap_true ).

  ls_result-field_data = 'field_value'.

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->set( iv_path = '/' iv_val = ls_result ).

JSON Output


Example: Camel Case - To ABAP

JSON Input


Example code snippet

    lo_ajson   type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping.
    begin of ls_result,
      field_data type string,
    end of ls_result.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_camel_case( ).

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>parse( iv_json = '{"FieldData":"field_value"}' ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_result ).

Example: Lower Case - To JSON

Example code snippet

    lo_ajson   type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping.
    begin of ls_result,
      field_data type string,
    end of ls_result.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_lower_case( ).

  ls_result-field_data = 'field_value'.

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->set( iv_path = '/' iv_val = ls_result ).

JSON Output


Example: Upper Case - To JSON

Example code snippet

    lo_ajson   type ref to zcl_ajson,
    li_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping.
    begin of ls_result,
      field_data type string,
    end of ls_result.

  li_mapping = zcl_ajson_mapping=>create_upper_case( ).

  ls_result-field_data = 'field_value'.

  lo_ajson = zcl_ajson=>create_empty( ii_custom_mapping = li_mapping ).

  lo_ajson->set( iv_path = '/' iv_val = ls_result ).

JSON Output



This is an experimental feature, the interface may change. filter() method looks more favorable option

This feature allows creating a json from existing one skipping some nodes. E.g. empty values, predefined paths or using your custom filter.

Predefined filters

  " li_json_source: { "a":1, "b":0, "c":{ "d":"" } }
  li_json_filtered = li_json_source->filter( zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_empty_filter( ) ).
  " li_json_filtered: { "a":1 }
  " OR ... (but prefer the former)
  li_json_filtered = zcl_ajson=>create_from(
    ii_source_json = li_json_source
    ii_filter = zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_empty_filter( ) ).
  " li_json_source: { "a":1, "b":0, "c":{ "d":"" } }
  li_json_filtered = li_json_source->filter( 
      it_skip_paths = value #( ( '/b' ) ( '/c' ) )
  ) ).
  " li_json_filtered: { "a":1 }

  " OR also
  zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_path_filter( iv_skip_paths = '/b,/c' ).

... works also with patterns (e.g. to remove meta data attrs)

    iv_skip_paths = '*/@*'
    iv_pattern_search = abap_true ).
  zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_and_filter( value #(
    ( zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_empty_filter( ) )
    ( zcl_ajson_filter_lib=>create_path_filter( iv_skip_paths = '/xyz' ) )
  ) ).

Custom filters

In order to apply a custom filter you have to implement a class with zif_ajson_filter interface. The interface has one method keep_node which receives is_node - json tree node of zif_ajson=>ty_node type and also the iv_visit param. iv_visit will be zif_ajson_filter=>visit_type-value for all final leafs (str,num,bool,null) and will get visit_type-open or visit_type-close values for objects and arrays. So the objects and arrays will be called twice - before and after filtering - this allows examining their children number before and after the current filtering. For example of implementation see local implementations of zcl_ajson_filter_lib class.

  method zif_ajson_filter~keep_node.
    " remove all nodes starting with 'x'
    rv_keep = boolc( is_node-name is initial or is_node-name+0(1) <> 'x' ).


Class zcl_ajson_utilities provides the following methods:

Difference between JSON

The delta between two JSON objects or strings is returned as three JSON objects containing nodes that where inserted, deleted, or changed.


    lo_util       type ref to zcl_ajson_utilities,
    lv_original   type string,
    lv_comparison type string,
    lo_insert     type ref to zcl_ajson,
    lo_delete     type ref to zcl_ajson,
    lo_change     type ref to zcl_ajson.

  lv_original = '{"a":1,"b":"B","e":[],"f":[5]}'.

  lv_comparison = '{"a":2,"c":"C","e":[1],"f":[4]}'.

  create object lo_util.

      iv_json_a = lv_original
      iv_json_b = lv_comparison
      eo_insert = lo_insert
      eo_delete = lo_delete
      eo_change = lo_change ).

  " lo_insert
  " {"c":"C","e":[1]}
  " lo_delete
  " {"b":"B"}
  " lo_change
  " {"a":2,"f":[5]}

You can see a more complex example in the test class of zcl_ajson_utilities.

Sorting of JSON object or string

    lo_util type ref to zcl_ajson_utilities,
    lv_original type string,
    lv_sorted type string.

  lv_original = '{"e":[],"b":"B","f":[5],"a":1}'.

  create object lo_util.

  lv_sorted = lo_util->sort( iv_json = lv_original ).
  " {
  "   "a": 1,
  "   "b": "B",
  "   "e": [],
  "   "f": [
  "     5
  "   ]
  " }

Testing equality

  zcl_ajson_utilities=>new( )->is_equal(
    iv_json_a = '{"a":1,"b":2}'
    iv_json_b = '{"a":1,"b":2}' ).       " Return abap_true
  zcl_ajson_utilities=>new( )->is_equal(
    iv_json_a = '{"a":1,"b":2}'
    iv_json_b = '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}' ). " Return abap_false


Checking current instance behavior options

Behavior options like read_only or keep_item_order are accessible via opts() method (returns zif_ajson=>ty_opts).

Known issues
